As you may know, Toucan Sam isn't the first cereal mascot to be featured on this website. I've also had quotes at some point about both Tony the Tiger ("They're great!") and the Honey Nut Cheerio Bee ("No one beats a bee to the taste of nuts and honey!"). There are many other well-known cereal mascots, such as those little Rice Krispy elves/things. Of this illustrious crowd, Sam is definitely on the weak side. If there were to be a battle for total cereal domination between these mascots, I'm quite positive Sam wouldn't have a chance. The way I see things going is this: Sam would start lecturing his nephews on the values of following your nose to Fruit Loops when Tony the Tiger would quickly eat him (Don't forget, He's great!!!). Exit Sam. Next to face the hungry Tony would be the Honey-Nut Bee. Now, as we all know, the Bee can fly and is decently fast, but is otherwise quite useless. Tony might have trouble catching him, were it not for the fact that Tony has dozens of young kid athletes featured in his commercials on his side. As we also all know, the Bee can't possibly win a race against any kid. So much for the Bee. As for Snap, Crackle and Pop, I've got three words: Munch, Crunch, Lunch. (or Breakfast, as the case would likely be.) So, does Tony reign supreme over all cereal mascots? I think not! This tiger would stand no chance against the crushing avalanch that is the two scoops of raisins, from Kellogg's Raisin Bran. That's alot of raisins, more than enough to crush Tony. The Victor: Two scoops of raisins. But, however you look at it, they're all just a part of a complete breakfast, along with all the fruit imaginable, a loaf of bread, a pitcher of milk and some hardboiled eggs.
I pity da foo' who can't identify this quote. Literally. It's one of the most widely used and proliferated quotes in existence, with the possible exception of "For a limited time only!" But just in case you've been living in some cave somewhere for the past twenty years, this quote comes from all advertisements for Kellogg's fruit loops. The mascot of Fruit Loops is one Toucan Sam, who suggests that you merely need to 'follow your nose' to find Fruit Loops. This isn't true at all! You have to buy them first! Were I to follow my nose right now, I'm quite sure I wouldn't find any Fruit Loops. Neither does Toucan Sam. He just seems to find his nephews repeatedly building rocket ships out of wood and vines. Yes, that's actually a description for a commercial I've seen for this product. Even as far as mascots go, Sam has very little going for him. I mean sure, he's a talking Toucan, but what mascot can't talk? His only real power seems to be his funny multi-colored nose which can apparently detect Fruit Loops at a distance of four miles.
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