Wanna go swimming with me?

This is a quote derived from the awesome show, Johnny Bravo. If you haven't seen Johnny Bravo, then watch it!! You'll like it, unless you don't. Anyway, this quote comes from an episode where Johnny Bravo is at the beach. A shark walks up to one guy and asks if they could go swimming together. To this the guy responded: "No way, man! You're like a shark. You'll eat me!" After that, the shark walked away grumbling about how he'd been found out.

But that's not all. Later, the shark put on one of those cheesy strap-on masks and asked the guy again to go swimming. The same guy, migh I add, said: "Hey, are you a shark?" And to this the shark said: "No...I'm...Richard Nixon!" The guy said something about the shark being cool, and then went swimming with him. Needless to say, the shark ate that guy. Needless to say, you almost have to see it to understand, but if you follow my advice and watch Johnny Bravo, you should see it.

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