Pirates are great. They really are. I mean, c'mon, they wear eyepatches! Even when they don't need them! Now that's just cool. That way, they can constantly change which eye is supposed to be axed, thus confusing their opponents. And then there's the puffy shirts they have to wear. I believe there was some referance to this in Seinfeld, and I have to agree with whoever it was' opinion that everyone should want to look like pirates! They've even got the hat. Of course, wearing a hat with a skull and crossbones might sort of give you away as a nasty ner'do well, but it would still be the latest fashion statement! Pirates have ships too, along with their famous Jolly Roger. And then there's Dead Tom, but I better not even get in to that. Let's not forget the best part about Pirates, their salty sea dog speech! They always say 'Arrr' and 'Give me rum' etc. A normal person who talked in that fashion would be denoted as a goof, to say the least. But since they're blood-thirsty pirates, they can get away with it. The long and the short of this is that pirate ways should come back into style. I mean, Disco's coming back, so why not pirates?
Alright, so the above doesn't really explain the quote. Well, not at all, really. Nevertheless, I just felt like posting a rant about Pirate seadogs. I can't believe I didn't even mention the Hooks and Peg-Legs. Down and dirty, I just want to say that part of the quote (the thing about flibbering jibbets) is from the Garfield Halloween Special. A great show, that. Furthermore, the picture is of Cervantes, from the video game Soul Blade, another object of great quality. Arrr me mateys, I be off to sail the seven seas! Where's my rum?
It should be noted that the return of disco is still in doubt, and the inevitableness of its return as mentioned by this writer is merely his opinion..I just had to say that. ;)