We Should Call You T-BONE!

Some of you would have recognised this quote as somewhat having come from an episode of Seinfeld, and yes, that is its base inspiration. Any who guessed win a big prize: a juicy complete steak from LONESTAR! My FOOT! I ain't giving out any prizes here! Because although this quote was funny in Seinfeld, when George tried to declare himself T-Bone, it has also been adapted into other situations. For example, one of my friends was called T-Bone for awhile. This was due, of course, to the fact that his other names were too common, and to avoid confusion, he was dubbed T-Bone. But the madness has continued! The hilarity of T-Bone has infected other areas as well!

Those of you who are veterans of my site (I can count them all on one hand) would know about Captain Throsh, otherwise known as T-Bone. And for those who forget, go HERE right now! Yes, for some reason, everyone calls the inobtrusive, incredibly modest, guard captain T-Bone. None really knows why, since as far as is known, T-Bone is unable to talk. Yet despite this, and his total lack of any good judgement, he is known as one of the best security guards in the Galaxy. Must be the nickname. Must be the steak he's always eating. Must be the Big Duke Dinner.

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