You were one of the very first wrestlers to join the WWF, and ever since the beginning, you've been a true patriot of the American Way. In other words, you believe in loud shouting, raucous enthusiasm and showing off your bulging MUSCLES to everyone and anyone (though especially to chicks). Unlike some undesirables, such as Stone Cold Steve Austin who spends all his time guzzling beer, you spend almost all your free time working out to maintain and build your incredible physical fitness. So, despite your age, you're quite sure that you're more than a match for almost any other wrestler in the WWF.
As one of the first wrestlers around, you helped shape the very character of the WWF, and in the beginning it was good. A bunch of huge muscled guys slugging it out in the ring, with yourself the most macho among them - that's the way it oughtta be. And that's the way it was back in the days when wrestlers like yourself, Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant were in their prime. The crowds roared, the ground shook, and almost all the women in America idolized you as the ultimate "Macho Man".
Those were the good old days, but it seems that things have gone down-hill since then. The best example of this loss of quality in the wrestling industry was that ridiculous "Styrofoam Match" that was held last year. It was a new sort of theme match, the objective being to slam your opponent into a big pile of styrofoam and hold them there during the count-down. One of the wrestlers ended up being seriously injured in the match and it has been permanently discontinued, and as far as you're concerned, the whole thing was just a really dumb and "un-macho" idea.
And that's not the only problem with the WWF these days. Unfortunately, your popularity has been dropping in recent years, and Vince McMahon has been giving you less and less air-time. After the styrofoam match, you decided to try your hand at being a scientist in an attempt to supplement your income. Unfortunately, though in retrospect, perhaps predictably, your plan didn't work too well, as you know absolutely nothing about science. You managed to get a job as a military scientist for a while, but since all you did was spend your time studying the bottom of a bar-bell (as you were lifting it) and saying "Ohhh YEAH!" to all the military brass, you lost your job in short order.
Still, you got in plenty of training in that period, and Wrestlemania 20 marks your full-time return to the ring. Most of the other wrestlers seem to have grown a little soft, and you've had no trouble making it to the very top. Convincing Vince to let you fight for the Belt took a bit of doing, but his wife seems to like you (how could she not?) and it's a good promotional stunt to get you back in business. You can only hope that everything goes according to plan - and of course, show off in a big way in the mean-time.
1 -Macho Muscles: By summoning all his Macho energy, Macho Man receives a surge of power greater than even his usual incredible strength. +3 Wrestling. 2 Uses.
1 - Survive the night to fight and win the Heavyweight Championship tomorrow.
2 - Say "Ohhh YEAH!!" to as many people as possible. 3 - At all times, act as macho as you possibly can.
4 - Find a way to show off your bulging muscles to everybody (but especially the ladies…).
5 - Find a way to regain your former popularity (there must be some media coverage around here SOMEWHERE…)
Stone Cold Steve Austin - The popularity of this man is another sign of how far wrestling has fallen!! You'd hate to see what would happen if America started idolizing this pot-bellied, beer-guzzling, obnoxious JERK as the new "Macho Man" archetype. You'd like to kick his sorry butt, but there's no need for that, since you'll get to do it publicly during the Final tomorrow.
Hulk Hogan - One of the original wrestlers like yourself, and an old friend of yours. He's basically a good guy, and pretty tough, though he doesn't seem to realize that just tearing off your shirt isn't enough to make you a Macho Man.
Razor Ramon - This greasy latino was the guy who won the dreaded Styrofoam match. He even beat you during that time, but for some reason, he hasn't done a lot of wrestling in the past year. Wonder why that is?
Brett "the Hitman" Hart - A man with a very "professional" attitude towards wrestling . . . though the way he wears those sunglasses all the time, you'd think he's trying to immitate you!!
The Ultimate Warrior - This guy is a pretty old wrestler too, but lately he's taken to wearing some stupid poncho. He was good in his hey-day, but he had some trouble with the Ref a while back and has kind of been in the background ever since.
Ted Dibiase the Million Dollar Man -- This guy is hardly a wrestler at all! You're sure that any match he's ever won, it's because he bribed his opponent. Come to think of it, you don't think you've ever seen him ACTUALLY fight anyone . . .
IRS - As well as being a wrestler, this guy collects taxes on the side now. Since you didn't really make any money with that scientist-gig, you shouldn't have anything to worry about from him.
Jake the Snake -- Now this is one man you do NOT trust! He's been in the WWF almost as long as you, and from the beginning he always gave you the creeps. Plus, he's always carrying that weird pet snake of his.
