Dalamar Dor Lorac
Dalamar was my character in this adventure. He was a captain in the Loracien Army. (Despite this fact, everyone called him a GENERAL!!) Dalamar had dark skin, which is characteristic of his race, and short black spiky hair. He had purple eyes, which was a bit unsusual, but he usually wore black sunglasses to cover that up. In battle, Dalamar wore Black Drakhaan scale armor, and he also wore two gauntlets. One of these gauntlets was covered with steel spikes, and the other had electric current passing through it. As his main weapon, Dalamar used a battle scythe. Personality-wise, Dalamar was quite smug and level-headed. He had a general military bearing and was used to being obeyed. The real reason why Dalamar was on a silver dust transport (a fast passenger space ship) was to negotiate a deal with the planet of Chalchak. At the beginning of the adventure, Dalamar wore a plain black suit and tie.
Kenobi Dor Arsa
Kenobi was of course modeled after Old Ben Kenobi, from Star Wars. He wore a dusty brown robe, underneath which he was protected by Zelzakian armor. Kenobi had a long white beard and close-cropped white hair. In battle, Kenobi could be seen fighting valiently with two thunder sabres (the spherusian equivalent of lightsabres). Kenobi was infact an Electran despite the fact he hailed from Arsa. He was a kind-hearted old man, whom everyone implicitly trusted. He was also a bit windy and had his head in the clouds quite frequently.
Kenobi actually lived on Fenixa, beyond the dune sea. There, he customarily beat the crap out of any bikers who wandered by. Then he discovered that the bikers were being provided with drugs by the Chalchakians. And so, he headed off towards Chalchak to kick some drug-dealer ass.|
Bane Dor Sphere
Bane was a powerful neo-warlord from Sphere. He had long black hair, and wore black and white armor. (Which, of course, symbolizes death..Also note that I copied that for another one of my characters.. *See Super Adventure 3 and Cormac) Long ago, his brothers were killed by the Chalchakian drug dealers. Bane was angry and wanted revenge, but he knew he was not strong enough. Then he met an old hermit warrior living in the jungles of Sphere named Foof(See *Foof). Foof looked, talked and acted exactly like Jean Chretien. He was not only an all-powerful warrior, but also the leader of the liberal party.
Bane soon became a powerful warrior and set out for Chalchak, intent on destroying the drug dealers. Bane was a withdrawn type, a bit arrogant, and was a little secretive. Still, he fought till the end against our agressors.
The Other Passengers (NPC's)
Vardos Dor Arsa
Vardos was one of the coolest characters in this adventure. He was about seven feet tall, and wore a black trench coat and hat that completely concealed his true appearence. When he first appeared, he seemed to be tracking someone. In combat, Vardos used a hammer of justice, which is the Spherusian equivalent of a Warhammer. Vardos appeared to be very powerful, and was VERY mysterious. No indication of his face could be seen beneath his brimmed hat. Vardos seemed confident and formal. Whomever he was tracking was clearly a master to have escaped Vardos for such a long period of time. Vardos was consumate race.
Shrawn Dor Fenixa
Unlike Inferno (See *Super Adventure 1 and *Inferno), Shrawn was not quite your typical Fenixan. He wore a black fighting suit and had long black spiky hair (but don't all Fenixans?). The main differance was Shrawn's personality. He was really brutal and cruel. On Fenixa, he was known for using his unique power of Darkness to kill hundreds. Indeed, Shrawn was a dark, twisted murderer. Kenobi recognized him from his recent days on Fenixa. Shrawn also recognized Kenobi, and was anxious to kill him. Shrawn was rowdy enough, like most Fenixans, and enjoyed a good drink. Also like most Fenixans, he was overwelmingly arrogant. He was seriously convinced that nobody could defeat him and his power of darkness. Ha! We sure showed this punk!
Solo Dor Deksiil
HaHA! This was everyone's favorite character from the adventure, aside from possible Foof (See *Foof). As you may have already guessed, this game had a decidedly Star Wars theme, considering that we had Kenobi (See *Kenobi), Solo and even Vader (See *Vader)As I before stated, everyone loved Solo. He looked exactly like Han Solo in the movies Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and The Return Of The Jedi (See *those movies). His personality was also the same as that of Han Solo. He was, of course, a smuggler and gambler. This made him a criminal, albeit a minor one. Solo was a member of the consumate race who used firearms in combat. He was a master marksman and quite literally could not miss. This is where we all discovered the power of firearms. Solo customarily used two zed-1 laser pistols, or a single laser rifle. I suspect, although this is not confirmed, that his reason for going to Chalchak was to meet with some shady drug dealer associates. You can't find a character much better than that!
