I'm not one to waste words. Nor am I one to bring up such a thing, unless it ties in so perfectly with my current topic. As most of you are already aware, I'm a big fan of wordplay, especially when it comes to puns. That's why I'm so very pleased to bring you this quote. It comes to me all the way from Japan, and again demonstrates that my contact there has both a great way with words and with quotes. Once more, I am extremely grateful to be able to use his most SENSATIONAL suggestion. With that in mind, I invite you to read his explaination of this quote:

Right now, at this moment, hundreds of English words go through the day without being spoken. Malspeaking is afflicting such fine words as FIASCO, RAMSHACKLE, DISHEVELED, HOOLIGAN, CHICANERY, and many more. These words do not get the verbal usage that words like A and THE take for granted...but you can help!

For as little as two sentences a day, you can put an obscure word into mainstream conversation. Use as many words as you like, and leave the rest for a future conversation. To find out more on what you can do to help, speak to Eshainin or Jaridis. Listen to their vocabulary. Use it in your own daily conversations with other people. Act now. A word is a terrible thing to waste.

It should be fairly obvious by now that I believe SENSATIONAL is also part of the endangered words list. You just don't hear things proclaimed to be SENSATIONAL in the way they once were; perhaps it's because there really aren't as many great things as they used to be, but I prefer to think that the habitat for this rare and wonderful word is being destroyed. I'm sure we can all think of some other poignant examples. Such as poignant, perhaps? Or how about crafty? Even the use of discombobulation is dying out. If we don't do something soon, these words could be gone forever. It would be a real shame to deprive future generations of these linguistic gems.

Folks, I think that the English Language Vocabulary as we know it is in serious danger. A great percentage of the younger population have nothing more than a RAMSHACKLE vocabulary that is limited primarily to obscenities, incorrectly chained together in a manner that only a HOOLIGAN would deem a sentence. Many modern films only accentuate this problem. Some movie people seem to believe that having whole scenes of obscenities somehow makes the film edgy and modern. Instead it only encourages a startling lack of vocabulary. That's not the kind of example we need to give our children. But this FIASCO can still be avoided! Malspeaking can be cured. And you can help. Buy someone you know a thesaurus* today, and give them the gift of synonyms. When combined with willpower, this can break the devastating cycle of malspeaking that has ensnared such a large demographic of society.

* Possible side effects can include articulate speaking, wordiness and a penchant for writing rants about the current state of vocabulary. Do not use while operating heavy machinery. Can cause serious drowsiness.

A word is indeed a terrible thing to waste. But wasting this awesome quote idea would have been even worse. In conclusion, I've already done my part for the state of english language. Now it's your turn. I hope I haven't left you at a loss for words.

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