Calling seats when no one around, useless!

Surprisingly enough, my own words were actually the source of this quote. So rarely do I ever say anything noteworthy that I decided to use this as the quote of the week. Of course, as you will see, it also ties in with some other amusing quotes from other sources. This quote was first used the other night when I was returning to the Focusmobile (my car) along with some friends. One of them, known only as 'The Man', had already arrived at the car. When I stepped up, I decided that I would sit in the shotgun position. However, The Man claimed that he had already called this position, when no one was around. I had no choice but to bow to his logic, but I did say, "One more thing...If you call car seat in woods, and nobody hear you, is it really called? No!" Despite this, The Man got Shotgun position and I had to settle for pistol.

Now, I will examine similar quotes and theories, in order to bulk out this story which would otherwise be far too short. It probably will be anyway, but I'll give it a shot. Of course, everyone has heard of the famous philosophy question about how if a tree falls in the woods, and no one hears it, did it really make a sound. Frankly, this topic has been gone over far too many times for my tastes. Of more interest to me was a Far Side comic which featured a parody of this question. It showed a mime walking through a forest, about to be crushed by a falling tree. The question was, "If a tree falls down in the wood and crushes a mime, when there is no one around, does anybody care?" Now this is a good discussion topic. On the one hand, there is the human element. Should we not be concerned about one of our kind who is in distress? However, on the other hand, some would hardly consider mimes human. I mean, they don't say much, they get trapped in invisible glass cases, and they have red noses. They could be aliens, for all we know. But all these arguments are beside the real point, which is that nobody would care because no one would know the mime was crushed. After all, it's not like the mime's gonna call out for help.

Note that the yellow car featured on the front page is not the Focusmobile, but rather the bananamobile, which can be found on the 'Yellow Car page', which features lots of cars. All yellow.

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