Ordrus Dor Lorac
Ordrus was a Loracien character who used a big sword, which in Spherus are called Blade Hammers. Like most of his race, Ordrus had dark skin and (this was not too typical) sandy blond hair. He wore all black, when he wasn't wearing his strap armor. In continueing with the Star Wars theme, Ordrus actually sort of looked like Luke Skywalker. (See *Those movies)Ordrus was kinda cool, but we made fun of his name all the time. (He was customarily referred to as Hors d'oeuvre)Ordrus had your hero personality, which was also sort of like Luke's, although he did tend to be a bit depressed at times. Ordrus was on his way to Chalchak for pretty much the same reason as Lord Bane (See *Bane). Drug dealers had killed his brother, and he was going to get revenge on them. In total, Hors D'oeuvre was a sort of cool character.
Black Heart Dor TerroriaBlack Heart had to be my, and probably the other players least favorite person from this adventure. As you will surely read, seconds after Dalamar met her, he said that he hoped he was the one who got to kill her. Anyways, back to buisiness. Black Heart was doubtless not the real name of this character, but was just an assumed one for her criminal purposes. Black Heart was a female Terrorian with short black hair and a red headband. In the darkness, her eyes would glow yellow, which I guess was her deformity. As would be expected from one such as her, she used guns fitted out with the latest illegal equipment and was a master of street brawl. Black Heart was a rather infamous drug-dealer from the planet of Terroria, who was probably on her way to Chalchak to pick up some drugs. She was a crude and cruel person, and was only interested in elemental "pleasures"...
Lyreelia Dor Sphere
Lyreelia was one of the twin princesses of Sphere (See *Myreelia). She was by far the more sensible of the two sisters, although they were both the same age. Lyeelia was very strong, and could be seen in battle wearing heavy full plate armor and wielding a cyber-spear, which is basically a spear that can extend or withdraw at the push of a button. Outside of her armor, Lyreelia had very close-cropped blue hair.
She had a stern face, which was still pretty enough. She was one of the most popular characters in this adventure (behind SOLO, of course). She was a member of the spheran race. Both she and Myreelia (See *Myreelia) were on their way to Chalchak searching for their father who had disappeared quite some time ago. Together, Lyreelia and Myreelia could perform an attack called the Twin Attack, which was quite powerful.
Myreelia Dor Sphere
Myreelia was the twin sister of Lyreelia (See *Lyreelia) and the other twin princess. We all generally liked her a bit better than her sister, though both were good characters (STILL NO MATCH FOR SOLO!). Myreelia had long green hair and always wore a long green dress, which could be quite encumbering in the heat of battle! She was a master of the Psi
and mind arts, which made her infact very powerful (though we didn't know it). Myreelia was a member of the Spheran race. Personality-wise, she was quite naive and innocent, and a bit more immature than her stick-in-the-mud sister, Lyreelia. She was also a great deal more sociable. As I explained previously, the two sisters were on their way to Chalchak to find their father who had mysteriously disappeared some time before. She could also contribute to the afore mentioned twin-attack, indeed, she was essential for it to work.
The Crew Of The SilverDust Transport
Roccooooo Dillon Dor Terroria
For those of you who have read the first super adventure, and have decent memories, you'll note that Roccooo Dillon was also in that adventure. Well, he is what we refer to as a recurring character. From each super adventure, one character continues on and is in all of the others. In all cases, the recuring characters are favorites from the adventures who basically provide cheap laughs. If you haven't seen the first super adventure, or don't remember Roccoo Dillon, then check it out. (See *Super Adventure One and *Roccooo Dillon) Anyways, in this adventure Roccooo wears a pilot's uniform complete with a captain's hat. After the last adventure, when Dillon was a shady crime member, he now became a Silver Dust Pilot and captain for Speedy Airways Inc. Other than that, he is pretty much the same as before, except for being far more powerful than he ever was. Roccooo is a VERY cool customer..
