Earl Kinley: Montana Mar: Richard Nixon:Inferno Dor Fenixa:
Inferno also deserves a premium spot on this list, mainly because he was so darn arrogant and cocky. He annoyed everyone else enormously, but still had more to his personality than his over-developped ego (though not much). I described him on the Super Adventure 1 page, and I just think his whole concept was cool. His badass attitude made him an amusing character to play, and he was frequently impudent. He just had some smashing style, but was also a deadly fighter. He was very fun to play. He was a Spherus character. "You might be the second best fighter here, aside from me!" -Inferno, after being beaten by Neflite in a practice session.
Mazrus Dor Armoria:
Unlike the previous two characters, Mazrus was no badass, nor was he even rude at all. Being an Armorian (See the Spherus page), he possessed impecable manners and was always polite. He was a superhero called the Lord Of Virtue, who went about on the planet of Chalchak righting wrongs. Despite being a hero, he was also very naive about the way some of the other races did things. This is partly what made him such a great character - despite being serious and honest, Mazrus could also be funny (unbeknownst to him) because of his innocence. He was a great character to play, and richly deserves his place on this list. "Leave everything to me!" -Mazrus, at innumerable points during the adventure.
Stratis Dor Zelzakia:
Stratis was my favorite charcter ever for a running campaign, and not because he was really funny either. I just liked his personality, his appearance and character in general. He wasn't what one would call a hero. I can't say too much, but he had more going than anyone suspected. A powerful warrior, he was quite cunning and always ready to lead the group. He was perhaps a tad arrogant, but not really all that much..he was, however, certainly insane. But it wasn't the frothing at the mouth type of insanity..it was more of the cunning hidden insanity. "Do as I say, and your secret is safe..otherwise, your position is ruined." -Stratis, to Viedra, a rich Chalchakian councillor's wife. "Who ARE you?" -Viedra, to Stratis, in the same conversation.
John Boscoe:
Probably my current favorite character (that's 'cuz I just used him), he was awesome and extremely fun to play. He was from Spherus and was an Electran. Despite being high level, he had almost no combat skills. Boscoe was a con-man and a theif through and through, who had such nimble fingers that he could take off a tie someone was wearing and steal it. (And he did it, too!). He wore a rumpled plum colored suit, had messy black hair, a mustache and a cheesy red-striped tie. In addition to stealing, Boscoe did haircuts, sold ties (he had a tie-rack in his POCKET!) and ran away to hide. He had a machine gun hidden in his suit, but it was concealed in a pocket. He also had many special abilities, allowing anyone who insulted him to be blasted by lightning, a power that made people look behind them when he said so, the power to receive fake notes from the DM, the power to conceal any sized weapon in his suitjacket..and the power to go unoticed in battle. Boscoe's one theiving fault is that he always tries to run for the door whenever he steals something..which is awesome. He also tries to run whenever there could be trouble, and then he goes to hide. It was so much fun, because then the other players have to try and find him. Once, he was hidden in a cupboard, another time on a chandelier. If I had to rank them, I think Boscoe would be on top. Probably my all-time favorite character..I wish I could play'im again, but now his surprises are all used up. I doubt I'll ever think of such a good idea again..ah well. "What's that behind you???" -John Boscoe, when he's trying to run. "There goes that purple guy!!" -Some character watching John Boscoe escape. "I'll give ya a free haircut if you keep this a secret.." -John Boscoe, to another PC when they discovered the stolen necklace in his pocket. "Let me borrow your gun for a second..I see..a...spot on it.." -John Boscoe, to another PC whose gun he steals. "Remember, it's my managerial skills which led us to near victory!" -John Boscoe, to the remainder of the Black Knight team. "SHUT UP, LITTLE MAN!" -Many characters, at many points, all directed to John Boscoe.
