They call your type an undercover reporter, because you're the one they call for when they need to crack a story with some top-notch security around it. That's why you've adopted numerous disguises that can get you into any social and physical situation over the years. Your actual name is Candace Dorothy Foto (called Candy D. Foto by your friends), but although many have heard your name behind all the most shocking reports, they would never recognise you in your current disguise.
You've used the alias of Penelope Ann Entwhistle before. She's supposedly a fairly well-known upper class English aristocrat socialite, with a flair for English accents and small-talk. You've had lots of experience pretending to be her, and this disguise helped you capture some of the biggest stories of the decade. For example, you were using her nickname to investigate investing in some government tax bonds when you got the story on the now infamous government water taxes (the tax for having water). Via this manner, you also discovered the related Bed Tax (the tax for sleeping in beds) and put the tax department to shame.
Those stories were big, but this one is the biggest yet. Your boss at the Local Enquirer has finally got a worthy scoop for you, with a lot of juicy background to it. Lately, you'd been dealing with boring stories on crop circles and a mysterious black monster truck that seemed to continually run people down on the street. As a result, you were relieved to jump into your next assignment: the WWF.
The World Wrestling Federation has been growing dramatically in popularity, and so your boss thought that a big juicy scandal on them would make big news. With that in mind, you began studying the WWF, and particularly, Vince McMahon, the boss of the WWF. You found out, through the purchase of his autobiography (No-holds Barred Profits) that Vince originally started out owning some small pasta joint called 'Pasta Fantasta'. Somehow, from that, he managed to gather the capital money to form the now giant WWF organisation, and that his politics of ratings above all continues to earn him vast profits. You also read about the disastrous Styrofoam match, wherein one of the wrestlers was almost killed. It would've made a good story, but it's too old now to be newsworthy. But perhaps you could do some sort of follow-up?
In any case, you decided that Penelope was the perfect concealment for this job. Feigning interest in investing, you got in contact with Vince himself. As you had suspected, he was eager for the potential cash, and invited you to this party on the night before the Heavy weight titles. Now it's time to dig up some news that you can use both in the Local Enquirer and peddle to fine TV stations like CBC and SCTV. It's up to you to find out what the public needs to know, and if you can't find a popular scandalous story, then you'll just have to make one.
Special Powers
1 - Paparazzi Grilling: Using her long years of experience in the media, Penelope can interrogate anyone, and disguise it merely as an innocent questions. So confused are they by her questionings that they end up giving their opinion on some topic. In other words, they must give their own opinion and any other information they have on any one character of her choosing. 3 uses
2 - Bad English Accent: By massively overdoing her already mediocre English Accent, Penelope can stun her opponent in battle, because they must puzzle for a few minutes to try and figure out what she just said. This lowers their wrestling skill by 1. 1 use
1 - Get as much news as possible. This refers to interesting news that would actually be popular, not just the rants of some crazy wrestler.
2 - Report on any scandals, and if there aren't any, use your customary philosophy and make some.
3 - 'Pretend' interest in investing to some profitable cause, such as the WWF or perhaps Ted Dibiase.
4 - Don't be discovered! If Vince found out you were snooping on his operations, you never know what law suits you might face!
5 - Outdo your chief rival in the media world, Jason Moscovitz, anyway that you can. Jason is always on the news, and gets an even bigger salary than you. There must be a way to beat this prolific reporter!
Stone Cold Steve Austin: Another finalist. You know that all the kids you've talked to on the streets really admire this guy, so getting some stories about him would be a good way to get on prime-time. And you've heard rumors about him too. One of your contacts, Jimmy the shoeshine boy, says that he was recently in court for some civil case.
Hulk Hogan: This guy's supposedly the all-time Good Guy of the WWF. But these days, no one appreciates the good guys. It's much the same with news; no one wants to hear good news, but scandals… now that's a different story. This American wrestler is probably not worth your time.
Razor Ramon: This guy is known as the Bad Guy, and you've heard that he's a brainless Latino with overflowing machismo. According to Jimmy, he's recently joined a Steel Drum Band which was fairly popular until an enterprising reporter got an interview with them and found out how stupid they really were. You applaud that kind of report heartily.
Brett 'The Hitman' Hart: This professional wrestler often comes to the media giving out the true stories behind wrestling. These usually aren't big news, since they're not over-exaggerated and half-lies. All the same, you've heard his brother had an accident here recently, and getting his reactions might make a good story.
