This quote is originally from the anime movie Vampire Hunter D, quite possibly the best anime out there, IMHO. As seen in that movie, the quote from Reiginsei reads as, "An eye for an eye..and a hand for a hand!" In one of my chronic reviewings of the movie, me and some others decided to do a little funny parody during it. In said scene, Reiginsei was about to cut off Vampire Hunter D's hand, for revenge and all, when he saw a box of peanuts in his pocket. Instead of taking the hand, he reached for the peanuts. In our version anyways. You almost have to see the movie to understand the timing there. But seriously, Reiginsei was an awesome character with a very cool weapon. Should you get the chance, I recommend watching VHD. I was going to put up a different quote from the same movie and character, one about "Time To Die", but somehow, I thought this one to be just a bit more amusing. Although we used to get quite a few kicks out of the other one..
Note that I personally don't like peanuts. In fact, I have a fatal allergy to them. So really, I don't know why a box of peanuts was chosen. Why not a carrot stick or something? Better yet, why not a big, cold jug of milk? I'm thirsty..