The Armorians- The Armorians are the ultimate race of light, created by Milius himself. They are also The God of Light's finest creations. Armorians are typically tall and handsome, with long blond hair and noble features. However, most of the time Armorians wear metal masks to promote equality of people. The Armorians all have Armorian armor (which looks like Winspectre armor)
and fight for light and justice. Only once was an evil Armorian born. The Armorians live on the Shining planet of Armoria, where weapons of any sort are strictly outlawed....
The Deksiilans- The Deksiilans are another race created by Milius. They are also part of the constantly ridiculed CONSUMATE RACE. Despite that, the Deksiilans are still without doubt one of the most powerful races of Spherus simply because of the position of their planet, Deksiil. Deksiil is in the centre of the galaxy, where much money can be made in trade. Undoubtly, Deksiil has
one of the Strongest military and economy in the galaxy.
The Fenixans- The Fenixans are a hot-blooded and hot-tempered race created by Tetriadus. The Fenixans are a powerful race combat-wise, and are very passionate and dedicated when they decide to do something. The problem with the Fenixans is their impulsiveness. The Fenixans basically do whatever they want, whenever they want. They also tend to have huge Egos. The scorched planet of Fenixa
which is their home, is continually ravaged by Biker Gangs. The only place with real laws is the city of Fenixa itself. Basically, the planet of Fenixa is ruled by whichever biker gang currently controls the single large river...
The Arsans- The Arsans are another part of the CONSUMATE RACE, and were created by Nobelius. As such, they are a people obssesed with justice, and their courts and justice systems are galaxy renowned. The Arsans live on Arsa, a small and rather weak planet that is always the first to be attacked in the Warchon invaisons. (See *The Warchons) Nevertheless, the Arsans can be a valuable ally
when it comes to apprehending criminals and justice..
The Dortaliens- The Dortaliens are a generally primitive race created by Wartonius. They live on the Jungle world of Dortal, where most of them live in primitive tribes. This isn't to say that they are super-primitive, it simply means they don't usually use lazer weapons..The Dortaliens are part of the CONSUMATE RACE. Dortal is also a key harvesting place for the major drug lords of Chalchak. (See *The Chalchakians)
The Chalchakians- The Chalchakians are another race created by Wartonius. They too live on a jungle world, but are not nearly as primitive as the Dortaliens. Although Chalchak SEEMS peaceful enough, it is in fact home to most of the Drug Dealing operations of the Galaxy because of its natural resources. Chalchakians are all CONSUMATE RACE, and live on Chalchak, a planet situated next to the afore mentioned Dortal.
The Electrans- The Electrans are a rather snobby and aristocratic race. They believe themselves superior to all other races. The Electrans have decent combat power, and a powerful economy as they control an empire of three planets which consists of their home planet, Electra, Tortalus (See *The Tortaliens) and Denchul. (See *The Denchuli) Because of their involvement with the Tortaliens, the Electrans have some of the
most advanced technology in the galaxy. The Electran empire is ruled by an emperor who's position is hereditary. Out of all the planets, Electra may have the potential to be the strongest. The Electrans were created by Deniodus.
The Tortaliens- The Tortaliens are a brillant race created by Deniodus. Their race mainly consists of Scientists and intelectuals. Because of this, they are happy to be protected by the more powerful physically Electrans. The Electrans fund their research, and in return, the Tortaliens occaisonnally give the Electrans a tidbit of technology. Their planet Tortalus is mostly comprised of water and sits near Electra
itself. The newest technology of the Tortaliens is always kept to themselves until they are ready to give it to the Electrans.
The Denchulli- The Denchulli are a race of Farmers created by Milius. The people of Denchul would much rather farm and work than fight, and so they are happy that the Electrans are there to protect them as part of their empire. Violence is strictly abhorred on Denchul, and farming encouraged. The Denchulli are consumate race.