Edward Kinley isn't quite in the same category as the other characters in this hall, but he deserves a position no less than they. You see, all the rest of the characters here are from regular role-playing games, but not Kinley. He was the character I was assigned in a certain LARP, and for those who need a proper english translation, this means a Live Action Roleplaying Game. Edward was a great character because he pretty much embodied the prejudice of the old british aristocrats. He was a lawyer who was very class-conscious and looked down his nose at anyone who wasn't noble, rich or both. To the general annoyance of everyone, he always spoke in a decidedly thick british accent, and frequently demanded breakfast, called people colonials, or had them press his suits and ties. By the end of the adventure, I believe the good Earl had eaten breakfast a good five times. This did not, of course, deter him from demanding it once again. "Where's my breakfast?" -Earl Kinley, just about anytime. Yes, even when he was already eating said breakfast. "Let me fetch my sword of breakfast!" -Kinley, in a spot of trouble. Not that he knew how to use a sword, much less had one.
!New Additions!
It's been quite some time since I've added any characters to this list, but these new additions are certainly well-deserving of their podium in this place of honor. The first character to be added is Montana Mar. As you may be able to guess, Montana Mar was based greatly from Indianna Jones, but with several awesome twists. Mainly the fact that, unlike Jones, he was not a very good adventurer. Mar was a Spherus character who carried an energy whip (which he didn't really know how to use), a gun and could take anyone in a hand to hand fight EXCEPT for the Guy who Guarded the Plane (*See Raiders of the Lost Ark for details on that confrontation). Montana Mar also had the best background ever. He had basically been on all the same adventures as Indianna Jones, but with much different results. For example, when searching for the Holy Grail and facing the Yahtzees, he would often end up losing his map and having to give up. One of the best scenes in the adventure he featured in took place when he was in an underground tomb trying to locate the banana of Bombay. And he found the coffin where it was entombed. Following all Adventurer cliches, he carefully measure out a bag of sand to replace the treasure bag with. When he finally pulled the switch, his bag was not only too light, but he also found the treasure bag to be: a bag of sand. Evidently, he wasn't the first adventurer to try that move. "Be Prepared!" -Montana Mar, on the road to adventure. "I said no camels! That's TWELVE camels!" -Montana Mar, complaining to Sullah about his choice of mount.
Knock ya out, uh! There was no way I could resist adding this pinnacle of American stereotypes to this page. Nixon stood for all the American cliches we constantly mock up here in Canada. He was loud, boisterous, obnoxious, and liked nothing better than to flex his muscles and admire his own incredible strength. He was kind of a cross between a big wrestler and a baffled American tourist. Richard Nixon was a Spherus character, with incredible muscles, who knew no real fighting skills except to throw himself into his enemies and let his immense strength bring them down. He believed in truth, justice and the American way. In this case, the literal translation for the American way is guns, bombs and fast cars. Richard Nixon wore an American cape as a flag, and constantly had to rip off all his clothes save this cape and his American flag speedo before he could actually fight. This also involved a great deal of flexing. Nixon was a great character for the adventure, which involved a war against an alien race. Richard was convinced the aliens were communists, and were trying to use the domino theory (which he didn't understand) to dominate the universe. He also liked blowing things up, but would always use WAY too many explosives. There is a great deal more I could say about Richard Nixon, but I know this write-up would already surpass his attention span , twelve times over. Richard Nixon was the supreme commander (and only member) of the American military. When he was in America, he spent most of his time blowing up his house, rebuilding his house, driving around recklessly in his jeep and saving the President from things that posed no threats. This includes food, which Nixon would always insist was poisoned. In total, he was a very amusing character, and who was best represented by his theme song, which was Living In America, by James Brown. In fact, all his special moves came from that very song, such as 'workin' overtime' and the 'transcontinental overload'. The only other thing I will say is that the only other member of the American armed forces was G.I. Joe. Nixon was the All-American hero, and Joe was the Real American hero. Oh YEAH! "Go! Go! GO!" -Richard Nixon, when ordering his soldiers to charge from their protective trenches straight at the enemies. "Where's the bathroom?" -Nixon, in search of the bathroom, which he could never find. "You don't need a strategy to win a war. All you need are MUSCLES!" -Nixon, insisting he could win a war based solely on the size of his biceps.
That's it for now. As time goes on, and I find more favorite characters, they'll come up here, in Blade's Hall Of Fame. But until then, I hope you enjoyed visiting some of the finest characters I've ever created. Too bad I can only use'em once, 'cuz given the choice, I'd like to use all of them again. Well, don't mind me, just enjoy the rest of your life..
-The Blade