The Sleep Doctor

This quote actually comes from a very annoying commercial that is constantly on television. I'm not sure why, but they seem to show it numerous times each night. It's really a rather ludicrous quote; after all, it comes from a Sleep Doctor commercial. From what I can gather, Sleep Doctor is a store that sells beds and such, as well as hiring really annoying people to be on their commercials. The main guy in particular gets on my nerves. He sounds so smug and happy. I mean, sure he's got a bedding store with good package deals, but that's no reason to leap for joy! At least he shouldn't try to rub in the fact that he offers better deals than everyone else.

Anyway, before I get too far afield, this quote is from one of the most recent Sleep Doctor commercials. Sadly, they have not yet fired their annoying spokesman, and he says, "Yes, we do offer the best package deals in the entire universe!" The Universe? Now listen, that could be false advertising. I don't think we should ignore the possibility that there is indeed alien life out there; and furthermore, that they offer better package deals than Sleep Doctor. Heck, I bet Sleep Doctor hasn't even compared their prices to everyone on THIS planet, let alone the solar system, galaxy, universe, add infinitium.

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