The Spherans- The Spherans are a powerful race who live on the planet of Sphere, the largest planet in the galaxy. Legends have it that the Spherans were not created by any of the gods. As the legends go, the Spherans existed long before the other races were even created. The planet of Sphere is cut off from the rest of the galaxy by a giant asteroid belt. These asteroids are the only places where the super metal zirlithium
can be found. Because of how they are seperated from the rest of the galaxy, the Spherans are Isolationists who believe strongly in the purity of their own race. Also, Sphere has one of the most powerful militaries and Economies in the galaxy.
The Loraciens/Loriciens- The Loraciens/Loriciens come from the twin planets of Loric and Lorac. It is beleived that Nobelius created this race, but there are rumors that Dagobros also had a hand in this. The key characteristics of these people is their darker skin. They are also powerful warriors. Loric and Lorac are very near the dark moon, and therefore are deeply under the Dark God's influence. As such, they tend to be
a depressed people. Also, it is rumored that a group of armored priest fiercly loyal to Dagobros have constructed a fortress on Lorac.
The Death Grobai- The Death Grobai were the first race created by the evil god Dagobros. They are individually incredibly powerful, but lack the intelligence to band together for a common goal. Their only purpose in life is to kill, but since only they still exist on their home planet of Death, they more often than not end up killing each other. Dagobros then realised he had made a mistake with the Death Grobai, and decided to created another race to compensate for it.
The Terrorians- The Terrorians were the second race created by the dark god Dagobros. Unlike the Death Grobai, they were created with not only strength, but also with a devilish and insidious cunning. Unfortunetly, Dagobros's second race also turned out to malfunction. They ended up plotting against each other instead of the other races. The Terrorians are a race of freaks who are all deformed in some way. Because of all this, their planet Terroria
has turned into nothing more than a giant hideout for criminels and gangsters. Also, the Terrorian race tends to be very weak psychically.
The Warchons- The Warchons were Dagobros's third and final creations. By the time Dagobros decided to create Warchor (The planet of the Warchons), all the good sites for planets had already been taken by the other gods. And so, Dagobros had to create them far off in the galaxy. The society of the Warchons is very alien from our own, and so is very hard to explain. I'll do my best though. The Warchons are powerful warriors who are masters of weapons, and all that entails.
They are all trained from birth to fight in the armies of Warchor when it moves to attack the rest of the galaxy. The Warchons are always seen in their large weightless metal armor, but underneath, their skin is even darker than the Loraciens/Loriciens. The Warchons have a superior military technology than perhaps any planet except Tortalus. The society of Warchor is more a huge standing army than anything else.
The Zelzakians- The Zelzakians were the last race created by the gods. After the original races had been created, all the gods banded together to form the ultimate race. With contributions from every god, the Zelzakians were surely the most powerful race. They lived on the planet Zelzakia honing their skills at combat and such. It was not long before Zaygil proclaimed himself as first Emperor of Zelzakia. Another interesting fact about the perfect race is the fact that they are
immortal and cannot die of old age. About 100 000 years after Zaygil proclaimed himself Emperor the Imperial Galaktika (Zelzakian army, conquering force) appeared. Soon the Zelzakian empire had captured Denchul, Chalchak, Dortal, Lorac and were fighting on Loric. It was then that the gods became less than pleased with their perfect race. And so they empowered a warrior sufficiently to allow him to destroy Zelzakia itself. After that, the empire crumbled. Few Zelzakians remain in the galaxy, but those that do are all powerful warriors.
Click here to read about the first dynamic super adventure. In this sortie, our heroes face intrigue and cunning at the galaxy's most renowned super warrior tournament. Unfortunetly, the tournament is more than it seems, as no one has ever won...and survived...
Click here to read about the second awesome super adventure. In this episode, our heroes face the re-emergeance of the Zelzakian empire, and are captured by the evil emperor Zaygos, who forces them to compete against one another for his pleasure. But is Zaygos the true mastermind behind the New Empire? Or is he merely a mindless pawn? Read the adventure to find out...
Click here to read the third exciting super adventure. This time, a diverse group of travellers have gathered on the Planet of Sphere en route to the Olympiad games held in the tiny village of Sparda. Little do they suspect that their journey will take them somewhere else entirely, somewhere wherein lurks a very deadly peril. What will become of these companions? Only by reading can the truth be told...