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Shawn Michaels, Tina Mint

Shawn Michaels
"The Heartbreak Kid."

You are the Heartbreak Kid, the ultimate ladies' man on the face of the planet. Women everywhere have been known to faint at the mere mention of your name, and it just gets your blood pumping when you hear members of the female gender screaming your name. Money, prestige and honour, none of it matters to you so long as you can impress every woman in sight.

Whatever people may say, however, you are not quite as stupid as others seem to think. You know exactly why you were hired to be in the WWF. You're here to be a 'poster-boy', to attract the female crowds, and for no other reason. You're one of the most recent additions to the WWF, which as far as you're concerned, is a good thing. You hear that back in the old days, it used to be a wrestler's skill and strength that determined their pay-roll (or at least, that was the case if you believe those old stories that the Ref tells). But nowadays, the "better" wrestlers are just those who draw the crowds, and though you may not be the best of wrestlers, that is one thing that you certainly ARE good at.

This being the case, you've always known that you were actually better off outside the ring than in it. Lengthy public interviews where you get to show off, talk trash, and have some pretty woman hanging of your shoulder are where you do best, whereas in the ring, if the fight is fair, you almost always get the tar beat out of you. Fortunately, Vince makes sure that it's the more 'popular' wrestlers who get to the top, mostly by having them always fight Disco Inferno instead of someone actually GOOD, like Macho Man Randy Savage or Hulk Hogan. Even so, you always get a little nervous every time you step into the ring (especially with that scary Stone Cold Steve Austin around), and you try to avoid fighting as much as possible.

You are quite proud that you managed to almost completely avoid that ridiculous 'Styrofoam Match' that they tried holding exactly one year ago. That thing was an insult to your manhood! The objective of the stupid match was to slam your opponent into a big pile of Styrofoam and hold them there during the count-down. Even you could see that the match was dangerous, which was why you wriggled out of participating in it. It turns out that you were very wise in doing this, as you heard that Disco Inferno was almost killed during the course of the match. Some might call what you did 'cowardice', but you prefer to call it a smart career move.

At the same time, you would never admit to anything that might lessen your manhood. Winning fights is a great way of impressing the ladies, the only problem is, losing them is not. That being the case, you're willing to do anything you have to in order to win any fight you're engaged in, especially if there's a woman watching. You might be a wimp, but you still have your pride and your ego, and you're not about to let anyone diminish those.

For the moment, though, you seem to be safe. Tomorrow is the Heavyweight Championship, and fortunately, you're not in it. Not that you'd mind WINNING the Belt - now THAT would impress all the ladies for sure! - but you certainly wouldn't want to face either Macho Man Randy Savage or Stone Cold Steve Austin in the ring. No, your best use of time would be to use this party to chat it up with as many women as you can, and let everyone else worry about the match.

Special Powers

1 -- Manly Appeal: Since Shawn Michaels is so handsome and manly, he use his natural aura to charm any female character into doing any one act that he wants, provided it isn't totally against their character or objectives. 3 Uses.


1 -- Impress all the women here as much as you possibly can, any way that you can!

2 -- Never get in a fight with anyone, and if you do, don't fight fairly!

3 -- Act as arrogant as you possibly can, at all times.

Relations To The Other Characters

Macho Man Randy Savage -- Now this guy is a bit of a worry to you. Not only is he a very strong wrestler, but he's a real "Macho Man", and some of the ladies might go for that. Fortunately, you have the advantage of youth, so you'll have to play that out as much as you can.

Stone Cold Steve Austin -- There's no two ways about it: you are scared of this man! He's constantly calling you a jackass and giving you the finger, and you're certain that he'd kill you in the ring without a second thought. Thus, you've been very careful to make sure that you've never actually fought him since joining the WWF.

Hulk Hogan -- This old, outdated wrestler is far past his time! Chicks like "Bad Boys", not "Good Boys", and this guy is a regular boy-scout if ever you saw one!

Razor Ramon -- You wouldn't think that this greasy Latino would stand a chance with the women, but he sure can ooze a lot of raw machismo. Also, those gold chains of his are pretty nice, maybe you could get them off him somehow and give them to a woman as a gift to impress her…

Brett "the Hitman" Hart -- You get the distinct impression that this wrestler doesn't like you very much. He's got a reputation as a real "professional", and you sure as heck wouldn't want to face him in the ring!

The Ultimate Warrior -- This is another guy who kind of scares you, mainly since he seems so wild and uncontrollable. Lately, he's taken to wearing this stupid poncho, and you've never heard of a chick who liked a man in a poncho.

Ted Dibiase, the Million Dollar Man -- One of the original villains of the WWF, you don't think you've ever seen this guy ACTUALLY fight in the ring. Still, chicks dig a guy with money, maybe you could find some way to get him to give you some…

IRS -- Man, this guy wears these crappy suspenders all the time! Talk about a lack of taste! You heard that he also collects taxes or something, but that's not something that you know a whole lot about.

