Cormus: A city of a thousand cop cliches. And ethnically divided
police precincts.
Chief's office. Angry chief calls in special joint team. Kojak
bursts in the door.
Yelling. Guy de Maupassant laments the hell that is life. Eowyn
burns her bra in protest, then feeds the nourishing ashes to her
horse. Escorting witness to trial to bring down a Kingpin (Shaharrizad, leader of the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization), who has faced 6 trials with no convictions. But the lawyer this time is...
John Grisham. Super arrogant. Being interviewed by a weak photo
nerd, Peter Parker. Grisham is quite famous. Parker, quite nerdy.
Eventually Kojak punches out his receptionist, the 3 cops go to his
office, Kojak punches out Grisham's assitant, then they go to pick up
the witness. After phoning the chief and asking where he is.
The stupid limeys (Scotland Yard, Precinct 17)
have obviously cleared the area around the safe house and posted
obvious plainsclothes agents everywhere. Inspector Lestrade is tall and
deductive. Go inside the safehouse basement, guy with glasses and
hair, Rhadamanthys. Won't leave til he sees Grisham, Parker eventually convinces Grisham to go give him his autograph.
The convoy sets off to the
courthouse, Kojak in the lead
followed by an obvious armored van with Guy de Maupassant leaping at
the chance for certain death, flanked by Horsey and Scooter, followed
by Grisham and double decker
crumpet bus. Construction site with no construction, CLEARLY owned by
criminals, Kojak runs various construction workers down for no reason
at all, they start fighting him,
then others smash the van window and start fighting everyone as
mobsters in trenchcoats show up. But they weren't important.
Eowyn sharpens her sword very aigu for three rounds, Parker escapes
and coincidentally the Human Spider shows up, Kojak and Grisham
collapse in laughter at the ridiculous name,
Guy de Maupassant is NOT amused. After Kojak being a force of pure
futility and Guy saving others the trouble of hurting him by shooting
himself, construction workers fall and
Papa John's pizza boys show up. Soon, Devastator busts out of the construction
office and starts flipping things over, the PCs escape only to be
pursued by pizza boys on scooters.
Grisham is leading the way and shooting from his sunroof, vehicular
mayhem following behind. Soon the Terminator shows up and Grisham drives by,
but then he pulls out grenade launchers and stops
the others short, thankfully killing the stupid van driver that did
nothing at all to help Guy as he was being brutalized in the passenger
seat. The PCs drop like flies til only John
remains, and he makes short work of the Terminator with minimal,
absolutely MINIMAL, help from Frozone, a random guy who supplied ice
packs to everyone else.
Taking care of that,
continued to the courthouse, Kojak beat the press up out of sheer
anger, problems for everyone at the metal detectors except for John
Grisham who was a VIP, court in session with Judge
Lance Ito presiding and Michael Jackson's lawyer (Desereau) on the defense. Shaharizzad
was clearly a joke, even had a gold tooth. Grisham had an ironclad
case of being awesome, Shaharizzad being evil,
and the other lawyer being boring. Then he called his witness and
Rhadamanthys killed everyone. Except Kojak, who ran away like a coward
because of a ruckus outside. The End...?
Note: Special thanks to Guy de Maupassant for writing this summary.
The Chief
Race: Loracian
Affiliation: Precinct 13
Damn it! The Chief is a tough man who demands results from his officers. Perhaps it's no coincidence that he also has a temper just as short as his hair. And he's bald. The Chief's other physical characteristics include constant five o'clock shadow, a dress shirt and pants. He also sometimes wears a red tie and suspenders, mostly so that he can tug on them in frustration. As a Loracian in the Deksiilan police system, The Chief has become known as a tireless proponent of affirmative action. His name pretty much ensured the rank he received upon accepting his transfer to Precinct 13.
Race: Loracian
Affiliation: Precinct 13
Upon first meeting Kojak, people tend to notice three things about him. Namely, that he's big, bald and bad. In fact, he's one of the toughest gazabos on the force. Some have claimed that Kojak's trademark bald, dark-skinned head makes him an egghead, though only in the sense that he's hardboiled. He is also prone to shrouding his wide frame in a large beige trenchcoat, which is very useful for concealing very large handguns. Truth be told, it's hard to imagine much bigger than Kojak's muscles, except perhaps his attitude. In describing Kojak's policing philosophy, suffice to say that he doesn't need to act when working the negative side of the good cop/bad cop cliche. He is one bad dude. Bad enough to have saved the President, supposedly.
Race: Spheran
Affiliation: Precinct 15
Eowyn is a Sword-Maiden from Sphere who is determined to disprove certain archaic stereotypes (that women don't belong in law enforcement) while at the same time reviving others, particularly in the transportation domain. Eowyn also has the ability to confuse people about her gender, mostly due to the heavy chain-plate armor and helmet she wears when answering the call to duty. She is adamant in the opinion that an animal with a single horsepower is superior to vehicles with several hundred, especially in traffic. As such, it's only appropriate that she works for Precinct 15, otherwise known as the Mounties. In combat, she is known to wield a sword just as aigu as the accent that belongs over her name.
