And Now For A Tornado Warning!

After the above message appears in flashing letters, the camera quickly switches to a different location. It centers on some tough looking guy, wearing some sort of sailor's uniform, and scowling menacingly at the camera. Then, with a jeer, the tough says, "This is a warning to all you tornados out there. You better not come around here, or you're gonna get it!" With that he makes a threatening gesture with his fist. Then, a loud overhead announcement can be heard: "Thank you. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming."

Yes, that above was the second part of the quote, but I figured it was a bit long to post on the main page. As only the most informed would now, that quote came from an episode of SCTV. I think people could really learn a lesson from this; instead of posting those pansy warnings that do little, if any, good, they should have warnings like these to frighten the tornados away. No tornado wants to deal with a mob of toughs, that's for sure. This same logic could be used for a lot of things. Remember all those awareness warnings, such as, 'The following contains coarse language and heavy violence. Be warned!' Well, I think we should change those warnings, to revolutionise their impact. Having a tough appear and say, "There'd better be no violence around here, or coarse language...or else.." And then he would threaten to beat someone up. Well, ignore the second part, but the SCTV bit was still funny. I should stop typing now.

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