If you've seen any of the many Godzilla movies, then you should at least understand the spirit of this quote. I can't remember which one in particular actually includes it (Godzilla Vs. Gigan, maybe? I can only assume the best lines come from the best example of the genre), but it really goes without saying in all the Godzilla movies. Regardless of how many times they've failed in the past, the military is always convinced that this time, their gathered forces will be enough to stop the rampaging monsters of the day. They seem to place way too much confidence in their tanks. In fact, I don't think tanks have ever even made one of the monsters hesitate. They're not exactly a force to be reckoned with, much like the oxymoron of military intelligence presented in these films. The only monster they could possibly defeat would be King Caesar, and I (like the blurb on the back of the DVD in which he appears) hesitate to even call him in a monster. In the likely event that you're not acquainted with King Caesar, I'll provide a brief description of him and several other trademark Godzilla monsters below. Hopefully this will allow you to appreciate one of the most enduring series of all time, as well as one of the world's most prolific producers of cheese.
King Caesar
Every other Godzilla monster is proudly proclaimed on the back of their respective movie boxes, their likeness branded into the packaging. King Caesar enjoys no such luxury. In fact, even the makers of Godzilla Vs. Mechagodzilla seem to be trying to forget the fact that they created him. That's because he's terrible. The whole human plot of that movie is dedicated to finding King Caesar so that he can take on Mechagodzilla. Or get beaten up, given the King's lacking combat skills. Even once they uncover him, King Caesar refuses to so much as wake up until some girl sings a song dedicated to him. A multi-verse song that pads the movie with some of its most boring footage. With all that build up, you'd think there'd be some payoff. But no. Even when he deigns to awaken, King Caesar seems only capable of attacking with his ears (huh?!) and hiding behind his allies. It's not surprising that King Caesar only appeared in one movie, and that there was no return of the King.
A mechanical monstrosity built initially by Spacemen to resemble the real Godzilla. Mechagodzilla is equipped with many high tech weapons, which are mostly useful for draining the special effects budget. He's obviously built out of space titanium, a highly resilient material that is also used for constructing pipes. The kind you smoke. And use to short-circuit computers (don't ask). In any case, Toho producers seem to have an unhealthy fixation with MechaG, and have stuck him into no less than four Godzilla movies. He sometimes masquerades as the King of Monsters, but in truth, he's only a pretender to the throne.
Godzilla was confronted with his greatest challenge when pitted against the great Gigan. Like many of the big G's adversaries, Gigan is a space monster summoned to Earth by yet another band of weird aliens. Considering they're defeated by INTERPOL, you can't give these aliens credit for much besides their taste in monsters. With scythe-like claws on both arms and a killer sawblade affixed to his chest, Gigan is clearly both cool and deadly. I could say more about him, but it would really just be more synonyms for awesome, so I'll leave it at that.
The King of Monsters, and a true expert at fighting while within a cumbersome rubber suit. Unlike the terrible American Godzilla, this guy is neither fast, agile nor afraid of pathetic torpedos. In fact, the way he lumbers ponderously through cities, other monsters and the aforementioned tanks is part of his charm. He's faced a lot of monsters in his time, including but by no means limited to the list above, and still retains his position as the true King (take that, Caesar!) and more importantly, the main star of this established genre.
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