Lin Ye Tang's Kung-Fu Mystery Theater

Sadly to say, most of those who read this will probably not know who Lin Ye Tang is. A great tragedy. Lin Ye Tang was from one of the best TV shows ever made: SCTV. It was a hilarious show, and Lin Ye Tang was one of the best characters. I'll tell you why. There was an episode where a scientific interviewer had come to talk to "Dr." Lin Ye Tang who had supposedly invented a revolutionary new robot. This robot turned out to be a block of wood, but Lin Ye Tang insisted that it was a robot.

"See, look! It moved!" yelled Lin Ye Tang. "No it didn't." replied the interviewer. "Just a little bit?" Lin Ye Tang pleaded. "NO! It's a block of wood, it can't move!" shouted the interviewer. "Ohhhh, it heard that. It didn't like that. It gonna KILLL gonna KILLL you. I'll have to stop it!" Lin Ye Tang lept on the back of the block of wood and started beating on it. After it was reduced to a pile of sawdust, he got back up and said.. "Look what you made me do! I had to destroy my robot to save your life! Look what you made me do!!"

And that's it, folks. Yes, I KNOW the picture I used isn't Lin Ye Tang, but it was the best I could find.

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