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Ted Dibiase, Andre The Giant

Ted Dibiase, the Million Dollar Man
"Everyone has their price."

Money, money, money. What else does a man really need? Why bother with friends, women, and worthless status symbols when all of them can easily be bought if you only have the cash. After all, for the Million Dollar Man, everyone has their price.

Most people say that they're not "made of money", but you're just about as close as they come. You've always had ALL the money. More money then you could possibly need. How you got the money doesn't matter. It always just ends up in your coat pocket. But there is one reason why you have all that money. And that reason is that, unlike some weaker men, you were careful never to squander your money on anything that wasn't guaranteed to make you even MORE money. As far as you're concerned, you're only the Million Dollar Man if you actually HAVE the money, not if you spend it. Acquiring money is truly your only ambition in life. Everything else is secondary beside that.

But you're the Million Dollar Man, and fortunately, you are to money as honey is to a fly. Not only do the green-backs naturally fall into your hands, but once they're there, they're stuck for good. Your entire life, you've never actually had to do any real work to amass your huge fortune. No one has ever been able to trace the beginnings of your massive fortune. You get paid in the WWF of course, but no more than any other wrestler. The truth is, all you've ever needed to make money is your nose for cash, your natural instinct, and of course, your Million-Dollar suit jacket.

You weren't among the very first wrestlers in the WWF, but you still joined at an early stage in the Federation's history. At that point, the WWF was made up of goody-two-shoes like Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage and Andre the Giant. But you, with your Million-Dollar-Genius, could see that something more was needed. The WWF needed something extra. It needed a villain. It needed the Million Dollar Man.

Vince McMahon, the long-time owner of the WWF and quite a prosperous money-man himself, instantly took to your idea, and thus, you were the first of a long string of "bad guys" that would eventually join the WWF. And you are quite proud to say that, in all that time, you have never actually broken a sweat in the ring. Not because you're a good wrestler, but merely because you have ALL the money. False promises of vast wealth were usually enough to turn any match in your favor, with an occasional actual "down-payment" with supposedly more money to follow (which it never did) for the more skeptical wrestlers. Yes, those were the days when Ted Dibiase reigned supreme, the ultimate in villainy, and the fact that you always looked like a million bucks never hurt either.

But times are changing, and in his continuous effort to make money, Vince has changed the WWF along with them. Not that you blame him for the principle of course, - morals and such are nothing to you - but lately some of his ideas have seemed a little odd. For instance, last year he started a new theme match called the "Styrofoam Match". The objective of this bizarre new contest was to slam your opponent into a big pile of styrofoam and hold them there for the duration of the count-down. Fortunately, in the typical Ted Dibiase fashion, you managed to avoid the rather dangerous match, as well as not spend a penny in the process.

Oh yes, one minor annoyance worth mentioning. The other day, when you were driven to work in your Million-Dollar-Limo, you arrived to find a giant black monster truck parked in your private parking spot. There was also a note, presumedly left by the owner of the vehicle, which read in a very messy scrawl: "This sign is a jackass!! I can park here any time I want, 'cuz Stone Cold said so!!" Not overly concerned about the matter, you had the truck towed to your private garage (it seemed to be almost out of gas, and you didn't want to pay for more), and continued with the day as usual.

But let it never be said that the other wrestlers aren't jealous of your money. Why, shortly before the ill-fated Styrofoam Match, Andre the Giant came to you, begging you to give him a loan so he could buy his Aunt Bertha some kind of birthday gift. And that blasted IRS has been after you for years, trying to tax you on your mysterious and untraceable income. In fact, you strongly suspect that a lot of people at this party tonight will be after you for your money. Well, no matter. You're confident that you, Ted Dibiase, the original villain, can hold the peasants at bay. After all, you're the Million Dollar Man, and absolutely everyone has their price…

    Money: $1,000,000
    Wrestling: 5
    Items: Million-dollar suit-jacket, Large Monster Truck

Special Powers

1 - Nose for Cash: With this power, Ted Dibiase uses his instinctive money-sensing abilities, and can tell how much money any character is carrying. 1 Use.

