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Brett The Hitman Hart, Yokozuna

Brett "the Hitman" Hart
"It's time to play with the pros, kid."

For you, wrestling isn't just a game. It's a true competition that should be taken completely and absolutely seriously. A respectable test of strength between two men in the ring, and victory going to the stronger of the two. And as The Hitman, you're willing to take out anybody who gets in the way of your philosophy.

You weren't always into wrestling like you are now. In your youth, you tried all sorts of competitive sports, and while you were never the best, you showed a natural talent for almost everyone of them. Being born in Calgary, Canada, you spent quite a bit of time on the ice, playing ice-hockey and competing in speed-skating competitions. As you got older, you tried soccer, football and even cricket, and you did well for a time, but even at an early age, you were disgusted at the selfish, "glory-hogging" attitudes of most of your team-mates. Sure some players are better than others, and you were one of the best, but these were all team games, and the team wins or loses together. After dropping out from the Western Canadian Soccer League, you took up what would soon become your favorite sport, short of wrestling itself - curling. You were an expert shot with those giant rocks, and when you went to take out your opponents' stones, you almost never missed. It's a little-known fact, but it was at this point, before you even got into wrestling, that you acquired the nick-name of "the Hitman".

In fact, it was thanks to your curling expertise that you won an athletic scholarship and was invited to attend the prestigious, though not particularly well-known, Franklin University. Due to Franklin's highly secretive nature, the time you spent there has been classified, but suffice it to say that, unlike most wrestlers, you are actually quite an educated and well-spoken man.

Upon your graduation, you had heard about the rising popularity of the WWF, and seeing some of the matches on TV, you were convinced that you could beat those muscle-bound "show-men" in a fair fight. Thus, you, along with your brother Owen, signed onboard the WWF, and you've been a professional wrestler ever since.

However, you quickly found out that fair competition wasn't really what the WWF was all about. Vince McMahon, the owner of the WWF, is really only interested on improving the ratings and drawing the crowds, and he's willing to stoop to anything to do this. Instead of professionals like you being in the spot-light, "popular" chumps like Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold Steve Austin are the ones who get to "win" the matches. It's a real outrage.

The perfect example of Vince's lunacy was that stupid "Styrofoam Match" that he held exactly one year ago. The objective of the match was to slam your opponent into a pile of Styrofoam and hold them there during the count-down. Not only was the idea merely silly, it was down-right dangerous. In fact, you heard that the wrestler Disco Inferno almost suffocated to death during the match, and was lucky to survive. Fortunately, Vince seems to have discontinued this type of match, but who knows long it is until he comes up with another stupid idea just like it.

You were willing to keep quiet about all of this for the sake of the wrestling, but just six months ago, your brother Owen, in a match against the Undertaker, was accidentally killed in the ring. You're not totally sure if anyone was really at fault here, but you blame Vince for slacking off on necessary safety measures.

And now, this Championship Match is the final insult. Macho Man Randy Savage, well, he's a decent enough fighter and might actually deserve to be in the match, but it's his opponent who really gives you problems. That's right. It's none other than the dreaded Stone Cold Steve Austin. That man is a joke!! All he does is flip the finger and guzzle beer! He doesn't even deserve to be in the ring, let alone the Final. Yet somehow, this obnoxious jerk is more popular than you are. Something's got to be done about that, because after all, you ARE the Hitman, and when the Hitman sets his sights, he never misses his mark.

    Money: $1000
    Wrestling: 8
    Items: Designer Sunglasses

Special Powers

1 - Super Suplex: Using his pro-wrestling technique, Brett lifts his opponent above his head and slams them into the ground, a move that greatly increases his wrestling skill. +4 Wrestling. 1 Use.


1 -- Fight in the Final Match tomorrow by somehow taking Stone Cold's place. You're willing to do anything short of murder to accomplish this.

2 -- Destroy all the Stone Cold paraphernalia that you can find. 3 -- Give the media the "real" story behind wrestling, and find a way to publicly denounce Vince. Surely there's got to be some media coverage around here somewhere…

Relations To The Other Characters

Macho Man Randy Savage -- An excellent wrestler who spends his time working out in the gym. You would be honoured to face him in the Final match tomorrow.

