You've got the touch!

Transformers was one awesome show. Especially the first series of episodes, which was just great. However, the numerous quotes used here are from the movie, which is also very good. Perhaps the greatest animated movie of all time. There's no doubt, in my opinion, that it beats out the pokemon movie, though some would argue this is hardly something to be proud of. But really, Optimus Prime is the man. He should be the man of the century. Some of you may know that Time magazine was holding a contest where people could vote for person of the century. As one excellent site pointed out, that should be OPTIMUS PRIME! He's great, heroic, all-powerful, wise and he can turn into a big truck. What more do we need in a person? Other fictional characters made it onto their lists, such as Bart Simpson. So why not Prime? He could crush Bart under one measly finger!

There's something else that annoys me about the transformers movie, awesome as it may be. Ultra Magnus. He sucks! And yet, Prime gives him the matrix, at which point, Magnus makes his only valid statement in the whole movie, "I'm not worthy!" You'd better believe it! He never does anything. Whenever there's an action sequence, it shows all the other 'formers doing something 'cept him. He just sort of disappears. What kinda leader is he? He always asks Perceptor's opinion on subjects and then doesn't understand the answers. So why does he even bother to ask? Clearly, he is unfit to be leader of anything. On another note, Orson Welles made a great Unicron. I kept expecting to see a scene at Unicron's core where Orson Welles is controlling the giant robot as he eats another breadstick. This explains why Unicron is unable to fight back effectively at the end of the movie: Old Welles had both hands full with the spaghetti plate and had to push the levers with his feet. Of course, it doesn't explain why Unicron adapted his less-powerful robot form as opposed to his more powerful planet form...

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