We're so shameless.

Apparently, the Canadian Living cooks are so shameless. At least, so they declare. Why are they shameless? It's not really clear. It has something to do with one of the three cooks liking oranges and using them in her recipes. Now, this may not seem shameless at all. That's because it isn't. The only reason they call themselves shameless is to somehow hopefully make the show seem interesting. Of course, this fails miserably, as do all their other attempts. The best all-action sequence they can come up with is someone grating beets "as fast as they can" because these beets are needed. Desperately needed, or so they imply. Are lives at stake? Will disaster strike if these beets are grated a couple minutes late? That would certainly make it more interesting, but the truth is that the only consequence would be that the cooking show would drag on even longer, and it seems to drag enough as it is.

All that said, have I even watched the show? The answer is no. As usual, my judgement is highly skewed and should be taken with a grain of oregano. But seriously, the whole upper portion is based from a commercial that CONSTANTLY plays during Iron Chef, at least three times per episode. Normally, people try to come up with the most exciting and best parts of shows to feature on commercials to persuade people to watch them. If this is the best the Canadian Living Cooks can manage, I'd hate to see the low moments of the show. Of course, other shows have bad commercials during Iron Chef too, such as the Naked Chef who just appears to be this annoying guy jogging around with a british accent. If the commercial is to be believed, I seem to cook more often than this guy! But even as far as all these go, the Canadian Living Cooks have a truly awful commercial. It would at least be more interesting if they made sweeping controversial statements about the nature of carrots, or were robots built by French's mustard to advertise their product, but no*. Such is not the case. The Canadian Living Cooks may not be shameless, but they are indeed annoying.

* More veiled referances to the Urban Peasant. Take heed!

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