2 -- Million-dollar Magnet: With this power, Ted Dibiase can automatically force any one character to give him all their money. Unfortunately, though the character cannot take the money back, this power does not provide any protection against any other forms of retribution. 1 Use.

3 -- False Bribery: Using false promises of vast wealth, Ted Dibiase can convince a character to do any one act, short of murdering someone. Since the character is tricked into thinking they'll be paid, they will not retaliate, no matter what the act. This power cannot be used on Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker or Jim Rockford. 1 Use.

4 -- Million-Dollar Suit-Jacket: Ted Dibiase's amazing sparkling suit-jacket prevents any money from being unwillingly removed from his body, via either brute force or pick-pocketing. 3 Uses.


1 -- Get as much money as you can, without doing any real work. (Note that you have absolutely NO morals about how you accomplish this, so long as you don't have to work for it.)

2 -- Never give money to anyone, unless it is guaranteed to make a profit somehow.

3 -- Never actually get in a fight with anyone (sweating might ruin your suit!!).

Relations To The Other Characters

Macho Man Randy Savage -- One of the brainless chumps slated to fight in the Final tomorrow. You don't think he has very much money, so he's not really worth bothering with.

Stone Cold Steve Austin -- The other competitor in the Heavyweight Championship. He IS a villain, and an obnoxious one at that, but you recently heard that he got sued for everything he was worth…something about a burning Winnebago? He's just dumb enough that you might be able to use him as your pawn if you have to.

Hulk Hogan -- A real goody-two-shoes, who thinks he supports the "American Way". Doesn't he know that capitalism IS the American Way??

Razor Ramon -- The self-proclaimed "bad guy", and the next WWF "villain" after you. You don't think he has much money, but those gold chains around his neck are worth quite a lot!! He's a brainless Latino, there must be some way to trick him out of them.

Brett the Hitman Hart -- As a "professional" wrestler, you know he doesn't care much for you bribing your way through matches. He does wear designer sun-glasses though, so he might have a little cash that you can take advantage of.

The Ultimate Warrior -- Other men might be deceived, but you can see that the poncho that this strange man wears at all times is actually quite valuable. You also suspect that he deals in illegal foreign objects. After all, everything has its price…

IRS -- A wrestler who also does tax-collecting, a combination that you're none too fond of. Better avoid him if at all possible.

Jake the Snake -- This man has the face of a thief if you ever saw one!! It's a good thing that your Million-Dollar Jacket protects you from pick-pockets, otherwise you'd have to watch your back around this shady character.

The Undertaker -- Some strange wrestler who goes around glaring at people and acting all cryptic. However, you also know that he's started up his own coffin business, you'd think that would be something he knows a lot about. Maybe he's got some cash around…?

Disco Inferno -- Someone who's as behind the times as this pansy couldn't possibly have any money.

Andre the Giant -- One of the older wrestlers, he was foolish enough to even ask you for a loan once to buy a present for his Aunt. It's no surprise that he has no money, he must spend it all on food!!

Yokozuna -- A sumo wrestler from Japan, he keeps flashing around all this yen that he's carrying. You know for a fact that it takes about 100 yen to make a single dollar, so he doesn't really have as much money as he claims.

Shawn Michaels -- The self-proclaimed 'Heartbreak Kid', though in your opinion, he doesn't look like a million bucks like you do. He probably spends all his money on women anyway, so he's not worth bothering with.

Vince McMahon -- The owner of the WWF. Like yourself, he's a greedy capitalist, but he's just not quite as good at it as you are. Still, you know for a fact that he's pretty loaded, but since he's your boss, it might not be a good idea to go after his money...unless, of course, he never found out...

Jesse the Body Ventura -- Some wrestler turned politician. No doubt he'll try and get some campaign funding from you or something. Now THERE'S a worthless cause, if ever you saw one.

The Ref -- A guy who's been reffing the WWF for years, and who has been very useful to you in the past. You've often "bribed" him to skew matches in your favor, or rather, disqualify your opponent before the match even starts.

Tina Mint -- Shawn Michael's latest girl-friend. A pretty find, but certainly not worth wasting money on.

