It will look good! It will!

There are obviously many different ways to be annoying. They range from starring in a very bad movie all the way to disguising yourself as the person you're talking to and claiming to be them, despite all evidence to the contrary. Of course, those methods both require some sort of budget (though not much in the latter case, since the disguise probably wouldn't be very good). I expect that any curriculum on annoyance would focus more on the cheap alternatives that can be accomplished simply by talking. For example, responding to every statement addressed to you with "That's what you think!" is almost guaranteed to get under the skin. Another method is to repeatedly agree to do something instead of actually doing it. This method was first pioneered by a man named Guch. Or possibly Kuch, sir. There's some controversy on this point, but I'll try not to get into it. Regardless of the name of its creator, the method works something like this hypothetical example:

A guy known only by the enigmatic initials J.C.: Bring me a new quote! I want you to bring me a new quote!
Me: I will!
J.C.: You've gotta bring one to me!
Me: I will! I will bring you a new quote!
J.C.: It's gotta look good.
Me: It will! It will look good!
J.C.: Then get going! I've treated you like family!
Me: I will! I will get going!

As you can see, this can get incredibly annoying very quickly. The effect can be heightened further by continually claiming people are mispronouncing your name. There's really only one counter to all of this. And that's to suddenly punch the overly agreeable person pulling this stunt on you. Shooting them works as well, or so I've heard. Coincidently enough, these are also the same counters that work well when someone is trying to steal your identity right in front of you.

By this point, you probably want me to explain where this is coming from. And I will. I will explain! And it will make a good quote! It will! BANG! Okay, enough of that. This is yet another quote from a MST3K movie, and is only paraphrased slightly from how it appears in the movie Sidehackers. That's right; this quote isn't a joke from Mike and the 'Bots, it's actually part of the film's script. Or maybe not, considering the fact that Sidehackers very likely didn't have a script. The movie is really just that bad. It's supposedly funded by the Sidehack association, which is doubtless attempting to promote the sport. Like most people, I had never heard of sidehacking, and considering the type of advertising they're supporting, it's not surprising at all. Anyway, from what I can gather, Sidehacking involves racing in teams of two on motorcycles with a clunky sidecar. This requires teamwork, since the second racer must lean in different directions during the race. That's real teamwork, alright. Leaning can sure be difficult. But that's beside the point. Despite its name, the movie seems to treat the Sidehacking as little more than a subplot. And even during the one and only race of the movie, the camera is more frequently filming the dust flying behind the bikes rather than the bikes themselves. Riveting. Instead, the movie becomes more obsessed with its crappy revenge/drama plot which makes no sense, but does at least introduce Guch. Or maybe it's Kuch.

Yes, Kuch is the one that uses this week's quote. And gets punched for it, too. By his own boss. That's treating your men like family. Assuming you hate your family, of course. Which maybe J.C. does, since he seems to be a total jerk. In the end, he even shoots Kuch. Or maybe Guch. I'm not really sure, but either way, at least it gets him to shut up. And symbolises that the end of the movie is near. This isn't one of the better MST3K movies. So if you do decide to watch it, be warned that it will NOT look good.

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