Briggs Dor Chalchak
Brigg's was a consumate race who was the co-pilot of the ship. He had shoulder length blond hair and was about medium height. He was basically your competent pilot, who no one really got to know, as you will soon see. That's all there is to say 'bout him.
Nurgo Dor Deksiil
Nurgo was the communications officer on-board the Silver Dust flight and was also a member of the venerable CONSUMATE RACE! He was short and obese, and wore huge glasses. Nurgo was also bald like an egg. Personality-wise, he was a big brute of a slob. He tried to intimidate and bully everyone, despite the fact that his physique was nothing to be proud of...Nurgo, for the breif period that he was ALIVE, was quite annoying.
The Zelzakians
Zaygos Dor Zelzakia
Any who have played the video game "Paladin's quest" know of the evil emperor Zaygos. Our Zaygos was quite a bit like that emperor. He was a powerful Zelzakian warrior who thought himself to be Zaygil reborn (Zaygil was the first Zelzakian emperor who was considered a great national hero) Zaygos was very imperialistic and sought to recreate the former Zelzakian empire. His power level was in a heated debate throughout the entire adventure. Zaygos wore a long red cape and purple Zelzakian armor (which looks just like Sayan Armor from Dragon Ball Z) and he had long black spiky hair. His eyes were the color of molten gold. Personality wise, Zaygos was pretty much your classic villain. He was very cruel and twisted, and like most Zelzakians, was very arrogant. Zaygos was a cool opponent. In battle, he used Martial Arts (called simply "The Art") and mental attacks that could rip his enemies apart...
Sendar Dor Zelzakia
Sendar was another Zelzakian Super-Warrior. Throughout the adventure, his power level was probably the most debated out of anyone's. He looked like your typical Zelzakian. He wore blue Zelzakian armor and had black spiky hair, which was also a bit greasy. There were a few things about Sendar that were not typical for a Zelzakian: His face was very narrow, and he had deep sunk red eyes. His form was very narrow and lanky and he talked in a sibilant whisper. In terms of personality, Sendar was probably the most sneaky Zelzakian I've ever seen. He was nefarious, cunning and more than a little arrogant. An okay character, I guess, though still nothing compared to the might of SOLO!
Vader Dor Zelzakia
As I mentioned above in the description
of Solo (See *Solo), Vader follows along the decidedly Star Warish theme. Fortunetly, for the sake of slight originality, Vader did not at all look like Darth Vader. He was a tall Zelzakian who wore the typical racial armor and always covered it with a long purple cloak (Get it? Purple..Imperialism..Hein? Pretty smooth..)Vader had spiky black hair which was also greasy.
He was the captain of the Zelzakian soldiers involved in the New Empire movement, and was fanatically loyal to Zaygos. Unlike Sendar and Zaygos, Vader was not actually evil. Once you got to know him, he was actually quite honorable. He was a soldier, though, and so would always follow any order from his emperor.
Chef Dor Zelzakia
Chef was one of the Zelzakian soldiers of the New Empire Movement. As you may have guessed from his name, Chef was our CHEF!! What a wonderful irony! Anyways, Chef looked like a Zelzakian (Spiky black hair, Zelzakian armor) and wore a chef's hat and apron. Now that's a costume and a half! Chef was nice to us though, despite the fact we were prisoners. Not only that, he made darn good ghoulash. His real name wasn't chef, but since he didn't tell us differently, that's what we called him. His combat power was whispered to be immense, but we unfortunetly never got to see him in action. Ahh well..Chef was another great character from this adventure..
Other Important Characters
Kharak Veros Dor Warchor
Kharak Veros was a powerful Warchon assasin who had left Warchor to begin his "training". He took it upon himself, as part of his training, to kill Emperor Zaygos..Of course he stood no chance, but how was he to know that. (Ignore the snide comments..I personnaly HATE Warchons, but I'll try to be more subtle about it..) In battle, Kharak wielded two Warchon weapons which vaguely resemble a Katana and a Wakazashi. He wore the typical skin tight Warchon armor, which basically gives one the look of a knight, without so much encumbrance. He also used small deadly poisoned darts which all Warchon assasins are trained to use. As for personality, he was simply a clear headed fiend who thought that killing everyone in sight was training, and was so arrogant to believe he could actually do it! (Arrgh..My prejudices are showing once more!) Well...ummmm..I guess this guy was okay...if you..ummm...like...really CRAPPY WARCHONS!