Monette Acre - Vince McMahon's wife, and unless you read her wrong, a very ambitious woman. You're sure she must have her eye on Vince's money. Perhaps the two of you can work out some kind of agreement…

Penelope Anne Entwhistle -- She claims to be an aristocrat from England, but there's something not quite right about her accent. Nevertheless, she says she has some money that she's looking to invest, and what better place for it than in the pocket of YOUR vest?

Jim Rockford -- Some nosy private investigator. You heard he lives in a malibu trailer or something, so he's probably practically broke, and hardly worth wasting time on.

Simon -- You have no idea who this kid is, but with those grungy army pants, he can't possibly have any money worth mentioning.

Andre the Giant
"Size DOES matter."

You are Andre the Giant, and you have one very large claim to fame - the fact that you are the biggest man on the entire planet. Oh that's right, some wrestlers may be faster, some may even be stronger but nobody, absolutely nobody, is BIGGER.

You've always had a rather different philosophy towards wrestling than most of your compatriots. Men like Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage spend their time in the gym, pumping iron and building their muscles the old-fashioned way. But why waste so much time? When it really comes down to it, wrestling is about one thing: size. And when you break THAT down, then there's really only one thing you need to build your size: food. It's an age-old philosophy that still runs strongly in your family. The guy with the most food wins. Everyone in your family tree, from your giant lumber-jack of a father, to your massive brother Dwayne, and even to your Big Aunt Bertha, is huge. After all, your family has always known that the secret to getting big is not what you eat, but how much.

You were one of the very first wrestlers to join the WWF, and at that time, you were one of the most powerful. Nobody could stand up to the sheer power of your massive size. You were making a good bit of money in those days, being one of the most popular wrestlers. And it was then that you met the man called Hulk Hogan, who for many years, would become one of your life-long friends. At that time, Hogan was the very best wrestler around, the Champion of the WWF, and a better wrestler than even yourself. He was also a man of high morals, who strongly believed in truth, justice and the American Way. The two of you were the best of buddies…until that fateful day, one year ago.

You remember it all too well. You'd been getting less and less air-time on the WWF, and on top of that, you and the Hulkster were now forced to share a locker. It was just a week before your Big Aunt Bertha's birthday, and you had wanted to get her a very nice cajmere sweater as a present. However, since your family all require custom-made clothing, merely due to their extreme size, the cost for the sweater was well into the quadruble digits. First, you had tried begging Ted Dibiase, the Million Dollar Man, to lend you the cash, but he turned you down quite swiftly. You finally convinced Vince McMahon, the owner of the WWF, to lend you the money, and you were the storing the sweater in your locker until you could give it to your Aunt.

But then came the "Styrofoam Match". It was some ridiculous new marketing stunt by Vince McMahon, in his endless quest to improve the ratings. The object of the Styrofoam Match was to slam your opponent into a big pile of Styrofoam and hold them there during the count-down. As everyone knows, it is Hulk Hogan's custom to wear a shirt into the ring and then tear it off right before the match. But this time, the clumsy oaf took your Aunt Bertha's sweater, and before you realized what was happening, had ripped it to shreds and was already beating the living daylights out of Jake the Snake. You were furious! You were already deeply in debt to Vince because of the sweater, and now it was gone!!

Since then, you haven't even wanted to speak to the Hulkster, and have been planning to get your revenge some day. And it seems like this big party could be your chance. They'll be so much going on, that surely no one will notice if you catch Hogan in a corner and beat the living day-lights out of him. He may be Hulk Hogan, but you're Andre the Giant, and in the end, size DOES matter.

    Money: $200
    Wrestling: 6

Special Powers

1 -- Unstoppable Belch: Summoning all the power of his massive size, Andre lets out a massive belch, throwing his opponent off-balance and giving him the edge in the ring. +2 Wrestling. 3 Uses.


1 -- Out-eat anyone else at the party, especially that japanese monster, Yokozuna!

2 -- Talk with lethargically bad grammar at all times.

3 -- Find some way to beat up Hulk Hogan. You know that he's a better wrestler than you, so you'll have to find some plan that will give you an edge.

