Some might be wondering about the inspiration for this quote. It actually had nothing to do with a mad VOODOO curse of any sort, though I'm sure that would also be quite scary. In fact, this quote was based mostly on the new Warcraft III Expansion pack which will soon be released. Certain annonymous sources (including the powers of the INTERNET) revealed to me the presence of VOODOO within this Expansion. Just in case you're unaware, I should mention that this Expansion includes a new hero for each of the four races featured in Warcraft III. Unfortunately, none of these four heroes are Dwarves. This is indeed a grave oversight, and I suspect someone will be going before a firing squad of grumpy Dwarves for their ill-conceived decision. All the same, the new Orc hero almost measures up to the surliness of the Dwarves. I'm referring to the Troll Shadowhunter, and yes, he does use VOODOO. I have to admit that I'm not quite sure what his mad powers are like, but they surely involve barbarian hordes of some sort. Certain sources do tell me that he wears a wooden mask, and uses all the right cajun lines. That alone makes it worth selecting him.
Finally, some of you might be wondering about the picture associated with this quote. It's actually from a James Bond movie. Hopefully, you've all seen Live and Let Die. But for those who haven't, I will provide a slight explaination. This movie features Baron Samedi, a true VOODOO villain. Of course, 'features' might not be the most appropriate term to describe his involvement in this film. In fact, Samedi is probably in the running with Boba Fett for the least dramatic death scene of all time. As we should all know, Boba Fett gets knocked into the Sarlac Pit(spl?) by Han Solo quite accidently, and is thus killed. It's rather sad when the heroes can defeat the villains without actually trying to do so. On the other hand, Baron Samedi isn't killed by accident, but rather by a single bullet to the head. In the concluding minutes of the film, Samedi rises up on some silly platform. Bond responds to this event by shooting him. It seems that even the mad powers of VOODOO couldn't stop this tactic. If only Samedi had been accompanied by a horde of angry barbarians, things would have been different.
There are many types of power in this world, ranging from the indiviual might demonstrated by Mr. T, the influence of a prestigious University like Harvard, all the way to the economic powerhouse that is the Coca-Cola beverage company. But one type of power that is not often considered is that of VOODOO. Now, some people may not really know what VOODOO is all about. Well, neither do I, so bear that in mind as I present the following explaination. The power of VOODOO (note the correct use of capitalization) has deep roots in several cultures. Likely due to its presence in Indianna Jones and the Temple of Doom. This film features the terrifying concepts of VOODOO Dolls and Chilled Monkey Brains. However, few people are aware of the other powers associated with VOODOO. Some would argue that the reason for this ignorance is the fact that these powers actually aren't related to VOODOO at all. But that's beside the point. VOODOO also allows people to control vast hordes of barbarians. As everyone should know, this is quite an impressive ability. Finally, VOODOO also allows people to wear funny masks and talk with bad cajun accents. Now that's scary, mon.
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