10-6-08: This page has been dormant for quite some time, but you can see some of my latest web work over at the Pax Galaktika page! Because I'm sure you've been wondering what I've been up to.

5-20-07: I expected a brief hiatus during the last month, though I admit that I didn't anticipate it continuing as long as it did. Regardless, you should all check out the advent of a new quote. I'll be out of town two weeks from now, so there probably won't be another new quote until the second week of June.

4-22-07: I was totally ready to put up a new quote last weekend, but then my ISP went down for over twenty-four hours. I was considering making that my topic for this week, but I decided to go with my original idea instead, if only because Shaw might be watching.

4-01-07: Though the subject of this new quote might seem like nothing more than a bad joke, I assure you that it's only too real. Still bad, though.

3-18-07: A new quote is up, right on schedule.

3-08-07: It's been a long time since I offered an update aside from just new quotes. Nevertheless, I am pleased to announce that the new Spherus site is now fully operational. You may have noticed that I've been linking to it for a while, but now it's finally complete. Swing on by for all your Spherus needs:

3-04-07: A new, very topical quote is up. I feel it addresses a burning issue that most people will find interesting. I suggest you check it out. A new quote should go up in two weeks.

2-18-07: I could write up a complex equation stating that the new quote, which has just gone up, is a function of my time and effort. But I feel the above statement is enough to make my meaning clear. Check back in a couple weeks for a new quote.

2-04-07: I was out of town last weekend, so I wasn't able to change the quote. However, that bug has been corrected. You'll be able to enjoy this new quote for the next two weeks.

1-14-07: A new year is upon us, and it brings with it a new quote that comes in right on time, along with many mistakes made while writing out the date. Tune in two weeks from now and you'll see a continuation of this updating pattern - and by that I mean a new quote, not more mistakes with the timestamp. I hope.

12-30-06: First of all, apologies for the long hiatus. I was busy re-running a Super Adventure, and it left little time for updates. That said, I believe updates will return to their regular bi-weekly schedule. To kick this off, I've put up a rather banal yet highly amusing quote, which will hopefully wash away this last period of non-updates.

10-29-06: It looks like I'm up for updating the quote about every second week, which is definitely what today's events seem to imply. I hope you'll elect to check it out.

10-15-06: A new quote is up! I'm hoping to adopt something approaching a bi-weekly schedule for the foreseeable future, which would be a big improvement over what things were like over the summer. Also, I've been working on a big project that should be unveiled at some point during the coming week, so be sure to check back for that.

9-30-06: After another brief hiatus, I've returned with a new quote. I've been working on other projects, but I'm hoping that there will still be time to keep this site up to date.

9-09-06: A new quote is up and ready for action. Irony would be best served if you somehow found it through Google, but I think it should be amusing either way.

9-01-06: I missed a couple weeks due to various, unimportant reasons. But now I'm back, and so is a new quote. Hopefully this will take you out of the pickle that my lack of updates has doubtless put you in.

8-17-06: I've put up the epilogue for the COPs campaign. At long last, that section has the right to remain silent, and will almost certainly exercise it. In other news, I think the new quote will probably go up on Sunday this week.

8-13-06: At long last, the final COPs summary has been published. I'll still be writing up an epilogue, but once that's done, the door will close on that campaign for good.

8-12-06: A new quote is up and ready for action. I could make several puns about its tone and subject matter, but for once I'll let the quote speak for itself.

8-05-06: I was away last week visiting family, but now I'm back with a new quote. This one is sure to appeal to the younger demographic. Or so a random European toy company believes. Time will be their judge.

7-23-06: A new quote, and only one day late! This one is sure to take off, so I suggest you check it out before its departure. And now I'm out of convenient puns, so I'll let you go and read the quote itself.

7-15-06: For the second week in a row, I've managed to get a new quote up right on time. It's a bit cheesy, but only in a grate way. And I'm sure you're grateful to have these extra puns included at no additional charge.

7-8-06: I'm back! And with a new quote, no less. Now that COPs is finished, I'm hoping I might be able to do justice to a quote of the week, but that will remain to be seen. In the meantime, expect the final COPs summary to go up at some point in the near future.

5-18-06: The second last COPs summary has been posted. There's only one adventure left, and it will conclude this series once and for all. And allow me to use that expression, because let's be honest: it's a cool line.

5-6-06: Another COPs summary has bee posted. We're approaching the end of the campaign, so check back soon for the final adventures of the everyday heroes.

4-20-06: Back to the busy time of year. Fortunately, through the powers of delegation, I've managed to post the most recent COPs summary. I suggest you all check it out.

4-15-06: I've posted the most recent COPs summary. Enjoy.

4-06-06: The most recent COPs summary is up. You have the right to check it out. Someday I might update something else (read: the quote), but that day doesn't appear to be imminent.

3-30-06: Season 3 of COPs is now underway, and you can check out the summary for the season premiere on the COPs page.

Coming 'Soon' To Legends Of The Blade

Sanity? Not likely!

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