The Ultimate Warrior: There must be some story behind this guy! He always goes around wearing a Mexican poncho which he refuses to remove. He's even sacrificed some time in the ring because of the piece of clothing, which is most unusual for a money-grubbing wrestler.
Ted Dibiase: This guy might not be much of a wrestler, but he does have a lot of money. You can see a biography of him with your name on it: "How to make a million bucks, and look like it too..An interview with Ted Dibiase by Candy D. Foto." Of course, investing is your excuse for being here, so you might have to reinforce that by talking to Ted about that.
IRS: Some wrestler who also serves as a part time tax collector. This guy would be mad if he found out who you were, considering the way you grilled the tax department in the past. However, there might be more tax scandals to find here, and you love humiliating the government.
Jake The Snake: Ewww! This wrestler always carries a disgusting slimy snake with him at all times! You can't even bring yourself to approach him, let alone talk to him.
The Undertaker: This creepy wrestler has recently opened up some sort of coffin business. That's not really much news, but this isn't much of a guy either.
Disco Inferno: You've heard that this wrestler might have been the one injured in the styrofoam incident. From what you can tell, his only interest appears to reside in Disco Music, something you find horribly out of fashion and taste.
Andre The Giant: This guy used to be fast friends with the aforementioned Hulk Hogan, but lately your sources tell you that they've been experiencing some tension. Whatever happened between these two old-style wrestlers could make a good second page story.
Yokozuna: This disgustingly fat Japanese wrestler can hardly even speak English! On the other hand, he does seem to be carrying a lot of the Japanese currency, yen. Not that you're too interested in money, but Japan does have a strong currency right now.
Shawn Michaels: He might not be a real wrestler, but he is a real man! His handsome face would definitely look good on your magazine cover, and you'd definitely enjoy working with him as well!
Vince McMahon: The man of dubious morals who owns the entire WWF. He's now really famous, almost on the same level as you or Jason Moscovitz. But a sleaze ball like him must have some dirt in his history that can be dug up by enterprising hands.
Jesse The Body Ventura: Some politician running to be governor of Minnesota. Politicians are all over the papers these days, and the common people really don't care about them. You're looking for interesting material not boring lectures. However, you've heard that Jason Moscovitz has said some good things about this guy, and he has a good eye for publicity…
The Ref: As far as you can tell, the Referee joined the WWF right when it was formed and has been with it ever since. He's watched ever match in WWF history, so he must have some tales to tell. You've also heard on the streets that he's been having some disputes with the Ultimate Warrior, and you wonder what that's all about.
Tina Mint: Shawn Michaels' current girlfriend, and a complete loser. She's got no class, no prospects, and definitely doesn't deserve to be going around with someone like Shawn. You're sure Shawn would dump her for you in a minute if you were interested.
Monette Acre: Vince McMahon's wife. You suspect that if anyone could give you some incriminating information, it would be her. But then again, Vince's wife probably isn't a very popular factor, and that's half the story.
Jim Rockford: You've heard of this Jim Rockford before: A minor detective who seems to be constantly betrayed by his employers and his employees. A real wimp, from what you can tell. He always seems ready to bolt.
Simon: This guy's a good representation of the youth of America these days. And though it's sad, that's the type of people you've got to try to appeal to. How Jason does it, you do not know.
First and foremost, you're penniless (quite literally!). In fact, you're even in debt at the moment. Business was never good, but back when you were investigating some high profile cases (like the theft of a shipment of Hawaiian Pineapples), you at least had enough to afford the water tax (the tax for people who drink water). Now, you've got no water, no TV and your trailer is falling apart. Your buddy Angel used to be fixing it, until he betrayed you, stole the TV and made off over the nearby lake in a power boat. You still don't know where he got the boat…
Then there's the business of the rough and tough stereotype. Yeah, you've taken on a couple goons in your time, but unlike in the shows, they beat the stuffing out of you! Macho is about the opposite of what you are, and if the ruffian shows any sign of having a weapon, you're outta there in a flash. For example, in the aforementioned pineapple heist, one of the Dole employees hefted a mean looking banana. You instantly headed for the back door, naturally.
This has led to another problem. The criminals, all inevitably being tougher than you are, escape and head for Cucamonga while you are heading out the back way.
