
Cormac Dor Tortalus

Cormac was my character for this adventure. But he wasn't your typical Tortalian, either. Most Tortaliens are scientists, warriors of the mind more than the body. This mold didn't exactly fit Cormac. He looked more physically built than alot of Tortaliens, and although very smart, he wasn't into science. He was into guns and sharpshooting. Half of his hair was dyed white, and the other half was just naturally black. Cormac wore black and white Zelzakian armor (there seems to be a common theme here, eh?) and black mirror sunglasses. He was a very friendly socieable person, a charming sort of fellow. Cormac was on his way to the Olympiad in Sparda to participate in the Lazer tag competition. More importantly, he was sponsored by Antonio's Pizza and the interplanetary corporation Lazertek. For background, Cormac had grown up on Tortalus with his scientist parents but had never enjoyed science much. He became a sharp shooter, and he soon discovered the ultimate rival: SOLO! (See *Super Adventure two and *Solo) The two had innumberable confrontations, both relatively equal. Although, the last time the two had met, Solo came out on top. At the Olympiad, Cormac planned to beat Solo once and for all! (Little did he know Solo's current fate: DEAD) Oh, incidentally, Cormac had starred on several commercials for Antonio's Pizza.

Edmire Kino Dor Fenixa

The following is written by a friend of mine on his page, Freaky Z, about Edmir Kino, his character in this adventure. Remember, he wrote it, not me. "Edmir Kino was originally made by the one we call Bob junior. According to Bob junior, he was 5'6'' and 250 pounds. Yet he was a master of martial arts. Then Bob junior skipped out on the adventure and I had to play Edmir Kino. I changed him a bit. His weight dropped to 150, and his flame colour changed from blue to rainbow. His hair was dark red, I changed it to blue. His eyes were green, I made `em red. Instead of being a fat slob, he became... A DIRTY OLD MAN! Yes folks, that's right, a DIRTY OLD MAN! At every opportunity, he tried to see the young girls with him nude. He failed miserably. The girls all died in the end. Except maybe the evil one. Edmir Kino tried to sacrifice his life to save the assassin girl, but the GM wouldn't let him. Sure, he could fly at 1000 km/h and only had to go a couple feet, but the bastard GM wouldn't let him! Just because it would screw up his plans for the plot of the adventure. Anyways, Edmir Kino constantly used the Phoenix Attack, which made him look like a rainbow phoenix. So he began calling himself the Rainbow Phoenix. Edmir Kino constantly threatened to break people's thumbs."

Tram Dor Lorac

Tram was an Art Master (aka Martial Artist) from Lorac who appeared to be based somewhat on Jackie Chan. He had black hair and the darker skin of Loraciens and wore strap armor. Tram was an olympic swimmer, and he was coming to the olympiad to do just that. As Cormac did, Tram also had sponsors such as SPEEDO and Mountain Dew. Infact, Tram had brought a large amount of mountain dew with him to spread its popularity. Because of this, we all kept saying those cheap lines from that Jackie Chan mountain dew commercial. It was a sweet deal. Tram also had his own coach and messouse, both of which were really obnoxious, and his own lawyer named Pierre. Pierre was one of the best lawyers in town, so to speak. Tram's background was rather convaluted, since he had a huige family. Let's see..he had an older brother and sister, and two younger sisters. His father was an olympic swimmer and his mother was a general in the Loracien military. His oldest brother, Kramer, had left to join the drug dealer's on Chalchak, and one of his younger sisters did as well. Meanwhile, his other two sisters enrolled in the military, constantly competing against one and another. Tram decided to avoid the heat and became a swimmer like his father. He had also been trained abit at the military base, so he knew some Art.