Foof Dor Sphere
Foof was an awesome character, so good infact that he even matched the mighty SOLO! Foof would soon become, unbenownst to him, the next recurring character. There was just no way you couldn't like this guy! He looked, acted and talked exactly like Jean Chretien, but he was named Foof! What a character! What a star! Anyways, Foof was a powerful warrior who lived in a small cottage in the deep jungles of Sphere. He was the leader of the Liberal Party of Spherus, of whom none had ever heard of before. It was at this place that he trained Lord Bane (See *Lord Bane) He always blamed his arch-nemesis Jean Charest for everything bad that would happen. What more can I say? Foof rocked.
(In other words, this is how powerful Dalamar thought each character was, in accordance to each other, the first time he met them)
Zaygos > Sendar = Roccoo Dillon = Foof > Kharak Veros > Vardos > Chef > Lyreelia = Myreelia > Dalamar = Kenobi = Lord Bane > Ordrus > Vader = Shrawn > Solo > Black Heart > Briggs = Nurgo

The New Empire
Playing Time Approx. 10 hours
The Silver Dust Flight
Please note that the following tale will be told from the perspective of the PC's (Player Characters: Dalamar, Kenobi and Lord Bane.) Also note that this will spoil any possible surprises about the adventure, although you'll never play it anyways...Still, I thought you should be forewarned. The story will principally be told from Dalamar's point of view, seeing how he was my character. I will, however, try to include as much as I can about Kenobi and Lord Bane. One more thing..it would take too long to describe each character again as they appear, so when someone comes up, simply go to the character info on top to get descriptions (etc..) Well, here we go...
This adventure began, for Dalamar at least, on his home planet of Lorac. It was here that he was summoned by the illustrious consul Logatess (The Ruler of Lorac) for a special mission. Anyways, Dalamar was pretty darn old, and so had risen to the rank of captain, though as you'll soon see, everyone calls him general, so he was being given a special mission. Logatess told him to go to Chalchak on a very top-secret confidential mission, which I cannot explain here because of its incredible secretiveness. And so Dalamar boarded the Silver dust flight in order to arrive on Chalchak to perform his mission.
I think I explained Kenobi and Bane's reasons for being on the Silver Dust, and I cannot really elaborate anymore. And so all the passengers mentioned above boarded the Silver Dust Flight to Chalchak under the command of Roccooo Dillon (Though we didn't know it at the time)It was while the ship was inflight that the adventure actually started. But before I can go any further, I guess I'd better explain the seating arrangement on the Ship, since it was rather central in the way the conversations worked out. (DAAANNNNGGGG!! WHY DID I HAVE TO SIT NEAR BLACK HEART ANYWAYS??!?!) Ahem...Nevermind that previous comment...
The Seating Order Of The Ship
Note that I will be writing these names in approximate order, starting at the front. There were two rows on this small plane, one on each side of the main aisle with 5 seats on each side. Those of you adept at Math will realise that 5 seats on each side x 2 sides equals 10. What a coincidence, that's the exact number of Passengers on board!
Front Right-Kenobi Dor Arsa
Front Left-Shrawn Dor Fenixa
Second On The Right-Lyreelia Dor Sphere
Second On The Left-Myreelia Dor Sphere
Third On Da Right-Solo Dor Deksiil
Third On The Left-Ordrus Dor Lorac
Fourth On The Right-Dalamar Dor Lorac
Fourth On The Left-Lord Bane Dor Sphere
Last On The Right-Vardos Dor Arsa
Last On The Left-Black Heart Dor Terroria
As the ship flew towards Chalchak, a few of the passengers began to chat with each other. Most of this was meaningless jibber-jabber, but I'll attempt to deal with the major issues. Solo instantly began to attempt to flirt with Lyreelia, being after all, Solo. She basically ignored him though, and listened instead to one of Kenobi's old rambling stories. Meanwhile, Myreelia attempted to talk to the silent Ordrus, without any success whatsoever. At the back of the ship, Dalamar and Bane exchanged pleasantries, while at the same time attempting to ignore the annoying Black Heart. At this point, Briggs announced that the in-flight movie was going to be "Flipper". As the movie started, Black Heart said "Stab that Dolphin and kill it, you idiot boy!!" It was at this point that Dalamar declared that HE wanted to be the one to kill Black Heart. As you can see, I hated her practically at first sight.
