I should probably explain the quote though. Some people were paranoid about Y2K. They shall remain nameless for the duration of this section. This person was afraid that the millenium bug would destroy the production capacity in all the sugar producing countries. His plan? Hoard sugar and then sell once the world shortage sets in. The problems? Unfortunately, the sugar producing countries don't use laptops to make their sugar, and their scythes didn't break down. (Despite the computer chips the government must have planted in them...;)) What's more, this guy has health problems, so he can't even eat all the worthless sugar he hoarded. And that's the terror of Y2K for you. I actually do blame something on Y2K. It is my tradition to have a three player game of MULE on new year's eve, however, Y2K caused us to all go upstairs to take pictures, thus leaving the game unattended and missing a whole turn. This caused food and energy shortages for almost everyone! Y2K, that FIEND! However, it actually turned out for the better, as the shortages caused prices to skyrocket. Y2K actually helped our game of MULE. I've probably bludgeoned this topic enough for one day. That's all, folks.
I know this isn't much of a quote; it's basically just an excuse to rant a bit about Y2K. Yes, I know this topic is horribly overused, overhyped and overplayed. But it's also pretty funny. This millenium bug is the biggest non-event of the century. Nothing happened. Which is exactly what I expected, really. Some people were afraid it would herald the end of the world or something. Some people buried 42 school buses to use as an underground bunker during the emergency. I pity them, for school buses are very uncomfortable places to spend the night. And this was a really bad thing to worry about. I can just see some people standing at home watching the countdown to midnight, shouting to themselves, "Oh no! Y2K's coming! I'm not ready! I wonder what's going to happ..Oh wait, it's over already." Quite a bit of build-up for one single moment. By the time people are done saying their prayers, the great event is over. Of course, some people will find things to blame on Y2K. I believe we'll soon be hearing from some oldster who fell out of his rocking chair on the new year. He'll probably claim his rocking chair was not Y2K proof, and that the government had secretly planted a computer chip in it. Man, what a conspiracy. I guess the government puts computer chips into everything just for kicks.
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