Problem with this quote!

After making such a statement, the correct action would be to walk away from the computer without saying another word.

But unlike the subject of this quote, I have returned to explain my reasoning behind this statement. This quote actually comes from one of my Computer Science Profs. It has also been modified from its original form to fit the parameters of this website. For the purposes of this site, we shall refer to this Prof only as Wang. A few months ago, I was taking a computer science lab exam. Naturally, the intrepid Wang was officiating over the exam. However, I had a problem with my computer. The trap-handler I needed to compile my assembly language was not properly loaded, and since access to most of the machine was cut off, I wasn't able to load it myself. I quickly called Wang for help, and within moments, he arrived ready for action. Or inaction, to be more accurate. After only a glance at my computer, and without really listening to my description of the problem, Wang declared that there was a "Problem with your program." With these descriptive words, Wang turned and walked away, swiftly disappearing from view. This is only one of the reasons why I believe Wang would make an excellent technology consultant.

Wang is also extremely fast at posting on our internet help board. His replies are always serious, in slightly broken english, and unerringly correct. Due to the serious nature of his posts, I was most surprised to read one which stated enthusiastically that he 'loved the Matrix!' Wang also seems to have a penchant for setting up Hamburger pipelines. This reveals Wang's second talent, that of a caterer! The only downside (only?) is that he would likely insist that each step in the pipeline take the same amount of time. In other words, he would force people to stand in front of the till after paying for at least five minutes. He would also randomly flush the pipeline. Because of his great skills, I have considered hiring Wang to help me with this website. Of course, he would probably just use this week's quote and then walk off to open a hamburger stand. Either that, or he'd turn the site into a live feed of The Matrix. His other claim to his fame is his ability to notice and point out typos. These would probably constitute one of those vague problems he keeps talking about. As such, it probably wouldn't be a very good idea to let him anywhere near this site. It would only cause him to leave again.

Note that the picture used for this quote really doesn't have anything to do with Wang. No, it's not his computer. It's just a picture of an old Commodore 64. Wang could surely find many problems pretaining to it. But you still can't beat Jump Man!

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