The Other Travellers (NPCs, non-player characters)

Baigan Dor Tortalus

Another Tortalian, but this one was a scientist. Baigan wore a brown suit with purple polka-dot bow-tie and heavy spectacles. His hair was brown and rather messy. He didn't seem to be paying attention very often, and acted alot like a bumbling professor. However, beneath his air of ignorance lay a clever mind, patient and analysing. Let's just say that Baigan was more than he seemed. He pretended often to be a total windbag, when such was not the case. The scientist carried with him a small black suitcase at all times. For background, Baigan was a very high-up scientist on Tortalus, who often had dinner with Cormac's parents (See *Cormac) and who was apparently on vacation. That was his supposed reason for going to the Olympiad at Sparda on the planet of Sphere. But as lots of famous people say, things aren't always what they seem..As an aside, we often called Baigan 'Bacon', or 'Bagel'.

Korgan Dor Deksiil

Now Korgan was an interesting character. Well, more like a funny one. He had dirty blond hair, which was rather greasy and messy, two day stubble on his cheeks and wore a grease stained white shirt and tight blue jeans, with workboots. To put it bluntly, he was a scruffy drunk. Quite a strong fellow, but not very smart. He was basically a wandering drunk who tried to pick up both women and booze in large frequencies. He succeeded with the booze part, but wasn't too lucky with the other thing. Korgan was a consumate race fellow who was skilled with the boo'knife, an awesome weapon that could be concealed in a boot and could do little damage. Korgan was pretty amusing. He often drank out of his little metal flask during the adventure, addling his mind and his wits. A rough, crude, rude dude. Well, everything except the dude part. At some time in the past, he had also gone out with Jaynine (See *Jaynine), so therefore, she hated Korgan.

Murdoch Dor Dortal

Murdoch was a consumate race dinosaur hunter from the jungle world of Dortal. A short heavybuilt man with brown disheveled hair and a massive Zirlithium battle ax. He was pretty good with that ax, too. He wore tough dinosaur hide pants, a sleeveless shirt, covered by an army vest and strap armor. Murdoch was an insane and obsessed fellow, as you'll see once I begin to recount the tale of the adventure. He was rather rude to the rest of us, and disrespectful to say the least. But he was very determined to accomplish his goal, and would rise to any task to do so. He became the official leader of the group, doing his jobs with solid competence and confidence. He wasn't quite so complimentary of the rest of us. His true reason for voyaging to Sparda was to hunt a huge dinosaur he had heard sightings of in the Spheran jungles. He had come to catch the beast, as his ultimate challenge. Though not friendly, the obsessed Murdoch gave us all a feeling that he knew what he was doing. Even though he was crazy. A cool character, may I add.

Judge Torius Dor Arsa

Another venerable member of the consumate race, Torius was, as his name states, a judge from Arsa. He was coming to do just that, judge the olympiad. So his name says it all. What a guy! He's got to have the most informative name I've ever seen, with the exception of SOLO! (See *Super Adventure Two and *Solo)..you can tell I don't have much to say about Torius, considering how I'm ranting about his name. The goodman wore an old style brown suit, he had a hat, a black fedorah, I do believe. Meticulously combed iron-grey hair covered his head, and his eyes were an icy blue. He carried a suitcase with him for no apparent reason. I guess there was something in it, we just never found out what it was. A jovial and humorous man, he was still very concerned with justice. Kind towards those who he felt deserved it, but very cold to those he felt ignored jusrice. Still, he did have some fighting skills, considering judges on Arsa are trained to fight.

Jado Dor Deksiil

Now Jado was a cool character, and pretty original too. He was a consumate race TOURIST from deksiil. In the tourist tradition, he was garbed in a hawaian shirt, shorts and had a tilly hat covering his dark brown hair. As his weapon, Jado had a camera which hung around his neck. In his hand (or hands considering his strength) he carried a massive brown suitcase. We all helped him carry it at one point, and at numerous times wondered what was in it. It weighed alot, and whenever Jado needed something, he would produce it from that suitcase. Now, it's obvious why Jado was on this trip. As a tourist, witnessing the olympiad in person would be quite a thing. To balance out the dour Murdoch and Korgan (See *Murdoch and *Korgan), Jado was really friendly. He was also a joking tourist type of guy, the kind of man it was impossible to hate. Yet, underneath under all that poise, he was something more. Now there's a stereotypical tourist for you, Jado was simply a classic character.

