Hoo boy! This one's gonna be even harder to explain than they usually are. Suffice to say I heard the Phantom of the Opera songs a while ago, and found a couple lines particularly memorable. Be it for their stupidity, or resonance, I know not. But I digress. At one point, the Phantom says 'Monsieu I bid you welcome..' And that's a line I remember well. Number one, it's just cool and funny how he says it. Number 2, well, c'est la francais! What, is the phantom suddenly deciding to burst into French for no apparent reason? The weird thing is, that's done many times. Sometimes people say stuff in Spanish or Italieno. So what's with them? They suddenly feel like switching languages? That's quite a... coincidence. Almost..uncanny. It's a plot, I tell you! A vast conspiracy with a plan to no less than confuse the entire globe's lingustic system!
At this point, you're probably wondering what's funny about this quote. Well, I've noticed that it's a particularly good thing to say when you pop out of a hiding place and jump at someone. And then you bid them welcome. I jest not, for I have done such a thing!