Yes, that is not a knife, it is a spoon. Which is far better, actually. Numerous sources have confirmed this domination, though it has been a long bitter struggle to do so. Having watched hours of the 'Chunky Soup' commercial comparing knives and spoons, I have come to realise the full horror of this debate. Fortunately, any further need for this useless activity has vanished. As I stated, the Spoon is far mightier than the knife, or the sword. (Ya just knew I was gonna say that, eh? Life's predictable at times.) One of the biggest signs of the Spoon's superiority is shown in the video game of Final Fantasy II, wherein a simple object called a 'spoon' can inflict far more damage than the longish knife of enchanted whoop-ass called 'Excalibur'. If the spoon is better than this fearsome sword, it is surely better than a common knife. The only possible exception to this rule is a boo' knife, but I won't even go into that right now.
Instead of dwelling on boots, and the knives that go with them, I should probably actually explain the quote at hand. I personally never much liked the movie 'Crocodile Dundee', but the Australians (Aussies) seem to hate it with a passion. Gee, I wonder why. In any case, this comes from the scene in that movie when Dundee pulls the knife on the street thug. However, in a truly correct version of events, the tough would then draw a spoon from his belt and reply, "That's not a knife! THIS is a knife!" Of course, good ol' Dundee probably wouldn't believe him until the spoon hit him upside the head. Hard. And there was much rejoicing. Yay.