Stone Cold Steve Austin -- Your arch-enemy, probably the one man you hate the most. He's slated to fight in the Final tomorrow, and he doesn't deserve it one bit. You've got to find a way to take him out and replace him with yourself.

Hulk Hogan -- The original "good guy" of the WWF, who believes in a fair and honourable fight. Even though that shirt-tear thing he does is kind of cheesy, you still have to respect him. Surely, he must realize that Stone Cold is unfit to be in the Final tomorrow.

Razor Ramon -- From what you've seen, the "Bad Guy" is an excellent wrestler, though for some reason, he hasn't been wrestling much in recent years.

The Ultimate Warrior -- This guy is far too wild and uncontrollable to be a "professional" wrestler! On top of that, he always wears that stupid poncho, even in the ring. You don't know why, surely such bulky clothing would inhibit his wrestling ability.

Ted Dibiase, the Million Dollar Man -- You dislike this man almost as much as you do Stone Cold! As far as you've seen, he's never so much as fought in a real fight, all he does his pay off his opponent. If only he was up against YOU in the ring, he'd see why they call you "the Hitman".

IRS -- A wrestler who now collects taxes on the side as well. You've seen him try to hit people with ridiculous "hidden taxes" in the past, but as an educated man, you're able to see through them.

Jake the Snake -- Now this is one man you'd like to see thrown out of the WWF! He's always acting so suspicious, and while you've never actually SEEN him cheat, you're sure he's never fought a fair fight in his life.

The Undertaker -- A rather dark and mysterious wrestler, who always used to win the old Coffin and Cage matches. You don't know too much about him, but he was nice enough to supply the coffin free-of-charge for your brother's funeral, so he can't be THAT bad a guy.

Disco Inferno -- This guy is a dancer, not a wrestler! They shouldn't even allow him in the ring, especially after he almost got killed in that Styrofoam match.

Andre the Giant -- A wrestler who no doubt depends on size, not skill, to win his matches. You're sure you could take him out in a fight if you had to.

Yokozuna -- A giant, Japanese sumo wrestler, who always wanted to win the Belt so he could take it back to Japan. Lately, he's been flashing around all this yen that he's carrying. Being an educated man, you know that Japan is an economic power-house, so these yen are probably worth a lot.

Shawn Michaels -- The 'Heartbreak Kid'. This guy is another trashy "modern" wrestler - he's just a poster-boy to draw the crowds and doesn't have any real talent. If he was as popular as Steve Austin, you'd probably hate him just as much.

Vince McMahon -- The owner of the WWF, and a greedy, money-grubbing swine. You blame him for the death of your brother, and are extremely angry that he seems to be running the WWF based on popularity, and not on skill. He's the one responsible for choosing Stone Cold as a finalist…there's got to be some way to "convince" him to change his mind.

Jesse the Body Ventura -- A former WWF wrestler who is currently running for the position of Governor of Minnesota. You've heard that his campaign manager is actually Jason Moscovitz, the political commentator from the CBC news! Most Americans probably wouldn't know the name, but Jason is in the news so much that any self-respecting Canadian has heard of him.

The Ref -- This is the guy who's been reffing the WWF for longer than you've been in it. You know that he hates anyone who uses foreign objects in the ring, but at the same time, you've noticed some shifty behavior on his part in the past.

Tina Mint -- Shawn Michaels' latest bimbo girlfriend. You personally don't think a professional should mix business with his personal life and would never take your girlfriend (if you had one) to wrestling matches like Shawn does.

Monette Acre -- Vince McMahon's wife, and a tough, ambitious woman. You've heard that she's been having some disagreements with Vince lately. She would be a valuable ally if you could get her on your side.

Penelope Anne Entwhistle -- Some high-class aristocrat from Sweden or something. You heard that she wants to invest some money in the WWF. You just hope Vince doesn't find some way to embezzle it all, you wouldn't put it above him.

