I'll return to reality now. In fact, there is basically no strategy at all involved in Stock Ticker. That is because all the stocks are effectively the same. They have the same chance of moving up or down, so it really doesn't matter which one you pick. In fact, this game is almost 100% luck. Games could technically last forever, and I'm sure some are still in progress, even to this day. In that respect, it's almost like Risk, except without the insane rivalries. There is one good piece of advice I can distribute. No matter how many thousands of stock you can get, do not buy them when it is sitting at a price of five. This is one step from bankruptcy, and at that point, your fourty-thousand shares in industrial become nothing more than garbage. Of course, this is also one of the only legitimate ways to end a game of Stock Ticker.
On another note, an actually good board-game would be Settlers of Katan. It's the only game I know that makes sheep an almost invaluable resource. The best part is that you can compress four sheep to form any other type of resource. Turning those four sheep into a pile of bricks is certainly amazing. Then, you can build entire roads out of sheep. I can just see your people paving the streets with wool. The only other awesome use for the sheep is as mounts for your army. Your soldiers are much more powerful if they are riding sheep, or at least eating them.
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There is always time for a game of Stock Ticker. It can be as long or as short as you want it to be. You can have short little jaunts playing the market, or long grueling market campaigns that can shake the world financial market. Stock Ticker is a fairly old game. Not quite as ancient as chess, but far more exciting. Stock Ticker requires far more strategy than any mere game of chess. You're not just dealing with pawns and knights, you're playing with thousands of dollars in valuable stocks. It takes a keen mind to fully grasp the complexities presented by the six types of stocks you can buy in this game. These stocks range all the way from grain (which should technically be almost worthless) to oil (W. Bush's favorite stock) and gold. This last would certainly be Mr. T's favorite stock. At first, you may be discombobulated by the vast number of choices presented to you when it comes time to buy your stocks. The line between winning and losing can only be crossed by choosing the right buying plan. A great deal of complex analysis can go into this choice, but I have a simpler strategy. This strategy has almost allowed me to win a game of Stock Ticker. What is this amazing tactic? This scheme involves only one simple step: buy gold. Nothing else. Even if its price is approaching bankruptcy, just keep buying it. Mr. T already knows it's the most valuable stock on the market. I pity da foo' who disagrees with him.
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