WWF: Royal Rumble
The Freeform
The Premise
--Macho Man Randy Savage "Oh YEAH!"
--Stone Cold Steve Austin
--Hulk Hogan
--Brett The Hitman Hart
--The Ultimate Warrior
--The Undertaker
--Yokozuna "BANZAI!"
--Andre The Giant
--Jake The Snake
--Razor Ramon "Hey, Chico!"
--Ted Debiossi, The Million Dollar Man
--IRS, Internal Revenue Service
--Disco Inferno
--Sean Michaels
--Simon...? Who the hell is he?
--And many more!!
The above was an advertising poster I whipped up some time ago for the freeform. I wanted to give people a taste of what was to come, hence I decided it would be a perfect opening page for this section. As time will go on, I will add more info in the index below. But for now, just admire Stone Cold's 'incredible' abilities.
Currently, there are only six things here, but as time goes on, I will add more and more facets to this section, all stemming from this page. In other words: I will put stuff here. Eventually.
Jaridis' Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 1 -- Includes Stone Cold, Razor Ramon and Simon.
Jaridis' Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 2 -- Includes the Ultimate Warrior, The Ref and I.R.S.
Jaridis' Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 3 -- Includes Jake The Snake and Jesse The Body Ventura.
Jaridis' Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 4 -- Includes Penelope Entwhistle and Jim Rockford.
Jaridis' Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 5 -- Includes a one man stand, Disco Inferno. He's stayin' alive!
The first few sets of HTMLised backgrounds, written by me. (This requires distinction as my co-GM wrote the other half of the backgrounds, which follow..)
Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 6 -- Includes Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan.
Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 7 -- Includes Ted Dibiase and Andre The Giant.
Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 8 -- Includes Vince McMahon and Monette Acre.
Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 9 -- Includes Brett the 'Hitman' Hart and Yokozuna.
Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 10 -- Includes Shawn Michaels and Tina Mint.
Wrestler Backgrounds - Page 11 -- Includes the UNDERTAKER, which is the final background.