
Yes, all puns are intended, even encouraged. Well, in attempting to explain this little quote, and the story behind it, allow me to do a little expose story here. It will feature two professors studying at a University. One of them will be called Howie, and the other shall be B.A. Smmis. (No, these characters aren't based on anyone in real life..)

Howie: (enters B.A.'s office) I need to use your computer.
B.A.: (pops out of open trapdoor in floor, soaking wet, quickly closes hatch behind him) What are you doing? No one comes in my office!
Howie: (Pulls out puzzle from his jacket) B.A...Put it together!
(Howie gives the puzzle to B.A., who stares at it, baffled, for a few moments, before attempting to put it together. And failing, might I add. During this time, Howie finishes his business on the computer and leaves.)

And there you have it. Oh, and any resemblance to living or dead people is strictly coincidental. So you can sorta see how that one works out. Of course, originally, this quote is from Naked Gun 33 and a 1/3, a rather funny movie. In it, the police chief gives one of his officers a puzzle to distract him and uses said quote. I've always wanted to pull something like that off someday. Well, there's always tomorrow..hehe..or should I say, 'T-Morrow'.


B.A.: I just don't get it! I can't get Grover's face to look right in this puzzle! Well, I'm going home. (B.A. opens up the trapdoor, slips into the water therein, and swims back to his basement, leaving the half finished puzzle on his desk..)

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