Eshainin Eternal
This is my older brother's site. Though mostly outdated, it does house adventure summaries for some more recent roleplaying campaigns that I've participated in.
Ruins of Khaz Modan
On the other end of the age spectrum, this site belongs to my younger brother, and if you fall within the within the elementary school age demographic, chances are you'll be just as excited by this site as he is. Note, however, that if you're part of the demographic that doesn't enjoy loud audio enhancements on every page, the Ruins of Khaz Modan might not be the place for you. (He's still considering whether to compound the awesomeness of his site with all blinking text, so I advise you to visit it quickly before he makes his decision.)
The premium resource for anyone interested in the Spherus roleplaying system. It's much less outdated than the Spherus section of my site, and much better designed as well. Plus, it's got a cool map of the Spherus galaxy. Really cool. As a not-so-wise instructor once informed me, maps are very important.
Wheat Forest
Go get crushed by Garrett's massive ego! And while you're there, check out his crazy HTML rollover skills. He should so totally be in computer science. Anyway, I'm playing in his MOTS roleplaying campaign, so be sure to check out that section, along with all the others.
Rondak's Portal
The best site there is for roleplaying over the 'net. Because I use it. And also for many other, non ego-driven reasons. Which obvisouly don't carry as much weight with me, so I won't get into them. If you're interested, you can see for yourself by just clicking the link.
Once Upon a More Enchanted Time
An eclectic page about many events in the life of Tort the Pennliess, whom I will continue to mark with that moniker, even though I can't really remember its origins. I'm sure it was good times, though.
Mr. T2
This is the best Mr.T battle site out there on the 'net! The B-Team just rules. So if you haven't been there, go right now! No hesitation! Mr. T2 awaits. Also, for those of you who would have trouble finding it, go directly to:
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