The Undertaker -- This guy's pretty quiet, you don't know much about him, other than that he won the famous "Coffin Match" that was held a few years back.
Disco Inferno -- This wimp is the opposite of the word "Macho". You should probably find some way to humiliate him, while asserting your own "machoness". Incidentally, he was the one that was badly injured in the ill-fated "Styrofoam match".
Andre the Giant -- Another classic wrestler, though he seems to have gotten kind of fat and lazy in his old age.
Yokozuna -- Some foreign wrestler, you never understood why Vince let him join the WWF to begin with. He does keep flashing around all these yen, you don't really know what they are, but you can only assume that they're very valuable.
Shawn Michaels -- The 'Heartbreak Kid' - what a joke! This sissy is nowhere near the "Macho Man" that you are! Clearly, some rearranging of values (and macho posturing) needs to take place here.
Vince McMahon -- The owner of the WWF from the beginning. He's the one running this party tonight. You know he's a little dubious about letting you be in the title match, you better make sure you impress him.
Jesse 'the Body' Ventura -- This old wrestling pal of yours went on to become a politician, of all things! He was a decent wrestler in his time, but he's probably grown soft since then.
The Ref -- Even though this guy's been reffing in the WWF for as long as you can remember, you still don't know his name. You know he really hates anyone who uses foreign objects, but since you don't need 'em, it's no problem for you.
Tina Mint -- Some bimbo who hangs around with Shawn Michaels. There must be some way to convince her that you're far more of a "macho man" than that Heartbreak Sissy.
Monette Acre -- Vince McMahon's wife. Naturally, she thinks that you're quite the man, which is mainly why you're in this match.
Penelope Ann Entwhistle -- Some high-class socialite from some rich family somewhere (England, maybe??). You're not really sure what she's doing here, but she's a woman, you're a Macho Man, and that's all you really need to know.
Jim Rockford -- What? Some wimpy detective? What's he doing here? You thought detectives were supposed to be tough (like Kojak or something), but this guy is quite the opposite.
Simon -- This guy is just some annoying skid! You have no idea whatsoever what he's doing here.
For a long time, you were regarded as the toughest, strongest man in the world. You've been in the WWF since the very start, and at that time, you were incontestably the unbeatable champion, year after year. Those were the days when wrestlers like yourself, Andre the Giant and Macho Man Randy Savage held up the honour and the spirit of the WWF. In all that time, there was only match that you ever lost, to some mohawked psycho that fought in Wrestlemania 1 and was never heard from again. Those were the glory days, the days when you had an unlimited supply of flimsy shirts to rip apart and your own private gym to build up your awesome physique.
But those days are over now, and while you still love the WWF, it's just not quite what it used to be. Your air-time has gone drastically down in recent years, and for the past year and a half, you've even had to share a locker with your old friend Andre the Giant. Even so, you still do what you can to make sure the WWF is always at its best.
In fact, it was mainly due to your intervention that Vince McMahon discontinued the new, and frankly quite ridiculous, "Styrofoam match", which was held for the first time one year ago. The object of the match was to slam your opponent into a big pile of styrofoam and hold them there during the entire count-down. It began like any other match - you stepping into the ring, ripping open your shirt (it was a particularly nice one, as you recall), beating the tar out of Jake the Snake, all the usual stuff. But then, you remember watching in horror as Razor Ramon tossed Disco Inferno into a huge pile of styrofoam, and then tossed your buddy Andre the Giant on top of him. If you hadn't rushed over and pulled Inferno out of the styrofoam, he might well have died then and there.
Speaking of Andre, that's another area where things haven't been so hot lately. For years, you and the Giant were the best of friends, tag-team partners and buddies to the end. But in just the last year alone, he has grown inexplicably hostile towards you, and most of the time, refuses to so much as speak to you. You have no idea as to why he's suffered this sudden change of attitude, but you would like nothing more than to find a way to rebuild your friendship with him.
In any case, it's the night before the Championship Match: Macho Man Randy Savage against Stone Cold Steve Austin. You're not too upset about not being in the Final this year, but what you are most concerned about is the integrity of this match. You know that the Macho Man is a fine wrestler, but you're not so sure about Stone Cold. Is this match really going to be a fair fight? The belt is supposed to be the ultimate symbol of the WWF, and it really should go to the best wrestler around. It looks like it may be up to you, the Ultimate Hulkster, to make sure that happens.
1 -- Shirt-Tear: By ripping open his flimsy shirt, Hogan receives a surge of power that greatly increases his Wrestling ability. +4 Wrestling. 1 Use (you've only got one shirt).