Guy de Maupassant
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Precinct 6
Some other crappy poets have been known to postulate that appearances can be deceiving, and that people are often very different from the exterior they present. In order to avoid such misjudgements (and also to spite those other poets), Guy de Maupassant takes it upon himself to channel his dark and tragic soul right into his appearance. This includes wearing entirely black outfits, from his Gendarme's cap to his knee-length trenchcoat. Guy also has a small waxed mustache that is outside the tastes of the mainstream, which he would say only goes to show once again how pathetic the mainstream really is. As a misanthropic aspiring poet, Guy had no choice but to turn to police work and enduring bitterness as a way of making ends meet. In combat, he could channel his depression into black psychic energy or threaten to commit suicide, which often would not end up being an empty threat.
John Grisham
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Famous Author and Attourney
Though some would find age to be an impediment to their aesthetic appeal, John Grisham has always worn his years well, like the well-pressed array of suits that are his customary clothing. John's gray hair and beard are both short and neatly trimmed, giving him a distinguished and dignified air that is only appropriate for a man of his station. Just in case people don't recognise him on sight, John is also prone to wearing personally autographed ties, which he can ostentatiously re-adjust whenever anyone seems to forget how important he is. On the verge of releasing yet another legal thriller, John felt the perfect way to reach the public would be by convicting one of Cormus' biggest criminals.
Peter Parker
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Reporter/Superhero/Laughing-stock?
Not too long ago, Peter Parker was just your average nerdy highschool student. One ill-advised field trip later, he had gained super powers through the bite of a radioactive spider. Now an intrepid but still dorky journalist, Parker divides his time between covering the police beat and donning the skintight red and blue mantle of the Human Spider. While this did give him some remarkable powers, such as the ability to shoot and swing from webs, his crappy superhero name would often amuse his allies to distraction. Because who could ever take someone called the Human Spider seriously?
Inspector Lestrade
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Precinct 17
Although not reknowned for his deductive abilities, Inspector Lestrade does have several things going for him that make him an asset to Scotland Yard. First of all, he's very tall and imposing, dressed as he is in an ankle-length trenchcoat and bowler hat. He also has enormous respect for traditions, such as tea-time and proper procedures. Lestrade seems to hold some grudge against private investigators and vigilantes of all stripes, and will only work with them insofar as he can copy and learn from their methods. He's also known for having rather dodgy mutton-chops.
Race: Tortalian
Affiliation: A Hostile Witness
Rhadamanthys is a tall and slender Tortalian, with extremely pale blond hair pulled back in a ponytail and a pair of blue-tinted glasses. Supposedly an enigmatic member of the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization, he was willing to step forward and testify against his former boss. The authorities were convinced that this testimony would finally provide enough evidence to put Shaharrizad away, and were consequently eager to accept Rhadamanthys' terms. In the end, it would seem that it was indeed Rhadamanthys' violent contributions that sealed the defendent's fate.
The Midnight Gaidin
Race: ?
Affiliation: Superhero
A mysterious superhero who showed up to save the characters from some trenchcoat mobsters. This shadowy figure comes clad in a black cloak and oriental robes, along with a circular straw hat. A scarf is constantly wrapped around the lower half of the Gaidin's face, hiding their identity from public scrutiny, not to mention Parker's prying camera. In battle, the Gaidin wielded a gleaming ziekfierd blade with super skill. As could be expected, the Gaidin disappeared without a word after defeating his foes.
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: Leader of the Constructicons
Devastator was a giant man with an unsatiable appetite for destruction. He wore bright green construction clothes, along with a tacky purple emergency worker vest. His dark hair and beard are long and tangled, giving him a dishevelled and dangerous appearance. He leads the Constructicon criminal gang, holding his followers in a grip of fear. When he's not busy dismantling things, Devastator enjoys spending his time jealously guarding the luxurious accomodations found within mobile construction offices.
Tairix the Terminator
Race: Loracian
Affiliation: ?
Hailing from previous popular adventures, it seems only appropriate that Tairix make a cameo in this campaign. Although he often claims to be a machine, Tairix is actually a Loracian with an affinity for heavy firepower. His dark hair is streaked with silver, and his black Zelzakian armor is chipped and scratched from many violent encounters. His motives for visiting Deksiil remain unclear, though they seemed to involve blasting Rhadamanthys with his shotgun. Faced with the interferance of John Grisham (and ostensibly Frozone), he eventually chose to recall himself from the scene.
Lance Ito
Race: Loracian
Affiliation: Judge
The judge who was scheduled to officiate over Shaharrizad's trial. He was an oriental fellow with glasses and a trim beard, who looked somehow slightly ridiculous despite his formal judge's gown. Known as something of a radical amongst the legal community, Lance Ito has been responsible for several contentious decisions.
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: The Bleeding Hollow
The leader of the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization had been arrested upwards of five times, but had yet to be convicted. Possibly due to the unscrupulous but highly effective tactics of his defense team. Despite this menacing reputation, the players were convinced that he was dead meat as soon as he was described. Mostly due to the gold tooth that glimmers with his every snarl. Otherwise, he can be described as a well-built man in a striped prison outfit, with dark hair and a thick beard. His left eye was covered by an eyepatch and a rather ugly scar.