Jaynine Dor Sphere

This must be the first female I've covered here. Well, it won't be the last. Jaynine was a spheran woman, a rather young one though - only 209 years old, with blond hair streaked with turquoise that almost hung to her shoulders. She had green eyes. Jaynine was the shortest character in this adventure, measuring in at an impressive 5 foot 5 inches. For clothing, she wore a short white skirt, a light blue sleeveless blouse and turquoise high heels. In other words, not good clothing for treking through a dense jungle. Jaynine was friendly, innocent and altogether a bit flirtatious, despite the fact her boyfriend was present on this journey. She and her latest boyfriend, Darius (See *Darius), were on their way to watch the olympiad as well. She had also once been the girlfriend of Korgan (See *Korgan), although that had been quite a while ago. Jaynine was one of those perky people that can be very annoying at times, always bubbling with enthusiasm and happiness. I hated Jaynine, as did some other players in the end. I must say, she might be my least favorite character from an adventure, with the possible exception of Paulonos (See *Super Adventure One and *Paulonos). I won't bother saying why I didn't like her yet.

Darius Dor Lorac

Darius was Jaynine's current boyfriend during this trip (See *Jaynine), although he didn't really act the part. His hair was blond and neatly parted in the middle. Despite some of the situations we found ourselves in, Darius always had time to neatly comb his hair. A black long sleeved shirt covered his muscled chest. The sleeves of this shirt were tucked into the heavy black gloves he always wore. He had two straps going across his chest (Presumably to hold his sword), and a wide belt going around his waist. He wore black pants tucked into knee-high polished black boots, the rims of which were lined with silver. Oh yes, don't let me forget the huge sword he had strapped to his back. In Spherus, a sword with a five foot long blade is called a Blade-Hammer, which is exactly what Darius had. He was pretty competent with it, too. Darius didn't much act like Jaynine's boyfriend. A silent, scowling type, and rather stoic about his fate. He was about the opposite of Jaynine. Well, I guess some say that opposites attract..But furthermore, Darius did not seem to care when Jaynine flirted with some of the other characters, increasingly strange. He was rather protective of her though. He had come to Sphere with Jaynine to watch the Olympiad. Darius was a cool character too, if I do say so meself.

Lady Mystia Dor Armoria

What could be more utterly strange than an Armorian going to watch a set of cheesy games? (Well, actually, I can think of a couple dozen things that would be more strange..) Mystia was tall for a woman, about 6'2, and had very long silver hair and blue eyes. She wore soft grey robes, a grey cloak and sandals. Sometimes she wore the Armorian metal mask, but not often. Mystia was calm, serene and wise. She was also, like all Armorians, sickeningly good at heart. A powerful priestess of the God Of Light, Millius, she had received a strange visit telling her to go to Sphere, and from there to Sparda and the Olympiad. In combat, she was a master of Pschic attacks. Out of all the group, she was the only one we really trusted (being Armorian after all) and so we often went to her when seeking wisdom. She hung out frequently with Judge Torius (See *Judge Torius). I think she might have been the oldest member of the group, although her face had a rather ageless quality to it. Normally, she could readily seek advice from her god, but during this period, the communication was abruptly cut off. The hand of Dagobros itself was involved, or so she said.

Kyla Dor Arsa

Kyla was another female character. Hailing from the planet of justice, Arsa, she had long loose black hair hanging to her shoulder blades, and wore functional black clothes. Her green eyes shone with determination and a strange pain. Having worked long on Arsa as an agent of the judges, she was quite skilled in the domains of combat. While she had worked on Arsa, she had been employed by none other than the great Judge Torius. She never gave any reason why she was going to the Olympiad, and there was more afoot than seen at first glance. Kyla had left the Arsan service some time before the Olympiad, and none knew what she had been doing during that time. In terms of personality, Kyla was generally serious, somber and depressed. Yet, when the need demanded it, she could be all business. Because she was clothed in black, and had a somber personality, the first name given to her was 'Assassin Girl'. Not far from the truth actually. But Kyla was an original character. After all, she was the first female in a Super Adventure to have normally colored hair.