Jake the Snake -- Yet another wrestler who you'd never want to face in this ring! Not only is this guy more of a cheater than you, but you're sure that he stole one of your girl-friends a couple years back. You'd like to find a way to get back at him, but he'd probably find some way to turn any scheme back on you.

The Undertaker -- This guy just walks around glaring at people and making cryptic comments. Definitely not a good way to pick up chicks!!

Disco Inferno -- This guy is such a wimp that even you can beat him up without cheating! It might be worth doing if it would impress one of the ladies.

Andre the Giant -- Some big, fat guy who supposedly used to be a good wrestler. However, due to his bulk, you don't think the chicks will pay him much heed.

Yokozuna -- This Japanese Sumo wrestler might be a real threat in the Sushi-eating department, but shouldn't be much of a problem for you. However, he has been showing off all this yen that he has recently. You don't know much about money, but you know that Japan has a pretty strong currency, so this yen is probably worth a lot.

Vince McMahon -- The owner of the WWF. You're on fairly good terms with him right now, but you know that's only because you're rather popular at the moment. You know he'd get rid of you if your ratings ever started to drop, and you can't really blame him for that, since he's only in it for the money anyway.

Jesse the Body Ventura -- Some former wrestler who became a politician or something. Politics never interested you much, so that's about as much as you know.

The Ref -- This guy has been reffing the WWF for a long time, and hates people who use foreign objects in the ring. However, in the past, you've actually paid him off several times to skew fights in your favor in order to impress the ladies, and won't hesitate to do so again if you have to.

Tina Mint -- Your current girl-friend, and like all your girl-friends, she's pretty good-looking, but there's nothing particularly special about her, but you couldn't possibly show up at a party like this without an escort. After all, being the Heartbreak Kid, you've got to impress her as much as you possibly can.

Monette Acre -- Vince McMahon's wife. She's a bit older than your usual girl, but she must have access to the McMahon fortune, which would make her an attractive catch. Of course, chatting it up with her might offend Vince a little, but you're not particularly worried about that.

Penelope Anne Entwhistle -- Some kind of rich socialite from…er…some place in Europe, you think. Never mind that, she's a good-looking woman, and loaded to boot. You'll have to impress her as much as possible (while at the same time, not offending Tina TOO much, of course).

Jim Rockford -- You heard this guy's a private detective or something, but you have no idea what he's doing here, nor do you really care.

Simon -- Who? Oh well, with those grungy pants, the ladies won't give him a second glance, so he's nothing for you to worry about.

Tina Mint

Unknown to pretty well everyone around you, you are a devious little piece of work. Your good looks and 'ditzy' attitude are merely tools to serve your own personal ambitions of fame and fortune. And as long as none of these fools find out, then all of your plans should soon come to tuition.

For a little while now, you've been dating Shawn Michaels, the Heartbreak Kid, but he's hardly the first boy-friend who you've taken advantage of. Despite the fact that you come from low-class parentage, you are actually an educated woman, having graduated from the University of Minnesota. You were able to do this by dating Peter Graves, the then-famous actor, and since he was attending the U. of M., you managed to convince him to pay for your tuition as well. Naturally, you dumped the annoying fool when he was no longer useful, and tried to hook up with the famous political analyst, Jason Moscovitz. However, he was shrewd enough to see through your self-serving scheme, so after a string of somewhat useless boyfriends, you finally hooked up with Shawn.

Shawn Michaels, the Heartbreak Kid, was the perfect target for your evil manipulations. He needs a woman to hang off his shoulder at all times, and as long as she just stands there and looks pretty, he doesn't seem to notice anything else, which works for you just fine. He's also dumb as a post, and easy to manipulate. And on top of that, he's currently one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWF. Granted, he's one of the weakest wrestlers in a straight fight (he's taught you some of his moves, and YOU'RE almost as good as he is already), but you know for a fact that Vince McMahon, the owner of the WWF, is interested only in drawing the crowds, not in real talent.

Even so, you're a little unsure what possessed a marketing genius like Vince to run that Styrofoam Match that they tried a year ago. It was some silly match, with the objective being to slam your opponent into a big pile of Styrofoam and hold them there during the count-down. Seeing the dangers of this match, you managed to convince Shawn not to participate, and it was a good thing too, as you heard that some other wrestler almost got killed during the match, and Shawn is just too useful to you for you to lose him now.

After all, being the girlfriend of a pro-wrestler is prestigious enough, and you already "ensure" that a large amount of Shawn's income ends up in your hands, but that's not enough. You want to be the sole girl-friend, maybe even wife (you can always divorce him later), of the WWF Heavyweight Champion of the World! Now THAT would be something to brag about.

