That's where this week's quote comes in. As the final superstitious advice, Uncle tells Jackie to, "Beware of men named Shaimus!" I really hadn't heard of this superstition before, but I'm sure it's been around for quite a while. And upon hearing it, I cannot doubt its truth. You simply cannot trust men named Shaimus. You never know what they may do. As such, I've decided to adopt this as one of my mottos in life. It will probably pay off in the end. Jackie, on the other hand, does not seem to heed this advice. Later on in the episode, Jackie's niece disguises herself as a leprachaun. However, a bunch of Irishmen decide to catch her to get the pot o' gold. As one of the burly men begins chasing her, he murmurs, "You'll never escape from Shaimus!" This superstition stands the test of time. One more thing: You cannot beat a Ninja playing a guitar. It simply can't be done. That's all.
There are many superstitions, a large number based on common sense. There are also many great lines in the Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon show, a great deal of them spoken by Uncle. He's got to be great, since he's Jackie's Uncle as well as being the Uncle of Jackie's niece. No one really knows how that works, but it doesn't matter, since Uncle gets to make many hillarious comments. I believe I have mentioned this topic before, so I'll cut to the chase. This particular quote comes from an episode of Jackie Chan Adventures, involving a cursed Irish gem. This gem seems to contain the 'Curse of Killarny' (or something Irish like it), which brings the holder incredibly bad fortune. Naturally, this gem happens to fall into the hands of our hero, the intrepid Jackie Chan. At first, Jackie is dubious about the curse. However, it takes only a single phone call to confirm its existence. Seconds after taking the gem, Jackie is called (presumably by his bank?) to be told that he is now bankrupt. As Jackie tries to dispell the curse, he is confronted with many instances of cliched bad luck. (For instance, a piano almost falls on him. That's not a coincidence; it's bad luck.) To prepare him for these dangers, Uncle warns him with a bunch of superstitions. Some of these include: "Never stand under a ladder.", "Never put your back to an open door," and "Always wear a belt." Of course, everyone of these sayings comes back to haunt Jackie later on in the episode. However, at least they're all based on common sense. It really isn't a good idea to stand under a ladder, because those things are DANgerous. And you really should wear a belt. The last piece of advice Uncle gives is different, and that's why it's so great.
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