He-Man, greatest hero of Eternia, had been sent by Skeletor to another dimension, and had somehow lost his memory. This plot device is quite common in shows these days. Anyway, this other dimension/world was a wasteland. The natural resources of the world had all been wasted and SPOILED! I bet you can't guess who was responsable for that. So He-Man eventually wanders into Plundor's castle (there are no guards there, of course. Plundor is too evil to pay even minimum wage.) Upon entering the throne room, He-Man finds Plundor sitting in a chair. Plundor's first words to this great hero are as follows: "You should help my EVIL plans to destroy this planet! I will sell the energy of this planet for money! I will do anything for money!" Note this is not a direct quote. But you get the point. Plundor immiediately calls himself evil. He-Man doesn't like this idea, so he beats up Plundor and his band of pathetic robots.
It's true that Plundor really wasn't much of a power-house. But since then, he's made some truly evil appearances. In one strategy game we played, one of our players declared himself as Plundor the Spoiler. We were all afraid, because it meant he was EVIL. To just show one example of his malignance, myself and another player were trying to purchase armies from Plundor. We were bidding against each other, offering '40', '41', '42' and so forth. But then, Plundor declared we had to bid in multiples of FIVE! As I remarked then, "This man is EVIL!" This quote is also appropriate since I have failed to update for the past month. I could give the excuse that my internet wasn't working and the computer was being fixed, but instead I'll just say that I am EVIL. And there's nothing more to be said about that.
Plundor the Spoiler was, and still is, one of the greatest villains of all time. Originating in a classic episode of the old He-Man cartoon, this rabbit quickly rose to become one of the most EVIL fiends of all time. The concept of Plundor himself was almost a joke. He was a big pink rabbit, who could speak and bluster. This may not sound too intimidating, but I should mention that Plundor was incredibly built, like every character in the show. (Including the king! He's massively muscled!) Also, Plundor had created a bunch of incredibly feeble ROBOTS! But Plundor's true power was his pure evil, and the fact that he wasn't afraid to admit it. Let me project the first scene in which Plundor was introduced.
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