Same Old Roper!

This quote originates from the hugely amusing and highly awesome film, Enter The Dragon, wherein there is a character by the name of Roper. He's just your regular average guy, aside from two things. The first is that he's the king of the links, a confirmed champion of golf. And the other? Well, he's also a kick-ass MARTIAL ARTS MASTER! That's right; these two aspects provide an interesting character in the form of Roper. He's known as the golf king warrior. Typically, he wears a plain grey suit, but sadly, I couldn't find such a picture, so this one would have to do. At one point, the villain tries to corrupt Roper and force him to fight Bruce Lee, at which point he uses the aforementioned quote. Roper was a star!

But that wasn't the only good scene with Roper. In a prior scene, it featured him playing golf. On purpose (there could be no other way) he knocked his ball into the bush, and when he went to retrieve it, he was attacked by all these thugs! Without hesitation, he beat the crap out of them, and then left, without picking up his ball! Roper was a great character, but he wasn't the only one to be found in Enter The Dragon. It also featured Disco King, alias Williams, who looked like a disco king but was also a mighty fighter. I just thought it was a G-REAT movie, but then again, I'm a sucker for Kung-Fu flicks.

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