Since Super Advenure V is either to come, or has just passed (depending on when you're reading this) I decided it deserved a small section of its own. My decision was based on two things: Our characters for this adventure are verrrry cool, and this adventure looks like it will be the best Super Adventure, with 32 major NPC's!!! (That's a helluva alot) I always thought that Super Adventure IV would be the best adventure ever, but I get the feeling that this one might even be able to match it.. Anyways, our characters..the heroes:
Our Characters
Since the super adventure has not yet taken place at the time I'm writing this, I won't be able to say some things that I wish to remain private about my character. Plus, I don't know very much about the other characters, so my descriptions will be very brief at best. Also, the pictures I use are not exact and they differ from the characters by various degrees..(for example, the Lamayo picture looks nothing like him aside from the Trenchcoat.)
Denmin Dor Deksiil (My character)

Once again, 'cuz of those secret thingys, I can't say all that much. I suppose I can outline his appearence. He looks basically like the picture..long blond hair in a pony tail, one of those little mustaches, that sort of thing. The main thing to note is that Denmin has a pipe, and since the people in Spherus never smoke, this is rather peculiar. (And darn cool!) Anyways, in combat, Denmin plans to use his Zeikfierd Blade, which is basically like a Nodachi.
Denmin is also something of a Deksiilan patriot, and he gets fairly worked up if anyone insults Deksiil. That's about all I can say..because I don't even know much more about'im..The DM's being pretty secretive too..won't even let me see my background...Anyways, his theme song is: "Ireland: Of Legends And" somethin' or other...I forget. That wasn't gonna be his theme song, but the DM stole the one I had in mind from right under my nose. It was gonna be "Whistle Of The Warrior" from Wild Arms, but nooooo, now I have "Ireland...". Still, it's a good song.
The Man With The Golden Gun
The name says it all, eh? Well, this character is even more secretive than I..we don't even know the guy's name! I do know one thing though: He uses a golden gun, and therefore is probably some type of highly paid assassin. I do know he's a Terrorian (See the Super Adventure Page to read about Terrorians), and that he customarily wears a long black trenchcoat. He's also using Art, which not many Terrorians use, since, as a race, they're not good at it. I know one more thing about him, and that's that he owns a Cyclone Bike, the best hover bike you can buy. Some rich criminal, I imagine. But since he isn't my character, I have no idea about his background or anything like that. His theme song is "Peter Gunn".
Lamayo Dor Lorac (or Loric)

The other two character are good, but they're no match for Lamayo. I mean, c'mon, look at his name: "Lamayo". One of the greatest names I've heard in a long time. Plus you have to say it in a certain way, which, unfortunetly, is impossible over my page. But still, think about it. Lamayo is a down on his luck detective, who wears a trenchcoat and a fedorah. How do you think he would pronounce his name? Anyways, Lamayo likes to eat Mayo, and he eats it right out of the jar! Despite that, he's a really powerful warrior who has mastered the art of Street Brawl. Anyways, the name Lamayo has given rise to lots of cool jokes, that while they don't make sense written, they make sense when they are spoken.
Try saying this little bit out loud, and hopefully you'll catch on..
Bob: Ham on rye, hold the mayo!
Lamayo: Get away from me! What are you trying to do??
Or try these next few lines:
Bob: Give me a sandwhich, oh, and hold the mayo.
Joe: Right! *GRABS LAMAYO!*
I'm sure you can now understand the comedy of Lamayo. Oh, and his theme song is "Carmina burana: O fortuna" Hey, it may be weird, but it's original!
Well, those are our characters. I hope you enjoyed reading about them. If I had to choose, though, I'd have to say that Lamayo is the best.
Well, now that I've finished the awesome adventure, I can write a bit more about it. Unfortunetly, I can't cover the plot, since another group's playing it...but still. It was awesome. I'm not sure if it was better than IV or just equal, but it was lots of fun. But as for the mystery part, you may be surprised to note that I actually managed to be right for once! That's right! I actually guessed the "criminal"! But it was far more complicated than number four. Some of the best points: The adventure included cameos by Mr. T and Texas Pete! Also mentioned were a few other cool characters such as Knick-Knack (The Man with The Golden Gun's midget assistant), Rockford (the arch rival of Detective Lamayo) and Shotgun (the fat lawyer). So it was a good adventure.
Eventually I'll get a page up with the adventure, but for now I leave you with this short poem written by Lamayo. Enjoy it. -The Blade
Lamayo's the name
Detecting's the game
I'm the private eye
Who likes his Mayo on rye
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