Can you guess who this song is referring to? What person can possibly meet all the above conditions? If you wish to know the answer, simply highlight the
area below.
Big Fat Road Manager.
This is actually a song done by the Arrogant Worms, who recently
played a concert in this area. And good it was. I rather like the build-up
they give to this person. If you want to hear more, you should probably buy the
On another front, the picture I used for this quote is not really that of a
Big Fat Road Manager. However, the person in the picture is a bit chubby, talking on a phone and wearing a rather tasteless beige suit. In short,
I could find no better image to represent this quote, which requires no further explaination.
He has a cell-phone and a backstage pass!
He has a large belly and a big fat ass.
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