Selmini Dor Electra

Ahahahaha! All hail the mighty future ruler of the Galaxy! Heheh..Selmini was a great character, just because he was so hysterically funny. Natural, then, that he should become the next vaunted RECURRING CHARACTER (If you don't know what this means, see *Super Adventure two and *Foof), taking his rightful place amid Roccooo Dillon and Foof. Selmini had blond slicked back hair and blue eyes, that he thought were shrewd, but weren't. He wore a long red cape, a blue shirt with ruffles at the collar and sleeves and red pants with knee high boots. These boots had huge flairs that were trimmed in gold. Selmini had some skill at fighting in almost every domain, including Psychics, Thundersabres, and unarmed skills, but he wasn't really competent at any. Selmini was a silly, pompous fellow, who thought he was shrewd and destined for greatness. He was a traveller of the galaxy who wanted to become the ruler of the Galaxy. His plan was to win the Olympiad, in all the events, so he could rule. It was a great plan. The thing was, each time you talked to him, his plans would be even bigger. First, he wanted to rule the Galaxy. The next time, it would be the Universe, and after that, the Cosmoverse. A great character.


Exar had to be one of my favorite serious characters from this adventure. He also had alot of secrets which I shouldn't reveal at the very beginning of this account. As such, I don't have that much to say. Exar had blond disheveled hair and blue eyes. He wore a white long sleeved shirt, over which he had a blue vest, and he wore plain blue pants. Strapped to his back was a Vitex Blade, the most powerful weapon in Spherus. It combines cold Admorite metal with electric charge to form one helluva shocking weapon. And Exar knew very well how to make good use of his Vitex blade. The silent stoic type, was he. He was extremely focused, although at times he could seem brisk or harsh. In total, he never told us much. He didn't even give a reason for going to the Olympiad, although we all assumed he was on his way in order to compete. An excellent character, the truth about him will be revealed in due time.

Pyross Dor Fenixa

Quite possibly the most important of all the travellers to the plot of the adventure, t'was Pyross. He had red hair, with the long red bangs flicked over one eye. The other eye, the visible one, gleamed a chilly blue. Pyross wore black pants, short black boots, a red short sleeved shirt with black straps criscrossing his chest (again, to hold his swords) and black wrist bands. Pyross had two short blades strapped to his side and one strapped to his back. We were always puzzled why he had three short blades..after all, he only had two arms. Which is why theories sprung up that he might be able to grow another arm in order to weild that last short blade. But there actually was a reason for it. Two of the blades were Zirlithium, and the third was a special..treat. Anyways, Pyross was a fight-trainer from the planet of Fenixa. He was a rival of Murdoch. when the two were on Fenixa together (See *Murdoch). Pyross was silent, and very much inwardly focused. He wasn't talkative, but it wasn't because he was rude. Merely because he was obsessed. That's all I can say about him at this point..

Recurring Characters

Roccooooo Dillon Dor Terroria

Back again, t'is the everpopular, the steadily more powerful, Roccooo Dillon! He hails all the way from Super Adventure one (See *That adventure and *Roccooo Dillon) and will continue as far as these Super Adventures go. T'is the nature of the recurring characters, they're always there, and they're always getting better. Roccooo started in Adventure one as a shady criminal, in Super Adventure Two he became a Silver Dust pilot for Speedy Airways, and for Number 3, his occupational taste has again made a huge jump. This time, Roccooo is a BUS DRIVER for Safari Bus tours. That's his best job to date! I'm sure you can guess what's gonna happen now..hehee..Roccoo has coarse black greasy hair, black eyes, an impressive figure and he wore a safari shirt, safari shorts and a busdriver hat. In battle, Roccooo Dillon was a pro with the two illegal handguns he happened to have with him, and with pure street brawl. He was on his way to the Olympiad because he drove the bus which took people to Sparda. This was, in fact, the only way to get to the remote town of Sparda.