Jim Rockford -- A wimpy private investigator. Whatever happened to guys like Kojak and Tony Barretta? Still, you have to wonder what a private investigator is doing at a party like this…

Simon -- Hey, who is this skid?! Whoever he is, he seems to be some kind of Steve Austin fan, and that alone is reason enough for you to hate him. At the very least, you've got to destroy that Stone Cold shirt that he's wearing.


In the language of the Japanese, 'Yokozuna' merely means 'champion'. And that's exactly what you are. The true champion of the WWF. None of these stupid, arrogant Americans can stand up to your mighty Sumo power. It is a disgrace that they have kept the Championship of the WWF for so long, and it's time that you showed them otherwise.

Being Japanese, your training philosophy is very different than most of those worthless Americans. Most of them seem to think that lifting weights, drinking beer and obnoxious posturing is enough to get them to the top. But you, as a true practitioner of the ways of Sumo, you know the true secret to both physical and inner strength: FOOD. The more food that you eat, the bigger and more powerful you can become. These American wrestlers don't stand a chance against your sheer sumo-size. The only problem is, ever since coming to America, you haven't been able to get decent food to increase your strength. Hamburgers and fries just don't compare to real, Japanese sushi.

In any case, you first came to the United States several years ago for the purpose of joining the WWF, winning the Heavyweight Belt, and taking it back to Japan. You got into the WWF by paying off Vince McMahon with several thousand Japanese yen. Of course, the poor fool didn't seem to realize how much the yen is really worth, so you managed to rip him off horribly in this exchange. Little did even Vince know, however, that you were actually being funded by the Japanese branch of INTERPOL, who, wishing to discredit their American counter-parts, had hired you to humiliate the stupid Americans by winning one of their most prestigious status symbols, the WWF Heavyweight Belt, and bringing it back to Japan where it belongs.

However, you failed to count on the fact that the WWF is not truly based on wrestling skill, but rather on popularity and showmanship. And unfortunately, these foolish Americans always seem to favor their own kind above foreigners, otherwise how would someone like Stone Cold Steve Austin fight in the Final before you? You began to lose what little respect you did have for the WWF, and the proverbial 'American Way'.

One of the greatest examples of this American stupidity was the infamous 'Styrofoam Match' that they held exactly one year ago. The object of the match was to slam your opponent into a huge pile of Styrofoam, and hold them there during the count-down. In the end, one of the foolish Americans almost ended up getting killed, and Vince McMahon discontinued this style of match, but in your eyes, it was far too late for him to redeem himself.

Following the Styrofoam Match, you briefly returned to Japan to confer with your masters at INTERPOL, and to pick up some more Japanese yen. You picked up 50,000 yen, and in reality, it takes 100 yen to make a single American dollar, but these fools over here don't seem to realize that. Following this briefing, you received new orders concerning your mission -- you are now to obtain the Heavyweight Belt through ANY means available, and bring it back to Japan at any cost.

Thus, you returned to America shortly before the next Heavyweight Championship Match: Macho Man Randy Savage VS. Stone Cold Steve Austin. It is now the night before the match, and you are running out of time. If you're going to find a way to get the Belt, you had better do it tonight. After all, you are Yokozuna, and there's more ways than one to be a champion…

    Money: 50,000 yen ($500)
    Wrestling: 6

Special Powers

1 - Banzai Drop: With this power, Yokozuna uses his Sumo ability to leap on top of his opponent and crush them into the ground. +2 Wrestling. 2 Uses.

2 -- Japanese Rules: By using strange Japanese rules that nobody understands, Yokozuna can "legally" use any foreign object that he wants for the duration of the match. 1 Use.

3 -- Cash Conversion: Using his hi-tech, Japanese bank-card, Yokozuna can instantly convert any American cash he acquires into Japanese yen (1 dollar = 100 yen). Infinite Uses.


1 -- Get the Heavyweight Belt and take it back to Japan. (there are several ways of doing this…you could actually get in the Final and try and win…or steal it…or whatever else you can come up with. It should be noted that INTERPOL has not granted you a license to kill).