Zelzakian Hijackers..
Soon after the on-flight movie had started Roccoooo Dillon's voice boomed over the intercom. "Greetings everyone! Welcome to Speedy Airways, I'm your captain Roccooo Dillon!!!! We are currently exiting LSD (long range space drive, not the drug) over the ruined planet of Zelzakia. We should reach the Chalchak space station in about one hour. Thank you." Of course, our characters had never heard of Roccooo Dillon, but we as players had of course seen him in our previous adventures. We all jumped out of our seats in surprise when we discovered the old criminal had became a space pilot. At this point, Briggs moved out of the cockpit to serve complimentary peanuts as we flew over blasted Zelzakia. Little did we know what twisted fate would bring from that wrecked world. Suddenly, the ship shook and those people not buckled into their seats were a bit shaken up. Roccoo Dillon's voice came over the intercom explaining that they were experiencing some minor turbulance. However, Dalamar, Kenobi and Bane sensed that something was afoot. Outside the window, Dalamar saw another armed ship approaching the silver dust...
The three quickly rushed to the cockpit, eager and anxious to find out what was really going on, without starting a panic. Roccooo quickly introduced them to Nurgo, who was eating a bag of chips. Roccooo then explained that the unidentified ship had raised its shields and was moving to intercept us. He explained that the silver dust was not armed, and even though the other ship was an old model, it could easily blow our ship to shreds.
Dalamar crisply suggested that they radio for help. To this Nurgo replied that the crumbs from his chips had jammed pretty much every system on the whole ship. Suddenly, the previously jammed equipment beeped and a transmission came through. "This is Captain Vader of the new Zelzakian empire. Your ship has been effectively captured, and if you come quietly, none of you will be hurt...yet." The transmission clicked off. The Zelzakian ship moved into position, and quickly boarded our ship..
As the ship came along side our craft, Dalamar gravely informed the other passengers of our plight. Most seemed worried, except for the smirking Shrawn who observed that this could be "fun". Meanwhile, Bane noticed Vardos watching in obvious concern as the Zelzakian ship approached. He muttered under his breath "HE might get away..." And so it became obvious that Vardos was chasing someone, a male someone. But other then that, we had no clues who it was. And so Vader made his first appearence, along with another dozen Zelzakian soldiers, all in Zelzakian armor. And so it was that they took us and our ship to land in their secret complex on ruined Zelzakia, to meet the new emperor, Lord Zaygos.
Zaygos's Amusements
We were escorted by Captain Vader and a score of hardened veteran Zelzakian soldiers into the throne room of Lord Zaygos. It was more of an arena then a throne room, actually. There was a booth high on the wall with one large chair placed purposefully in the center. Zaygos sat in that chair, and standing just behind and to the right of him was the shadowy form of Sendar. Zaygos informed us that he was to amuse himself by watching us battle each other to the death. I guess Zaygos just had a taste for blood. Anyways, he then directed Vader to take us to our "quarters" which were more prison cells then anything else. At this point, Nurgo leaped forward (at an incredible speed, considering his massive bulk) and told Zaygos that he had a good lawyer and that he was in deep trouble. Zaygos was enraged by this outburst, and with a casual flip of his hand, fired a bolt of energy which instantly killed Nurgo. Briggs leaped forward shouting "NOOOOO!!" (Or something like that) but Zaygos fired another bolt. Exit Briggs and Nurgo.
I'm not sure exactly if this happened now or later, but we players decided to get popcorn. And so the game halted for about ten minutes. During this time, we discussed our current plight. Our main point of discussion was the shadowy Sendar. In the last super adventure (See *Super Adventure 1), everything was secretly being controlled by Lanktin. Sendar seemed like the same kind of guy. And so our discussion centered on the question, is Sendar controlling Lord Zaygos? We had no way to be sure at this point, and neither do you, the reader. So we guessed, and so will you...HAHAHA!!
The Eternal Question
Is Sendar controlling Zaygos??
Yes, Sendar is a clone of Lanktin!Never, Zaygos is too cool for Sendar!!!