I should probably give credit where it is due. This whole Winnebago stint was inspired by the Arrogant Worms song entitled...you guessed it, Winnebago. It's not really a song, but it is really funny. It's basically just a comedy sketch with two guys who are driving along in a Winnebago. As they wisecrack, you can hear a band playing a repititive beat in the background. Every so often, the band reaches some climax, after which the guys shout, "WINNEBAGO!" The whole thing revolves around making fun of how big winnebagos are. At the beginning, one guy is going to make coffee, so the other guy goes to make photocopies. And then they start to talk about the tennis court on the roof of their winnebago, right near the helipad and the swimming pool. Later, they crush a tiny little Honda civic. It's funny. Now, I'll repeat (not verbatim), a scene from later on in the track: (remember, about every thirty seconds, they both shout...WINNEBAGO!)
Guy 1: I'm tired. I think I'll go to sleep.
Guy 2: Oh! You mean in the waterbed?
Guy 1: I was thinking of the four poster.
Guy 2: Oh. Well, I'm gonna go down to the wave pool and catch some waves.
Guy 1: You have to drive.
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: You have to drive!
Guy 2: Oh yeah! I'll take the golf cart down there!
Guy 1: No, no! Someone has to drive the...
I used to think that winnebagos were useless; that they were only populated by a couple oldsters out to 'see' the world. The paradox being that they stayed inside the unit the whole time, thus seeing nothing but their own high tech appliances. However, my mind has been changed. Winnebagos are huge! They're great! WINNEBAGO! It just rolls off the tongue, ya know? And you can do anything in a...WINNEBAGO! And it's great to look down on all the tiny little cars, 'cause they're no match for a...WINNEBAGO! I think I'm gonna repeat that word a couple more times. You know, the W one. WINNEBAGO! You probably thought I was going to say 'washing machine'.
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