Foof Dor Sphere

Foof was the recurring character from Super Adventure 2 (See *That adventure and *Foof). He was awesome then, and he hadn't changed much. Foof is basically an all powerful super warrior who looks exactly like Jean Chretien, down to the accent. He wears a grey suit with a liberal tie. An awesome character, rarely have I seen his better. Foof's one true failling was his hair, which was not so great, just like Jean Chretien. Foof was the leader of the liberal party of Spherus, and he lives in a jungle cabin somewhere in the foliage of Sphere. Occaisonally, Foof would run to the nearest city in order to campaign, although not that often. He always blamed everything that went wrong on his arch-rival, Jean Charest. Foof wasn't in this adventure very much, and certainly not at the beginning. But, you'll see how he was involved in the action.

Big Villains

Drangarrus Dor Sphere

The big villain of this adventure, the evil Warlord Drangarrus. A cool villain, but then, all the big villains in these super adventures are cool. Drangarrus was a huge man, a full six foot five inches, with a massive build. He had black spiked forward hair, and misty green eyes. In battle, he wielded the dark blade Daganak. It was a generic long blade with daemonic evil powers. Drangarrus wore a long blue cape over massive full-plate armor, complete with dragon shoulder pads of black, gold and red. This armor had a high steel collar that reached the Warlord's chin. A helmet came with the costume, of a dragon design, but he never wore it that we saw. Drangarrus was one of the last warlords on Sphere, a man with his own personal army who thought he owned a part of Sphere. Little did he know that he was being manipulated by a much stronger force, a force that dwarfed even his huge power. Drangarrus was evil and arrogant, but he was also a family man. He cared greatly about his wife and daughter. I won't say how right now, but when we ended up against Drangarrus, we were very hardpressed to win.

Merisia Dor Sphere

Lady Merisia was the wife of the all-powerful Lord Drangarrus (See *Drangarrus), and consequently was another big villain. She had really long golden hair, braided, which hung to her knees. She also had green eyes, just like her husband (what a coincidence). She wore a long red cape and chain-plate armour, lined with a heavy layer of gold. She was a very powerful warrior in her own right, although still no match for her husband. Merisia was a master of the art, and could tear most normal warriors apart. She was completely devoted to her husband, and really loved her daughter. Protective, as most mothers tend to be. Not really a major character, and not really evil, merely doing as her husband said. I didn't really like her attitude, but that could be because she kicked my character's a$$ around the room. (hehe...what fun..bouncing off walls..)


(In other words, this is how powerful Cormac thought each character was, in accordance to each other, the first time he met them)

Drangarrus = Foof > Roccooo Dillon = Exar > Darius > Pyross > Murdoch = Mystia > Merisia > Kyla = Torius > Selmini = Korgan > Jaynine = Baigan = Jado

Castle Of Darkness

Playing Time Approx. 15 hours

Gathering At The Bus Stop

Please note that the following tale will be told from the perspective of the PC's (Player Characters: Cormac, Tram and Edmir Kino.) Also note that this will spoil any possible surprises about the adventure, although you'll never play it anyways...Still, I thought you should be forewarned. The story will principally be told from Cormac's point of view, seeing as how he was my character. I will, however, try to include as much as I can about Tram and Edmir Kino. One more thing..it would take too long to describe each character again as they appear, so when someone comes up, simply go to the character info on top to get descriptions (etc..) Well, here we go...