And tonight is the chance of a lifetime, for tomorrow is the Heavyweight Final: Macho Man Randy Savage against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Now, Macho Man may be a formidable fighter, but you've studied Stone Cold in the ring, and quite frankly, he's the worst wrestler you've ever seen! Against him, even Shawn should be able to win. Now, if only you could find some way to Macho Man out and Shawn in, then the Belt would be yours! You'd better act tonight, though, for a chance this good doesn't come along every day…

    Money: $300
    Wrestling: 2

Special Powers

1 -- Simpering Smile: By giving her best ditzy smile, Tina can convince any male character to just hand her $50 (assuming they have that much) with no questions asked. This power will not work on Ted Dibiase, Stone Cold Steve Austin, or Simon. 3 Uses.

2 -- Feminine Charms: By using her feminine charms to greatest effect, Tina can make any male character perform any one act that she desires, as long as it doesn't go totally against their character or objectives. Again, this power is useless on Ted Dibiase, Steve Austin, and Simon. 1 Use.


1 -- Eliminate Macho Man through ANY means possible, and get Shawn Michaels to take his place in the Final tomorrow.

2-- Don't let Shawn get too 'friendly' with any of the other women! You don't want him finding another girl-friend before the Final tomorrow!

3 -- Make as much money as you can on the side. After all, you want to be rich AND famous.

4 -- Don't let anyone think that you're anything but a ditzy bimbo! You don't want anyone discovering your scheme too soon.

Relations To The Other Characters

Macho Man Randy Savage -- This guy may be a real Macho Man, but he's the main obstacle between Shawn Michaels and the final. You've got to find some way to take him out of the picture.

Stone Cold Steve Austin -- This obnoxious jerk is the worst wrestler you've ever seen! Even Shawn could beat him in the ring, which is why you can't pass up this amazing chance.

Hulk Hogan -- This wimpy goody-two-shoes would probably try to interfere with your plans, if he knew about them. He seems to think that the Belt should ACTUALLY go to the best wrestler. He could be…troublesome…

Razor Ramon -- This greasy Latino is an excellent wrestler, but fortunately for you and Shawn, he hasn't been fighting much over the last year. Those gold chains that he has around his neck are nice though, maybe you can find some way to get them…

Brett "the Hitman" Hart -- This guy might be pretty handsome, but he's a real "professional" wrestler, and you know he doesn't like Shawn very much, or Stone Cold for that matter.

The Ultimate Warrior -- This crazy wrestler has taken to wearing some kind of poncho in the ring or something!! You've also heard that he had some trouble with the Ref a while back, but you're not quite sure what it was about.

Ted Dibiase, the Million Dollar Man -- Man, if only you could find a way to get your hands on THIS guy's money!! He's not the best of wrestlers -- well, you don't think he is, you've never seen him actually fight -- but boy, does he have the cash!

IRS -- A guy who used to be a wrestler, and who now does tax-collecting for the government. He could be mildly bothersome if you're not careful.

Jake the Snake -- Even you, devious as you are, don't trust this wrestler! He always acts so suspicious, plus he carries that creepy snake of his everywhere he goes.

The Undertaker -- Some mysterious wrestler who goes around glaring at everybody and acting really weird.

Disco Inferno -- Just some sissy who seems to be obsessed with Disco music. He's even more of a pansy than Shawn, and far more annoying, so it'd probably be best to avoid him.

Andre the Giant -- A giant of a wrestler who, from what you've seen, just spends all his time eating now.

Yokozuna -- Some really fat Japanese wrestler guy, you're not really too impressed with him. However, he's been flashing around a lot of yen, the Japanese currency. Since Japan is really rich, you figure the yen must be worth a lot, it'd be great if you could get your hands on some.

Shawn Michaels -- The Heartbreak Kid and your current boy-friend. He is actually little more than your pawn in your quest for fame and fortune.

Vince McMahon -- The super-capitalistic owner of the WWF. You're sure that you could 'convince' him to put Shawn in the Final, if only it would somehow increase the profits of the WWF. Also, you heard that despite being rich and famous, this guy started out from a low-class background. Maybe if you could find out the details, you could use them to blackmail him…

Jesse the Body Ventura -- Some wrestler now-turned politician. You wouldn't have much respect for him, except that you heard that his campaign manager is none other than Jason Moscovitz, who's a major force on his own.

The Ref -- Some people may think this guy likes to play by the rules, but you know for a fact that Shawn has paid him off in the past to help him win matches. Perhaps you could take advantage of this somehow.

Monette Acre -- Vince McMahon's tough wife, you don't think she'd approve of you getting too close to Vince. However, she might make a valuable ally if you could find a way to get her on your side.

Penelope Anne Entwhistle -- Some kind of rich aristocrat with what sounds like a bad English accent. You don't really know why she's here, but maybe you can find a way to get some of her money off her.

Simon -- Some kind of grungy skid wearing stupid army pants. This guy isn't even worth looking at, as far as you can see.

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