The Story Behind Sam Rodriguez

Ahhh...Sam Rodriguez..I haven't seen him in years. Or the show that he's in, anyways. Sam Rodriguez was a very small character in "Plastic Man", an old really cheesy cartoon. In this episode, one of the main character walks up to Sam. "Sam Rodriguez...I haven't seen you in years!" The character said. But Sam was taken a step farther.

In one of the numerous role-playing games I attend, one character had in his background something peculiar. Some people he used to know always talked about someone named Sam Rodriguez, saying how they "hadn't seen him in years." The character was intrigued. Who was the mysterious Sam Rodriguez, and what had he been doing for years when he had disappeared? Little did the player know that Sam was merely a red herring and added merely for a few cheap laughs..HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

The adventure continued for a time, and then another one of the characters was beeped by someone they didn't know by the name of Sam Rodriguez. The character who had heard of Rodriguez was instantly, once again, intrigued and he said so to the group at large. Then Roccooo Dillon (yep, he was in this adventure)said that he hadn't seen Sam Rodriguez in years. When he heard this, another character declared that he had not seen Sam Rodriguez in years either. This was a riot!! HAHAHA!

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