Towtal Domination

If you've seen a lot of the A-Team, and I have, then you probably know that there are really only three types of episodes. Every single A-Team foray can be boiled down into one of these archetypes, if you put your mind to it. And it's the official opinion of this website that doing so would be a very good use of your time; after all, you never know when the plot of an A-Team episode might show up on your doorstep, kick off its shoes and slump onto your metaphorical couch. To help you along your way, I offer up my analysis of the three major A-Team story arcs, after which I'll explain which one seems to be playing out in my own backyard, as it were.

1. Some important public figure (be they a journalist, a family matriarch, a government official, or a friend of the A-Team) is kidnapped and held in some South American prison camp, all of which bear a rather striking resemblance to California. Usually this dastardly deed is the work of hapless guerillas or drug runners, who obviously don't know what they're getting themselves into. The A-Team is then sent on an impossible mission to rescue the prisoner.

2. A member of the A-Team gets shot. This is so rare that it deserves a genre unto itself. Despite the thousands of bullets fired during the average episode, there have only been about three documented occaisons throughout the history of the show where someone actually gets hit. Even I would be more accurate than an average member of the A-Team cast! In fact, the show always goes to great lengths in order to show that there were no serious injuries, not only during filming, but during the plot of the show itself. Every flipped vehicle comes with a shot of the occupants struggling out of the vehicle, apparently unharmed, though completely discouraged.

3. In this plotline, a small town/business is being bullied and harassed by some corrupt locals, be they a gang, a sheriff, a fisherman or an entrepreneur. These villains are usually trying to get some unfortunate family to sell their business, and resort to violence when such negotiations inevitably fall through. They tend to think on a much smaller scale than, say, Google. A young woman is often sent on behalf of the beleaguered party to seek out the A-Team, because competent and honest cops barely exist in Hollywood. The A-Team dislikes monopolies, it seems.

All that said, would you be shocked if I towld you that a number 3 is going down right in my home town? In this case, the part of our towken villains is played by Astro Towing, a local company with a huge presence and a fleet of bright orange trucks. They're always first on the scene when an accident takes place, almost as if they were expecting just such an event. This leads me to believe that they might somehow be involved in orchestrating said incidents. Dealing with their truckulent monopoly is towtally a job for the A-Team.

I suppose I should probably towne down the rhetoric, but I have to say with all sincerity that I've been seeing their trucks all over the place. In the several times per hour kind of way. I'm not sure if they've really been towing the line, but I do know they roam the streets like vultures, searching at a towrrid pace for carrion cars to cart away. Still, I wouldn't want to get carried away - especially by Astro Towing.

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