You've OFFICIALLY Been Thrown!
You're wrong, foo'! I know that there wasn't much to go on, but Roccooo Dillon always screws up somehow. And so he will this time. I won't say how, you'll just have to go back and pick the right choice to find out. That is, as soon as you land from that throw. Mr. T can launch things, and people, helluva far. You see, this is one of those things he does to help me out for my page. Throws everyone who makes bad choices. Yeah, that's it. To continue, none of me or my fellow players really made a decision, but I think we all expected something to go wrong anyways. After all, you just can't trust Roccooo Dillon. Let that be a lesson to you, foo'! Don't come back here again, Mr. T might get REALLY mad at that point.