Finally, there's the issue of your employers. Somehow, it seems that every criminal who needs to set someone up comes to you. Why, even Bob Dole came to you about the missing pineapples, begging for your help in finding the Delmonte shipment. You were suspicious, of course, but money was money, and you had little enough of it, whereas Bob Dole was burning it right in front of your eyes. Of course, when it came to the crunch, he betrayed you and would have killed you had you not been standing in the open back door. How come Perry Mason always gets the innocent employers?
Quite a few years back you were investigating some embezzling that had been going on at Pizza Hut. Of course, you'd never eaten there in your life, as it was too rich for your blood, but again, money was money. For quite some time, your prime suspect was Jake the Snake, a very suspicious wrestler who you'd once seen hanging out at the local 'Pasta Fantasta'. You also met Vince McMahon, the owner of the WWF, eating there once. You haven't seen either since, as you've never returned to that cheap restaurant. The prices may be good, but a lot of people got sick after eating there, Angel included.
In the end, it turned out that Jake had been in Botswana for unknown reasons at the time of the embezzling, and although that was suspicious on its own, it did eliminate him from the case you were investigating. By some fluke of fate, though, you actually managed to solve this case. The tip-off occurred when your employer from Pizza Hut, Graham Quest, started throwing around his money buying $30 yo-yos.
But that was a while ago. Lately, you've been looking into the operations of a ruffian known only as 'Sonny', and his no-good delinquent gang. Although they always seem excited to vote, the Hydro Company suspects that they are vandalising the water pipes in the back alleys, tearing sections of pipe from their rightful places. You've been looking into Sonny and his operation lately, but have yet to come up with any concrete evidence. Until two nights ago, that is, when you encountered Sonny and his gang hanging out around the water pipes.
Bravely, you decided not to confront them, and made a break for the back exit. But it was a dead end, and so Sonny and his gang caught up to you and gave you a beating. They also forcibly convinced you to give up the case, and though you're not usually dissuaded this easily, you figured that letting things cool down was a good idea.
Broke, and with no case to work on, you felt truly down in the dumps. Things were looking grim. But then, just as all hope started to fade, you received an anonymous tip. The deep voice of your unknown informant told you to go this evening to the WWF party, and to 'keep an eye out'. They didn't mention a reward, but you had nothing scheduled for this night (or any other, for that matter) so you thought you might as well give it a shot. Caution's the game, though, and you're gonna have your eye on the back exit the whole time.
1 - Cowardly Retreat: Because he's always got a way to escape, Rockford can retreat from any battle via a back exit before his opponent(s) know what's going on. This instantly ends the battle, and gives Rockford a well needed chance to escape. Note that Jim must have a back exit specified before he can use this power. 2 uses
2 - Private Snooping: Using his highly developed detective senses, Rockford can actually smell it when people have something to hide, and if it is something illegal. Note that Jim does not know what they are hiding from him, and what type of illegal thing it is. 2 uses
1 - Solve any crimes that may take place, even though you're not necessarily going to be paid for it. Generally, try to solve all the bigger crimes, if you can, but at least stop some illegal activities. (Assuming there are any.)
2 - Don't get beaten up! You're not trying to impress anyone, and you couldn't next to these macho wrestlers. However, you just don't like getting hurt, being a wimp at heart.
3 - Always have a way out the back door if things go bad! By the by, that always seems to be the case these days. Also, this is needed for power #1.
4 - Pay off your debts to the government. You've been putting them off for quite a while now. Not by choice, of course. It's just that you don't have any money; there must be some way to make some at a place like this! (Completely above board, mind you!)
Macho Man Randy Savage: This walking monument to body-building is one of the feature wrestlers today, and boy does he look strong! You wouldn't go against him no matter what, since he'd likely rip you to shreds. From what you've noted, he seems to believe detectives should be somewhat like him, big and buff. Well, maybe good detectives…
Stone Cold Steve Austin: Yikes! This guy has already intimidated you with his fast flying fingers and his obnoxious manner of speech. You've heard tough looking hoods talking about 'Austin 3:16' on the streets, and you assume this wrestler must be who they're referring to.
Hulk Hogan: You grew up in the years of the Hulkster, and back when you still had a TV, you used to watch all his matches avidly. (Perhaps watching Hogan beat the stuffing out of Jake the Snake repeatedly is what made you instinctively suspect him later on.) Hulk is a proverbial good guy, so if anyone will help you out, it's him.
Razor Ramon: You don't much know this guy, but he is a Latino, and you've run into their kind before. For some reason, all the Latinos that worked for/hired you were always untrustworthy and betrayed you in the end. It could be a coincidence, but you don't think so.