2 -- Eat as much as you possibly can, to increase your Sumo strength!

3 -- Babble away in Japanese while stuffing your face with Sushi. (there's GOT to be a way to get them to serve sushi at this party…)

4 -- Baffle as many of these foolish Americans as you can with the power of the yen.

Relations To The Other Characters

Macho Man Randy Savage -- An arrogant American wrestler, who's always shouting "OHH YEAH!" and carrying an American flag. You can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds that America no longer has the Belt…

Stone Cold Steve Austin -- This American is even more obnoxious and annoying than the norm. However, his "bad attitude" seems very popular with these foolish people, as there's no way he could be in the Final due to his skill…

Hulk Hogan -- Yet another American patriot. He is also one of the WWF's famous "good guys", and definitely wouldn't approve of any under-handed methods you might use to get the Belt. It might be better if you find a way to take him out of the picture…

Razor Ramon -- Ho, if this guy is any indication, then Latinos are even more annoying than Americans!! You can't stand this guy's greasiness or horrible Latino accent. However, those Gold Chains he wears are worth a lot, perhaps you could buy them off him for some pathetically small amount of yen.

Brett "the Hitman" Hart -- This guy is actually from Canada, so you instinctively like him better than the Americans. Still, you're not sure how willing he'd be to help you get the belt, he's supposed to be a very "professional" wrestler.

The Ultimate Warrior -- This wrestler always wears some kind of Mexican poncho. Your INTERPOL contacts have told you that he also deals in illegal foreign objects, and with the power of the yen, you might be able to acquire some quite cheaply.

Ted Dibiase, the Million Dollar Man -- This filthy-rich American seems very money-wise, and you suspect that he might actually know how much the yen is worth. Better stay away from him.

IRS -- Some wrestler that also does tax-collecting. Since you're not a US citizen, you can't see how he could possibly tax you for anything…

Jake the Snake -- Now this is one sneaky character!! If there's anyone who might help you steal the Belt, it's him, but you're not sure you could trust him not to just take it for himself after the heist.

The Undertaker -- Unlike most Americans, this guy seems to keep pretty much to himself, and you don't know too much about him.

Disco Inferno -- Some foolish man who is obsessed with that awful American "disco" music. The Americans do have some quality music, such as the Beach Boys, but this disco stuff is just intolerable.

Andre the Giant -- A massive wrestler, and the only one who might be your match in the eating department. You'd better make sure you get to the table before he does, or else there might not be anything left…

Shawn Michaels -- Some pretty boy who only seems interested in impressing girls. He's a terrible wrestler, and as far as you've seen, has very few morals. He's also dumb enough that you might be able to use him without him realizing it.

Vince McMahon -- The owner of the WWF. He seems rather shrewd for an American, but is interested only in money. He would probably SELL you the Belt if you could make it worth his while. You just hope that he doesn't know how much the yen is actually worth…

Jesse the Body Ventura -- A wrestler who is now an American politician. You've heard that he has the support of Jason Moscovitz, a political commentator and movie reviewer who is famous even in Japan, and you almost have to respect him for that.

The Ref -- This guy has been reffing the WWF for years, and used to get mad at you for attempting to use your strange 'Japanese rules' in the ring. However, from what you've seen, you're sure he could be bought out for the right price…

Tina Mint -- A typical, American woman with no self-respect. All she does is hang off that wimp Shawn Michaels' shoulder.

Monette Acre -- Vince McMahon's wife. From what you've seen, she is almost as greedy as her husband. Perhaps there is some way you can use this to your advantage to get the Belt. Maybe the two of you could strike a deal or something…

Penlope Anne Entwhistle -- Some kind of rich aristocrat from…uh…some place other than Japan. You don't see how she could be much help to you, though maybe you could trick her out of some of her American money.

Jim Rockford -- Some sort of…private detective. He could be trouble if you decide to go after the Belt in an illegal manner. But no matter, he's so scrawny that you could just take him out without a problem.

Simon -- Some typical annoying American. Other than that, you don't know who he is, or why he's here.

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