Relations To The Other Characters

Macho Man Randy Savage -- One of the original wrestlers, and one of the two competitors for the Heavyweight Belt. He's also a good friend of Hulk Hogan's, so you better make sure he's not around when you extract your revenge.

Stone Cold Steve Austin -- The other competitor for the Heavyweight Belt. He may be an obnoxious jerk, but you respect his beer-guzzling abilities. He seems to hate everyone, so maybe he'd give you a hand in taking out the Hulk.

Hulk Hogan -- Your former best friend. You've been very angry with him ever since he destroyed the sweater that you bought for your Big Aunt Bertha. You know that he's a better wrestler than you, but you've got to find some way to beat the stuffing out of him before the night is over.

Razor Ramon -- A greasy Latino wrestler who's always flicking some stupid tooth-pick. He tossed you right on top of Disco Inferno during the Styrofoam match, and you haven't forgiven him for that. Still, he must be awfully strong to be able to lift you, the Giant, with so much ease…

Brett the Hitman Hart -- A professional wrestler who believes in playing by the rules. Since that's the case, he probably wouldn't be a very good person to ask for help in taking out the Hulk.

The Ultimate Warrior -- A wild and uncontrollable warrior, who seems to have no morals whatsoever in the ring. He's taken to wearing this stupid mexican poncho all the time, you have no idea why.

Ted Dibiase -- The 'Million Dollar Man', and the original villain of the WWF. He's got an awful lot of money, and since Hulk is normally such a goody two-shoes, maybe he'd be willing to help you take him out.

IRS -- A wrestler who also collects taxes for the Internal Revenue Services. You hope he hasn't gotten wind of that under-the-table loan that Vince gave you a while back…

Jake the Snake -- This guy is so suspicious and under-handed, you're sure that he'd love a chance to take out the Hulk. The only problem is, can you trust him not to backstab you when it's over…?

The Undertaker -- A strange wrestler who keeps pretty much to himself. But he seems to like coffins and such, maybe you could get him to take Hogan out of here 'in a coffin', so to speak, like he always used to do during those Coffin Matches.

Disco Inferno - The guy that you fell on top of during the Styrofoam match. He's so much of a wimp that he couldn't possibly be any help in beating up Hulk.

Yokozuna -- A massive Sumo wrestler from Japan, and your major competitor in the eating department. He also seems to be really rich, because he's always showing off all this yen that he has. Japan's rich, isn't it? Their currency must be worth an awful lot, and if this guy really has THOUSANDS of yen like he claims…

Shawn Michaels -- The self-proclaimed 'Heartbreak Kid', he's only really interested in catching the ladies' eye, something that you've never been too concerned with yourself.

Vince McMahon - The owner of the WWF, a man mainly interested in making money. However, he can't be such a bad guy, 'cuz he gave you that loan a while back. Actually, you still owe him $400 of that loan, hopefully he won't be coming after it any time soon.

Jesse the Body Ventura -- A former wrestler, he's now the Governor of somewhere-or-other, you don't really care. Politics were never really your strong point, after all.

The Ref -- Now this is one guy who could get in the way of your plans!! You know that the Ref hates anyone who uses foreign objects in the ring or doesn't fight fairly. You'll have to make sure he's not around when you take your revenge on Hogan.

Tina Mint - Some girl who's always hanging off Shawn Michael's shoulder. You don't really care about her one way or the other, but just judging from her waist, she can't POSSIBLY be eating enough.

Monette Acre -- Vince McMahon's wife. She's always getting on your case about your 'bad eating habits' or some such thing. Utterly ridiculous! What does she know about eating anyway?

Penelope Anne Entwhistle -- Some rich woman from Cucamonga or something, you're not really sure. Hey wait, isn't the National Cookie Convention held in Cucamonga? You'll really have to go there sometime and check it out.

Jim Rockford - Some wimpy private investigator, who doesn't look like he gets enough to eat. Ah well, he'd better not try cutting in on any of the food tonight, or you'll have to kick his skinny butt.

Simon -- Who? You have no idea who this guy is, but then again, you don't really care either.

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