1 - Rip your shirt off at least once (preferably in a match, since it boosts your strength).
2 - Make sure that no one is killed or badly wounded in a wrestling match.
3 - Make sure that the Heavyweight Belt goes to the best wrestler (this would mean both finding the best wrestler and making sure they fight in the Final tomorrow…hmm, could be tough…).
4 - Find out why Andre is mad at you, and remedy the problem if possible.
Macho Man Randy Savage - Like you, this guy was one of the original wrestlers, and he's one of the contenders for the Heavyweight Belt. You know that he's very nearly as tough as you, and also a true patriot of the American Way. You're pretty sure that you could count on him in a jam if you had to.
Stone Cold Steve Austin -- This guy is just some obnoxious jerk, and a slander to the name of the WWF!! However, despite his attitude he does seem to be fairly intimidating in the ring.
Razor Ramon -- In your opinion, Ramon is a man of somewhat dubious morals. He was the one who almost killed Disco Inferno in that stupid Styrofoam Match. Nevertheless, you've seen him wrestle, and you sure wouldn't want to be in his path when he's in a bad mood.
Brett "The Hitman" Hart -- A man who takes a very 'professional' attitude towards wrestling. You don't really know him, but you instinctively respect him, despite those sun-glasses he always wears.
The Ultimate Warrior -- A wild and uncontrollable warrior, you've also seen this guy use a few under-handed tactics in the past, not to mention his share of foreign objects. Fortunately, the Ref put a stop to that, but there's been tension between the two ever since.
Ted Dibiase, the Million Dollar Man -- In your great American opinion, this man doesn't deserve to be in the WWF! As far as you know, he's never actually fought a real battle, you're sure he's just bribed every opponent he's ever fought.
IRS -- As well as being an old wrestler, this guy now works as a tax-collector.
Jake the Snake -- Ever since the beginning of the WWF, you've had misgivings about this man. He seems so suspicious and evil, but he must be cunning too, because you haven't been able to catch him red-handed in any under-handed acts, despite having your eye on him for all these years.
The Undertaker -- A fairly new wrestler, and a bit of a creepy fellow. You don't much about him, other than that he won the famous "Coffin Matches" that were held a while back.
Disco Inferno -- Some wimpy wrestler who's always obsessed with disco music. He's also the one who was almost killed in the styrofoam match. Even though you don't think such wimps should be in the WWF, you still couldn't let an innocent die in front of your eyes.
Andre the Giant -- Once one of your best friends, and one of the original wrestlers in the WWF. For the past year, he's been inexplicably hostile towards you, and seems to be avoiding you. There's gotta be some way to figure out what his problem is!!
Yokozuna -- Some sumo wrestler from Japan. You know that he used to want to take the Belt back to his home-country, but there's no way you could ever let the Championship leave America. However, lately he's been flashing around all this yen, and while you don't know quite what it's worth, you think it might be almost as strong as the mighty American dollar!!!
Shawn Michaels -- The 'Heartbreak Kid'. A bit of a sissy in your opinion, but he seems awfully popular with the ladies. As long as he doesn't step out of line, you don't really care too much about him.
Vince McMahon - The owner of the WWF from the beginning. You've often suspected that Vince is only really interested in making money, and you consider it your duty to make sure that he keeps the WWF as it ought to be.
Jesse the Body Ventura -- An old wrestler who quit to become a politician. He's now the Governor of the State of Minnesota. It might not be quite as noble a job as wrestling, but hey, at least he's serving his country.
The Ref -- This guy has been reffing the WWF for years, and yet you still don't know his name. But you know that he hates for anyone to use foreign objects in the ring. Despite this, he's exhibited a bit of 'shady behavior' in the past. It might be worth keeping an eye on him.
Tina Mint - Shawn Michael's latest girlfriend. You're not really too concerned with her, though why she'd prefer someone like Shawn over you or the Macho Man is beyond your comprehension.
Monette Acre - Vince McMahon's wife, and a woman who's just a bit too concerned with money, in your opinion. But so long as she doesn't compromise the WWF, it's really not your problem.
Penelope Anne Entwhistle -- Some kind of rich Aristocrat from Scotland or somewhere, you're not really sure. Maybe she could be convinced to donate some funding to the WWF?
Jim Rockford -- Some kind of private detective. You have no idea what he's doing here, you're sure that there couldn't POSSIBLY be anything illegal going on with the WWF!!
Simon -- What? Who is this guy? You have absolutely no idea who he is, or what he's doing here.