The Tale Of The Weed

This is another quote drawn from the inestimable show, Plastic Man, a cheesy cartoon tape that I have lying around my house. The Weed was one of the cheesy villains Plastic Man defeated in the first episode. This infernal plant planned to hold the world ransom, and thereby become the richest Weed on Earth.

This goal however, was not hard at all to accomplish. As far as I can tell, the Weed was already the richest plant on Earth. After all, he did own the "Weed Boat", a plantation outside of Lima and two hired goons. He was already the richest plant on Earth. Nevertheless, the Weed was a great character, 'cuz he always wore a cool grey trench coat and fedorah.

That is the tale behind the fiendish Weed. I find it to be quite humerous, but there are others who do not. Draw your own conclusions..Just consider it lucky that I'm actually able to write this, considering the current state of Geocities. Not that I should complain. Geocities has been pretty good, giving out all this disk space for FREE!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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