Skids and their Wisdom

As you may or may not have noticed, I have a few strong attitudes about certain things. Skids are some of those things. I REALLY don't like them at all, which is why I enjoy ridiculing them. And that's what this quote is, really. One day, I was riding the bus, and this group of Skids was standing next to me. I found their discussion....very amusing, so I will repeat it word for word.

Skid Boy 1: Hey! You know what's the best?
Skid Boy 2: Huh?
Skid Boy 1: When you grab someone by the hair and give them a shot to the head!
Skid Boy 2: When they're not looking!
Skid Boy 1: Yeah, that's the best.

And there you have it. Word for word, I swear. This conversation was alot longer, but it would take too long to fully describe it. Suffice to say that it involved buckets, barrels, bands, batteries, chipped teeth, and breaking a board with an axe.

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