The Man Behind the Scenes Of
Legends Of The Blade
So, someone actually wants to read about the man behind the scenes of this brillant webpage. Very well, I shall then begin. Note that I approach this grueling task with extreme reluctance, and so I will be very brief. This site owes all to a true mastermind who has done many great tasks for the page. And that man is Mr. T.

Indeed, without the pure badassness of Mr. T, none of this could be possible. Only his extreme craving for gold and milk has been able to keep this site going. (Don't ask me how..) His contributions are too numerous to mention, but I will try to hit on a few major points. First of all, Mr. T has built amazing electronic equipment using only PVC pipe and Cabbage, with which amazing things can be done. And at the mere price of cabbage and pipe, too!!

Mr. T customarily builds amazing implements with his bare hands!!!
One such device allows him to track anyone who comes to Legends Of The Blade. If anyone doesn't look at certain sections, or doesn't spend four hours a day at this site, he personally throws them to Brazil. Sometimes, when he's feeling nice, he instead shoots them with his cabbage cannon from 4000 KM away!!!

Mr. T has also built an incredible Cabbage cannon with a ball of lint and a couple cabbages!
As you can see, this site is watched at all times by the amazing Mr. T. Anyone who steps out of line had better beware...because Mr. T's van is darn fast, foo! So remember to honor the Man Behind The Scenes, the one and only: MR. T!!!
SPECIAL NOTE: Unfortunetly, this account is completely fictonal. For those of you who actually wanted me to write something about myself, ha, too bad!! I'm afraid THAT ain't ever gonna happen. Anyways, Mr. T of course does not aid me in any way, so no one needs take offense in any way from this little story.. Just remember one thing: