For many years now, you've been certain of your destiny. From an early age, you were blessed with an almost super-natural strength, giving you power over the puny mortals around you. And, using your powers spawned from the Darkness, your eventual plan is to eliminate (and properly bury) every single living human on this planet. But ambitious as this plan may seem, you are far from a stupid man. You knew that the first step towards your goal would be to find the strongest men on Earth, and eliminate them FIRST, before they ever found out about your sinister scheme.
And thus you joined the WWF, the single, most concentrated group of powerful men in the world. And in the beginning, the WWF was exactly what you hoped it would be -- a competition in which you could 'stake out' your opponents' strength in a totally innocent manner, while formulating your evil scheme in the mean-time. Ironically, you quickly became one of the most popular characters, for a time at least, and Vince created the famous Coffin and Cage matches in your honour.
The Coffin Match was your very favorite match ever held in the WWF. The objective was simply to take your opponent out of the ring in a coffin. Not dead, unfortunately, but still, the very idea gave you quite a thrill. The Cage Match was almost as interesting - a match inside of a giant Iron Cage. You showed a natural 'knack' for both these styles of matches, and ended up the champion in both of them.
But since then, the WWF has definitely gone down-hill. Fools like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels have replaced you as the most popular wrestler, and the theme matches just aren't what they used to be. The worst of these new theme-matches was the dreaded 'Styrofoam Match' which was held one year ago. The objective of this silly match was to slam your opponent into a large pile of Styrofoam and hold them there during the count-down. It was a foolish idea to begin with, and you didn't really care that it was Razor Ramon, not you, who ended up the winner of THIS match.
Having been with the WWF for many years, and having formed your opinion on the powers of the various wrestlers, you were nearly ready to put your plan into effect. However, you were still missing one component -- the coffins that you planned to put everyone in once you killed them. Thus, using your money that you carefully invested during your glory years (with the financial advice of some consultant named Jason Moscovitz), you started your very own coffin business. The business went well enough, but about six months ago, you needed a 'test subject' to test the quality of your coffins. So, as your subject, you killed Brett "the Hitman" Hart's brother, Owen, in the ring and then offered to supply the coffin for his funeral. Fortunately, you managed to make the Hart brother's death look like an accident, and nobody suspects you of anything. Little do they know that it is only the beginning…
Tonight is the night before the Heavyweight Title Match between Macho Man Randy Savage and Stone Cold Steve Austin, and the night that you will put your plan into effect. It is now time to begin eliminating your only competition in the mortal world, and once the wrestlers are gone, there will be nothing left to prevent you from taking EVERYONE out of this world IN A COFFIN!
1 -- The Tombstone: This is the Undertaker's personal wrestling maneuver, in which he uses Unholy Powers to take his opponent to their grave. Wrestling +3. 2 Uses.
2 -- Aura of Fear: With this power, the Undertaker uses his intimidating aura to full effect, and can force any one character to give him any one object (if the "object" is money, he can take up to a maximum of $500). Note that this power is ineffective against Stone Cold Steve Austin, Razor Ramon and Simon, merely because they are totally immune to the concept of fear. 1 Use.
1 -- Take everybody out of here IN A COFFIN. (ie kill them) Well, since you probably won't have time to kill EVERYBODY, it would be best to at least kill the most powerful wrestlers, since they are your biggest threat.
2 -- Intimidate as many people as possible by acting really scary and cryptic.
3 -- Don't get caught, as it would ruin your long-term plans.
Macho Man Randy Savage -- One of the wrestlers fated to fight in the Final tomorrow, and a formidable warrior - not to mention the fact that his constant shouting and raucous enthusiasm annoy you. Taking him out would be difficult, but definitely desirable.
Stone Cold Steve Austin -- This obnoxious fool is a strange one - he possesses great spirit and knows no fear, yet he is hopeless in a real battle. In fact, from what you've seen, he's so bad that he's not even worth wasting your time on. You have to wonder why he's the one fighting Macho Man in the Final…
Hulk Hogan -- If there's anyone that you really want to kill, it's the Hulkster. He's one of the most powerful wrestlers around, and is a stereotypical "good guy", which naturally offends your villainous instincts. Taking him out in a coffin should be a top priority.
Razor Ramon -- The self-proclaimed "Bad Guy"…little does he know that he is hardly the REAL evil around here!! You know that this guy is a really strong wrestler, but he's a greasy Latino, so he can't be too bright.
Brett "the Hitman" Hart -- This guy is known as a "professional" wrestler, and he is quite competent in the ring as well. He would also be a good person to get rid of if you get a chance.
The Ultimate Warrior -- Even you are a little unsure of what to think of this wild and uncontrollable wrestler. In addition to wearing strange face-paint, he now wears this bizarre Mexican poncho, even in the ring! He hasn't been wrestling too much since you joined the WWF, so you're unsure of his true ability.
Ted Dibiase, the Million Dollar Man -- They say that "it takes one to know one", and you can sense that the Million Dollar Man is almost as evil as you are! Fortunately, though he IS rich, he's not that great of a wrestler, so you shouldn't have to worry about him too much.
IRS -- A wrestler who now collects taxes on the side. If he tries to tax your coffin business, you'll kill him, but if not, it's probably better to just leave him alone.
Jake the Snake -- A wrestler that everybody else mistrusts, but you can see that there is no true evil in his soul. Still, since everyone automatically suspects him of everything, maybe you can get him to "take the rap" for your crimes tonight…
Disco Inferno -- A wimpy wrestler, you might have to kill him nonetheless just because you hate his disco music so much!!
Andre the Giant -- A gigantic wrestler who was good in the old days, but has since grown fat and weak. He used to be good friends with the Hulk, but lately, there's been a bit of bad blood between them or something. Perhaps you can use this to your advantage…
Yokozuna -- A strange Sumo wrestler from the far-off land of Japan. You don't know too much about him, but he keeps talking about all this yen that he has. You don't really know how much it's worth, but Japan certainly is rich, and you could use a bit of extra money for your coffin business…
Shawn Michaels -- He calls himself the 'Heartbreak Kid', well, perhaps soon you'll show him what happens when you LITERALLY break a heart. This guy is more interested in impressing the ladies than in actual fighting, and shouldn't be much of a challenge for you.
Vince McMahon -- The long-time owner of the WWF. Since he's not a wrestler, you're not too concerned about him, as you figure you can kill him later at your leisure once all the greats are gone.
Jesse the Body Ventura -- A former wrestler, this guy is now a politician or something. He left the ring before you joined, so you're not really sure how good he is.
The Ref -- The man who referees all the fights in the WWF. You know that he's a man who plays by the rules, and would definitely object to having you kill anyone in the ring. You'll either have to get him on your side, OR…
Tina Mint -- Shawn Michaels' latest girlfriend. A disgusting simpleton who merely hangs off his shoulder, she's of no real concern to you.
Monette Acre -- The wife of the WWF's owner, Vince McMahon. You've gotten the impression that she is quite a tough woman, but as long as she doesn't interfere with your plans, you can deal with her later.
Penelope Anne Entwhistle -- Some sort of rich aristocrat from Botswana or something, you didn't really catch the name. Since she's not involved in wrestling in any way, she's of no real concern to you.
Jim Rockford -- A private investigator? Here? You're not quite sure what to make of this. He seems to be a real wimp, and not really worth your while, but on the other hand, if he gets too close to figuring out your scheme, you might have to take care of him…
Simon -- What? You have no idea whatsoever who this guy is, but he seems to imitate Stone Cold a lot. Wonder how he got in here, anyway…