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Jaridis Blade's Gallery Of Quotes
Page 21

Since you are reading this, you doubtless know that Legends Of The Blade has the ever-changing feature known as The Quote Of The Week. Personally, I like just about every quote I put up there, and so I consider it a waste that most people who come to my site have not seen some of the earlier great quotes. That is the purpose of this gallery. Here, you can read, in no particular order, every quote that I have had on my site since its creation.

Special Note: Some of these quotes have small stories to explain them. For the ones that do, just click on the picture by the quote to read these short stories. Enjoy yourselves! -The Blade

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What's going on here?
Who are all these kids?

I reject the challenge, because Balboa is no challenge!

Colonel Mustard, in the hall!

It happened at Sea! C for Catwoman!

Maximum literary technique!

He's got a cell-phone and a backstage pass!

Feel the power of the Ultimate Warriorrrrr!

Transform and Roll Out!

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