Santa Claus, And Johnny Claus

This is another quote drawn from Johnny Bravo, which, as I've said before many times, is a very funny show. Johnny's such an idiot that the show is funny, especially when he uses his Karate moves on people. Hoo, Ha, Shiva! I was considering which quote to use for the last one for a time. I was going to go for something serious, but then I realised that this quote was awesome, even though it was HORRIBLY out of season. But I ignore season anyway, so it don't matter none.

This quote comes from when Johnny accidentally 'clocks' Santa Claus 'cuz Johnny thinks he's a burglar. Then, Johnny has to do Santa's job, 'cuz Santa can't lift his sac. At the end, when Johnny receives his own presents (will wonders never cease, a pair of boxing gloves and a brand new mouth-piece), he finds a note attached that fills him with fear. "Merry Christmas, you pinhead. Round two is next year." Now isn't that awesome? It do be, says I. Well, so that be all. Too bad I couldn't find a picture of Keith..with that, I could've...ha! Let's just say the quote would've been different.

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