They say most adventures begin in bars. I've found that saying to usually hold true in most adventures. This was an exception. It began at a bus stop in the middle of the jungle. This was the only method of transportation which could bring you to the town of Sparda, a small villa nestled deep in the jungle of Sphere, where the Olympiad was to be held. (Don't ask me why they picked such a remote location!) This stop was 5 km away from the nearest village, and the jungle was hot, steamy and very unpleasant. Still, Safari buses were the ONLY way to travel. So, this adventure really began at a bus stop, a memorable place if I've ever seen one.

The first to arrive was Baigan, and he stood reading his newspaper as Cormac, Tram and Edmir Kino arrived. Cormac and Tram naturally went over to introduce themselves, being the friendly people they were. Baigan answered vaguely and continued to read the paper. Strangely, Cormac noted that the paper was quite a few days old, and that Baigan was holding it upside down. Naturally, the scientist corrected this when Cormac pointed it out to him. The next to arrive at the bus stop was Exar, who came and leaned against a tree without a word, his blond head lowered. Tram and Cormac went over to greet him, but he hardly responded at all to their greetings. And so, in a strained silence, Cormac and Tram began talking to the eccentric Edmire Kino. Thus, they were quite relieved when they all heard the grunting of another traveller coming up the path. It was Jado. He was carrying his heavy suitcase and groaning, whilst mopping his streaming face with his hat. When he was greeted by the 'Welcoming Commitee' of Cormac and Tram, he responded in a very friendly fashion and made some stereotypical tourist small-talk. Then the pictures started. Jado seemed to find everything worthy of a shot, especially trees and dirt. Still, he was far friendlier than Exar, and he even accepted some of Tram's Mountain Dew.

As the procession of arrivals continued, Pyross was the next to reach the stop. He also seemed rather distracted when greeted and responded only briefly, in a rather harsh fashion. Without surprise, Cormac and Tram quickly tired of trying to drag answers out of Pyross, and so turned instead to speak with good old Jado. The next to arrive was Murdoch, and he didn't even make an attempt to be nice. After suffering some verbal abuse, the welcoming commitee turned to the next arrival, Kyla. Naturally, they both wanted to talk to her...since, she was, after all, quite attractive. Nevertheless, she ignored Cormac's charms as if they existed not, and wouldn't even accept a mountain Dew from Tram. After Kyla, the Lady Mystia and Judge Torius arrived together, chatting amiably. Cormac grew a bit nervous at this point, considering his lazer guns were actually illegal here on Sphere. After those two arrived Jaynine, bubbling enthusiastically, and pretty much dragging the somber Darius along with her. Cormac and Tram were both VERY pleased to see Jaynine, but less than pleased that she was already 'attached'. Edmir was also keen to see Jaynine, but he didn't really care about Darius. Finally, the group heard some swearing from down the road, and up walked the drunk Korgan, helping himself to generous swigs from his tin bottle of booze. Edmir Kino threatened to break his thumbs, at which point Korgan flashed his boo'knife. He also leered at Jaynine, but she ignored him. Cormac and Tram disuaded Korgan from pressing the issue, but still, one question remained. What the heck were all these colorful characters doing at the Olympiad??

Safari Bus Services

All the travellers stood gathered at the bus stop, awaiting the safari bus. Just then, we all heard the rumbling of the bus as it approached down the dirt road. There was a collective sigh, as people had begun to suspect that the bus would not come. But it did. One of those jungle exploration style of buses with the open sides, and the tarps for roofs. Everyone piled on to the small bus, and took seats. At the helm was none other than ROCCOOO DILLON! As in number 2, me and my fellow players leaped to our feet in surprise. This couldn't be a good sign. There was always trouble afoot when Roccooo was involved...Wagers were made as Roccooo prepared to drive off again. As we went to get some popcorn, we all debated heatedly whether Roccooo could possibly get us to Sparda without something going wrong. In the end, we didn't really reach a decision, but you'll have to.

The Eternal Question

Will the Travellers Reach Sparda without incident?

Yes, Roccoooo Dillon is a pro driver!

Never, Roccooo always screws up in these adventures!

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