Brett The Hitman Hart: This professional wrestler is someone you know little about, but he must have money, 'cause he's wearing a pair of sunglasses you'd never be able to afford.
The Ultimate Warrior: This face-painted maniac seems to always wear a fine quality poncho. Nothing wrong with owning a good vestment, but you've heard the Ref complaining about this guy. The Ref is the pinnacle of rules and fair play in a match, and his words instinctively make you distrust the Ultimate Warrior.
Ted Dibiase: This wrestler's known as the Million Dollar Man, and though you envy his riches, you've got to say that he doesn't look much tougher than you. But how would a professional wrestler get this rich? A tad suspicious, and a worthy subject for investigation.
IRS: Oh no! This part time wrestler is also a tax collector for the government! You've got to find a way to stall him or otherwise delay him until you can scrounge together enough money to pay off your debts. You don't doubt that's his main purpose here.
Jake The Snake: So he didn't embezzle from Pizza Hut, but his trips to Botswana still look suspicious to you. And that gleam in his eye… Being a seasoned detective, you know the weed of crime when you see it. Better keep a close eye on this guy.
The Undertaker: Dark, mysterious, and very scary. That's how you would describe this wrestler. He's been giving you some very dark looks, and though you want to keep an eye on him, you don't really want to get too close without backup. Or better yet, a back door.
Disco Inferno: You've never even heard of this wrestler, but he's bound to be tougher than you are. Who isn't? His preference for disco is odd, but not really suspicious.
Andre The Giant: This massive wrestler always seems to dig into the snacks before you can get there! You would love the opportunity to chow down on some high class foods other then your normal fare of spam, but unless you can convince him otherwise, your chances are slim.
Yokozuna: As if Andre weren't enough, this massive sumo wrestler from Japan eats at least as much, if not more! On the other hand, he has been flashing around a lot of yen. You never have money to spare, so you're not financially informed, but wouldn't this stuff be worth a lot?
Shawn Michaels: Great! First Andre and Yokozuna take all the food, and now this guy takes all the women! Not that they'd go for you anyway. As a rule, females don't seem to like cowardly penniless wimps like you.
Vince McMahon: The owner of the WWF, you met him first at 'Pasta Fantasta' the few times you went there. A lot of people got sick there, so you stayed away. The fact that a rich guy like Vince was eating there proves that he's really cheap, but little else.
Jesse The Body Ventura: A politician running to be governor of somewhere, and though you don't really follow politics, everyone knows that he has the famous analyst Jason Moscovitz on his side.
The Ref: This guy has been with it ever since the Hulk days, and though you thought he made some bad calls in those days, he's still a figure of authority. Lately, he's been having problems with the Ultimate Warrior, so helping him out might not be a bad idea.
Tina Mint: Shawn's current girlfriend. She seems a bit sleazy to be hanging out at something like this, but you're not much of a one to talk.
Monette Acre: Vince McMahon's current wife. You've never met nor heard of her, but she looks like a battle-ax to you. Better not get in the way, or you could get mowed down.
Penelope Ann Entwhistle: This rich socialite is supposedly English, but to you it just sounds a tad phony. Suspicious? Yes. But she also has money, and getting another loan to pay off another loan, while not effective, might be necessary.
Simon: These are the type of guys who customarily intimidate you on the streets. They think their bands and boards are the only meanings to life, but their dreams are too insignificant to bother yourself with.
Money: $300 (although for this disguise you pretend to have much more)
Wrestling: 1
Items: Small watch camera
Tiny video camera in eye glassesObjectives
Macho Man Randy Savage: This guy certainly fits the name of Macho Man! He's huge, and really rather impressive! Normally you might be interested in chatting with him, but you've got a story to cover, and not even the Macho Man can get in the way of that. You know that wrestling is all fake, but Macho Man is one of the finalists, so he must at least be pretty tough.
Jim Rockford
"Always keep an eye on the back door!"
Crime's your business, and business is bad. When you still had a TV, (sometime back in the '80s) you used to watch some of the macho crime-stompin' detectives like Kojak, Perry Mason and Inspector Gadget. Generally, people think of private-snoops, yourself included, as wealthy resourceful tough guys, like the aforementioned 3. However, the reality rarely meets up to the myth.
Money: $0 (You wish! You're actually in debt $300 to the government for a loan you took out a while back, in order to pay your long-overdue phone bill.)
Wrestling: 0
Items: FedorahObjectives
Relations To Other Characters