More than meets the eye...

This will be the second week in a row that I have put a Transformers quote up on my website. Well, not counting the week I missed, anyway. There may be several reasons for this occurence. The first is that both of these quotes have been recommended to me most highly. The second is that Transformers was an excellent show, and thus any quotes related to it must also, by definition, be great. Finally, there have been some complaints about the fact that I didn't put up a story for last week's self-explainatory quote. In order to remedy this problem, I will now take this opportunity to rant and rave a bit about the topic of this quote.

As most should have been able to gather by now, this quote comes from many points in the original Transformers television show. And it was a great show, folks. It had all the necessary elements: action, intrigue, drama, boasting, insults, and incompetent evil sidekicks. One of these was Starscream, who constantly attempted to betray the Mighty Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. This usually resulted in Starscream getting slapped down, or possibly even shot. I can't imagine why Megatron bothered to keep this robot around. Could he actually have enjoyed hearing Starscream's whiny voice denouncing him at every possible opportunity? I think not. More likely, he just enjoyed taking out his aggression on this defenseless upstart. I mean, who WOULDN'T want to shoot Starscream with a fusion cannon?

I was greatly saddened when the original series ended. It was indeed one of the great cartoons of legend, up there with He-Man and the Mr. T cartoon. However, even I cannot abide what they have now decided to do. Yes, they have resurrected the Transformers franchise in yet another new series. Wasn't Beast Machines enough already? Haven't they capitalised enough on the trademark by now? Frankly, I would be fine if they decided to bring back the original series in a manner it deserves. Instead, they bring us some mangled beast that vaguely resembles the old show, but only in the worst sense. Yes, as you can see, I am not impressed by the new Transformers series. Anime seems to really be growing here in North America. Now, I won't be so bold to argue that this is a bad thing (although some would), but I must object to the way they have grafted the worst anime cliches into the new Transformers. Suddenly, the Autobots are being guided by these tiny magical space girls with huge eyes. Do you see Optimus Prime anywhere in that leadership structure? If you don't, then you should know there's already a problem. Optimus has always, and should always be in charge of the Autobots. And then, just to name another example, all the humans suddenly have the classic Anime spiky hair and talk like Ash Ketchum. Whatever happened to good ol' Spike? He was a real man! In any case, I think I've gone over my point enough for now. Suffice to say that you can't replace, or remake, the real thing. And if you try, you're just as big an idiot as Starscream.

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